Scheduled: ??:?? Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
One show, double bill, with Springsteen & The E Street Band headlining and NJ-based outfit Mother, Flag And Country opening. Bruce's only ever performance in Delaware. The Stone Balloon was a new 900-seat club catering for students at the University Of Delaware. This was a make-up date for a scheduled July appearance that had been postponed due to studio commitments. Despite the show being a sell-out, a large crowd turned up hoping in vain to obtain standing room tickets, these people hung around all evening in street party mode, causing some nervousness among nearby residents. The Stone Balloon's then owner-manager Bill Stevenson has commented: "when Newark's Police Chief paid a visit around 2.00am he asked "when is this guy supposed to stop?" Complete setlist details are not known but the two listed tracks are noted in a review of the show. It seems unlikely that "Born To Run" was performed. Over the years much folklore seems to have also developed surrounding the length of this show. There were technical difficulties that caused over a two hour delay between the finish of Mother God & Country's set and the start of the Springsteen set, resulting in Bruce & The E Street Band not taking the stage until after midnight. Bruce made up for the hassles with a magnificent two-hour show, but not the four to five hour performance of urban legend!
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