Scheduled: 20:00 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
One show, triple billing, held in the school's 3,500 seat Crenshaw Gymnasium. Steel Mill (who were paid $650) have second billing to headliner, Chicago Transit Authority (who were paid $3,000). Richmond band Natural Wildlife open the show. This concert had an unusual 'alternating sets' structure. Chicago performed two 45 minute sets and Steel Mill played about 45 minutes after each of Chicago's sets. Very strange indeed. The concert was not a sellout. Press surrounding this show used the name Child, not Steel Mill, although posters may have been adjusted to accommodate the new band name. A contributor to an article on the Richmond Times-Dispatch website writes: "As a senior at Randolph-Macon College in 1970, I couldn't believe my good fortune that both Chicago and Iron Butterfly were to play our tiny college gym on the same weekend. Little did I know that Bruce Springsteen would also play on that weekend. I can't remember which of the superstar groups Steel Mill opened for, but I do recall that most of the post-weekend buzz was over the phenomenal performance of the leader of this virtually unknown group and not the heavy hitters who headlined."
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