Scheduled: 20:00 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
One show, double bill, held in the Villanova Field House, with Springsteen and band co-headlining with Jackson Browne, two future Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame members on the same bill for a mere $4 admission fee! Springsteen opened and Jackson Browne closed, but both gave headliner-length 90-minute performances. Once alluded to by Browne in interview as "a truly magical night," this show was also referred to in Springsteen’s speech inducting Browne into the Hall of Fame. Incredibly, there was no post-concert review of this concert in Villanova's school newspaper, but the event was considered a "financial success" by the Villanova Union. Albee Tellone has noted that before this show, Springsteen and Browne jammed together, with Springsteen playing The Eagles' "Peaceful Easy Feeling".
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