Scheduled: 23:30 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
Second of two separate admission shows. The 19-song setlist listed has been supplied by a contributor to Killing Floor. The identity of the "instrumental" is uncertain, but it could be "A Love So Fine". A fan remembers: "We had tickets for both shows on August 17 so they let us stay between shows. We grabbed the seats right at Bruce's feet for the finale. It was the first time that I noticed that Bruce's sneakers didn't match. He sang half of "Spirit In The Night" sprawled out on our table. I remember letting a photographer come in a take a bunch of photos while leaning on me and crouching between our seats. Years later I found out how good he was when I discovered the classic photo of my wife staring up at Bruce in Hilburn's book (somewhere around page 84). Rolling Stone used it for the inside cover in the Greatest Shows of All Time issue, Hendrix at Monterrey was the cover. Several years after that another shot of Christine turned up on Legends on VH-1 as well as a great shot of my best friend and I from the early show."
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