Scheduled: 20:00 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
One show, held in Leonard Gym, with Springsteen & the E Street Band the sole act on the bill. The 14-song setlist listed seems to represent the complete show. According to the school website, "1,200 lucky concertgoers were treated to four hours of tunes. Tickets were free to students, included in their $27 activity fee." Current evidence suggests this show included Bruce's debut of Elvis's "Wear My Ring Around Your Neck", which would turn up during encores for the next month. A Brucebase reader comments: "The best rock show I've ever seen and the best of the 12 Springsteen shows I've seen from '73 - '96. The show was so great it could have cured a terminal disease." Another reader comments: "It was my first Bruce show and it blew me away. Bruce came out and gave a 'there are contenders, there are pretenders but there was only one King of rock 'n roll' speech and proceeded into an Elvis song during which he fell to the floor and did the horizontal Curly Shuffle, doing circles on the floor with leg kicks. Amazing, made me a fan for life." Yet another Brucebase reader comments: "It truly was a life-altering event. I ran back home to Philly and drove to the War Memorial show a few days later to see if what I had just witnessed was an aberration… and of course it wasn't. That was it for me." The school's yearbook mistakenly dates this show as November 23, 1975.
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