Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
The date of this show has been unconfirmed for a long time, all we knew was that it took place some time during summer 1971. This show has been known about since 2013, when Jeannie Clark (Fisher) has recalled the day now uncovering this previously-unknown gig, but further information is now available from a recently-discovered Asbury Park Press article. Five hours of folk music came from Albee Tellone and Tinker West, Large & Nash, Jane, Mel Leyton, Basil, and Jeannie Clark. As the night started to close in, Springsteen, Steve Van Zandt, on acoustic slide guitar, Kevin Kavanaugh on piano, and Vini Lopez on soda cans filled with pebbles, took to the stage for an acoustic jam.
Jeannie Clark Post-Show Performance
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