10.03.74 Houston, TX, intro to ´The Fever´
´´We’re gonna try something now, something….this is a song we haven’t done in about a year but we found out that they sent a demo….down here….yeah, bring out the rest of the band ….we’ll give it a try for you, hope we’ll remember….you know (?)….it’s a song we did about a year ago, no, we did it when we were recording the second album….as a demo tape for….to demo, I don’t know what for (chuckles) (?) and uh….and uh, they sent the tape, they sent the tape down here and I guess KLF has been playing…who?….is that wrong ? (Bruce means KILT)….sorry, folks but….but whoever, the radio station….is everybody here ?…. we’re gonna give it a try for you…..(plays the opening riff)…..sneaky mother of a song (chuckles)….”
10.03.74 Houston, TX, intro to ‘Spirit in the Night’
”We got to do this song every time we play or else we hasn’t played…..during the week , the kids, they live like shadows and they dance like spirits through the night….
(…) Wild Billy was a crazy cat and he shook some dust out of his cowboy hat…"
10.03.74 Houston, TX, after ‘Give Me That Wine’
(Clarence : ´I don’t really drink wine….really´)(laughs)….”
10.03.74 Houston, TX, intro to ´Something You Got´
´´This is an oldie…..it’s a song by Chris Kenner….we did it on the radio the other day….I’m gonna do it just for Mike (?)…”
10.03.74 Houston, TX, towards the end of "It's Hard to Be a Saint in the City"
"When you're walking down 8th Avenue all alone on a hot night in August…you feel the tension in the air…you're walking down the street, you turn the corner…watchout for that gun!…it's the cops!…"
10.03.74 Houston, TX, end of "It's Hard to Be a Saint in the City"
"Watchout for the cops!…"
10.03.74 Houston, TX, middle of ´She´s So Fine (Ride on Sweet William)´
And so she gets in my car and I take her home….she lives on 16th and E Street (chuckles) steps out of the car and she goes up the driveway, into the house and she’s gone….but, but that can’t be the end of this story, right….the door….´cause you know, I’m sittin’in the driveway…and the door opens a little bit and….(?)…and comes out with a suitcase….she’s all packed ….and she´s gonna come with me!….”
10.03.74 Houston, TX, intro to "Thundercrack"
"This next song is a song we haven't done, we haven't done down here yet and, uh…it's not a new song, we've been doing it a little while…it goes "Her…brains they rattle…
(…) Over to the far right of the stage we got the little Mr. Maestro himself, the Prince of Passaic (?) New Jersey, when the man plays the keys, the little teenyboppers fall right… they fall left…they fall right…they fall left…they fall down…to their knees…from Flemington, New Jersey, on the organ and accordion, Daniel Federici, yeah! (crowd cheers)…now on the bass guitar we got a man whose mother was a Tallent, whose father was a Tallent, whose sister was a Tallent, whose brother is a Tallent and whose great-great-grandfather is a great, great Tallent, from Long Branch, New Jersey, on the bass guitar, the Funky Chicken, Mr. Garry W. Tallent (crowd cheers) back on the piano we got a man who's twenty years old, digits of solid gold, from Belmont, New Jersey, Mr. Dave Sancious (crowd cheers) back on the drums we got a man who comes to you straight from the Little Royal Review, Ernest "Boom" Carter on the drums (crowd cheers) and of course last but not least a man who might laugh, joke, chew or eat or smoke those cornflakes but he don't mess around, the Duke of Paducah, the Kahuna of surf and soul, on the tenor saxophone, Mr. Clarence Clemons (crowd cheers)…"
10.03.74 Houston, TX, intro to "For You"
"(?) have a nice round of applause for my band (applauds) it's just a beautiful band (crowd cheers) and I wanna thank - this is the last set and I wanna thank everybody in the crowd, I know there's people that have been here two or three times, you know, and I wanna thank you very much, I wanna let you know how we really appreciate it because it's the first time we've been down here and everybody was worried about what we were gonna do, what was gonna happen and, uh, it's like, it's, you've been just the best crowd we've ever played to, really, you know (crowd cheers) and that's the truth, that's the truth, you know, that's not…that's not a bunch of jive, that's the truth, you know…(someone in the crowd yells out) Yeah, we're gonna be, we're gonna be in Austin next week (some cheers) at the, uh, Armadillo, I guess, Headquarters, and then we're gonna be in Dallas, and then we're gonna be in Phoenix and I think out to L.A…but I can't imagine it being any better than this right here so thank you very much (crowd cheers) this is something I wanna do for youse, it's a song off the first album and I wanna dedicate it to everybody that's been down here and to both radio stations and just say thank you very much, this is something for you…
(…) "Like Superman, you could leap tall buildings in a single bound…"
10.03.74 Houston, TX, middle of "Rosalita"
"This is Texas…so are you ready to draw?…"
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi