Scheduled: 18:00 Local Start Time 22:30 / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
One show, a six-hour quadruple billing extravaganza, with Springsteen & The E Street Band headlining. Support acts were Michael Stanley, The Banky Brothers Band and 15-60-75 (aka The Numbers Band). Held in the 5,000 seat Memorial Gymnasium. Originally scheduled for May 5. The show was well-attended, but was not a sellout. The second-billed Michael Stanley (and his band) opened the festivities with a 90-minute performance, followed by the two local bands, each of which played 60-minute sets - culminating in Springsteen & The E Street Band taking the stage at 10:30pm and playing for two hours. According to the contract documentation, the ticket price was $2.00. The listed partial setlist is from an attendee recollection.
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