Scheduled: 20:30 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
No more setlist details known. One show, double bill, with Springsteen and band headlining and local horn-based rock outfit Satan's Jury opening. Held in the CBA gymnasium. A contributor to Greasy Lake recalls "Blinded By The Light" was played. Another recalls the following: "Three things I remember about this show… First was hearing him be introduced as "Columbia recording artist Bruce Springsteen" Second was the way he led into "Blinded By The Light" saying "This is the single off our album which has already flopped!" And third, he did what he called a high school fade out, where he and the band actually faded the end of a song live. It was funny and also very well done. He did have his entire band there with him and I believe Tinker did the sound. It was a fun night!" This two-hour-plus show included a special guest performance on congas by Richard Blackwell, a couple of months later Blackwell provided the conga backing on the officially issued studio version of "New York City Serenade". This is one of only two known appearances by Springsteen and the Band at a high school venue (the other was a benefit at Choate School on April 10, 1976). Photographs of the show are in the CBA Pegasus 1973 Yearbook.
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