Scheduled: 20:00 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
One show, double bill, with Springsteen headlining and country-rock band Highway opening. This was a Jewish Community sponsored dance orchestrated by the Young Hebrew Association (YWHA), who utilized the park facility as its clubhouse. Although the poster billing "Bruce Springsteen" implies a possible solo performance, it wasn't. The billing reflects the fact that Bruce had no settled band (or band name) at this point. Springsteen utilized a four-piece backing band for this show and according to the most reliable recollections its line-up consisted of Steven Van Zandt, Vini Lopez, Garry Tallent, and David Sancious. Apparently the entire show (including Highway) was audience audio recorded by the head Rabbi… then accidentally erased soon afterward!
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