Scheduled: ??:?? Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
Some or all of this show was filmed in black and white by Barry Rebo. The first two tracks listed (the opening pairing) were shown by Thom Zimny at the Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame discussion in June 2009. "New York City Serenade" was also shown to the public at "An Evening With Thom Zimny" at Monmouth University on September 23, 2014. Both were shown again at the Springsteen Archives screening on April 27, 2019. Footage of "Walking The Dog" was shown at the "Stories From The Road" TeachRock fundraiser at Asbury Lanes on August 22, 2024, revealing that Southside Johnny guested on harmonica during that song. Two brief snippets of "4th Of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)" (with audio) can also be seen in the documentary Bruce Springsteen: In His Own Words, which was first broadcast in December 2016 on Channel 4 in the UK. Short clips have also been seen in various promotional videos, and in the Wings For Wheels documentary on the Born To Run 30th Anniversary Edition box set, most notably showing David Sancious during "New York City Serenade". Peter Ames Carlin goes into some detail about this show in chapter 11 of Bruce, listing two other songs, "Spirit In The Night" and "Thundercrack". Carlin even transcribes some of Springsteen's spoken introductions as well as describing the events on stage, suggesting he had the opportunity to view Rebo's footage. The final song listed, "Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)", is courtesy of an attendee.
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