Scheduled: 20:30 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
The listed partial setlist (it's missing two or three songs) is from the recollection of Brucebase reader (and show attendee) Keith, who also noted that "Meeting Across The River" may have been performed. Another Brucebase reader recollects "It's My Life" being played. "The E Street Shuffle" makes its last known appearance until 2000. "Thunder Road" is the slow version with Roy on piano and Bruce on harmonica and vocals. A then-member of the school's concert committee has told Brucebase: "We were incredibly lucky. We signed the contract with Springsteen's management in early September, just as his new album hit the shops, but before it climbed in the charts, we got him for just a couple of grand, but if we'd waited a few weeks the price would have been maybe 10 times that and way out of our budget range. The old Davis Gym had a 2,200 capacity but the way Springsteen's crew demanded the set-up meant we only had about 1,800 tickets available. We did all this pre-promotion that ended up being totally unnecessary. It was the first time I ever witnessed scalping. It was a massive night around campus - pre and post concert parties everywhere. The buzz lasted for a week."
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