Intro to "It´s My Life"
´´Well, I grew up, I grew up in this small town, was about 10,000 people….and my Mom….she used to, she worked as a secretary downtown in one of the big office buildings and my Pop, he used to, he worked at the plastics´ factory for a while, he was a guard at the jail for a little while, he worked in this, he worked in this this big rugmill, used to employ a lot of people in town till they, till they closed down so….I always remember he´d be home a lot…. and soon, soon as I got about 16, I used to get off to New York as much as I could….(?)…I used to stay up there, stay up there till either the money ran out or the cops´d catch us just sleeping in Port Authority and they´d call down your folks or something….and my Pop, I always remember he used to, every night 9 o´clock, he used to shut off all the lights in the house….and he used to sit in the kitchen….just drink beers, smoke cigarettes….and my, my mom, she used to sit in the front room, just the TV on and watch… TV all night till she fell asleep in the chair….my father´d bring her upstairs, then she´d get up, go to work in morning….so I always knew as much….just as long as I could spend in the city, I knew that when I´d come back, that my father´d always be sitting at that kitchen table in the dark waiting for me to come back home….so I´d stand out there…..I stand in the driveway and he´d lock up the frontdoor so I couldn´t come in ´round the front….and I´d stand there in the driveway and I could see the light of his cigarette through the screen door….sometimes I´d just stand there….till finally, finally I´d slick my hair back real tight and hope I could make it through the kitchen and make it to my room before he stopped me….and he´d wait, he´d wait till I hit that bottom stair and he´d call my name to come back and sit down with him in the dark….and talk to him ´bout things that was on his mind….and I always remember sitting there….(?)….I could always hear his voice but I could never see his face….never see his face ….we’d start off talking about nothing much… was I doing in school, how things were going…..pretty soon he’d be asking me where I was getting my money from…..who I was going out with, what I thought I was doing with myself….pretty soon we’d end up screaming at each other, my mother’d be running up from the frontroom to try and pull him off me, trying to keep us from fighting with each other….and I’d, and I´d always end up, end up running out the backdoor screaming, telling him, telling him, telling him, telling him how it was my life and I could do what I wanted to do…..”
Intro to "Thunder Road"
´´(?) this is for (?) and all the Cleveland boys….this is for you…..”
Intro to "She´s the One"
´´I was reading the papers the other day and….I found out that they were….. excavating over in Europe, at the site of a proposed Holiday Inn….and as they dug into the earth….they found a tomb….and they traced the beat back all the way to the beginning of the universe…. when the sun collided….with a ´60 Impala….and the Earth rolled out of the trunk….”
Middle of "Backstreets"
´´Just me and you, baby….just me and you, baby….oh, we could steal away….baby, me and you could steal away….we could slip away….we could slip away….I´d take…..I´d take all my money out of the bank….I´d quit my job and you´d quit your job….yeah….we could steal…. we could steal away….we could, uh, hit, hit, uh, knock over a 7-11 store….and steal away ….we could slip away….we could….we could steal away….we could slip away….we could slip away….who´s gonna miss us ? nobody´s gonna know….we could steal away….steal away….steal away…..we could run, run, run, run, run….we could run, run, run, run, run….we could run, run, run, run, run….we could run, run….and if we don´t make it….and if we didn´t make it….it don´t really matter….”
Middle of "Growin´Up"
´´There I was….all by myself, 3 o´clock in the morning….back home driving my car down this old backroad (?)….and I was sort of dozing off at the wheel when all of a sudden something came blasting out of the sky, this big flashing light came right in front of me….I hit the brakes, I skidded off the road into this swamp….the car dug in, buried up to, buried up to its rims and I got out….and I looked in the field….and there was this thing sitting there glowing, all silver, shaped like a hot dog with sauerkraut….so like I moved up a little closer ….and as I got to about ten feet to the door, this, this door opened wide up and out came this guy doing this Michael Renny impersonation, dressed up in silver, 6-inch high silver platform heels, a silver spacehuit, a mohican haircut (chuckles)….his teeth shaved into a point….and like I was all muddy and wet and I was scared and he looked at me and said…..´Earth person ….you got, you got one wish´, I said ´Oh boy´…so I thought real hard….figured I needed a new trans´ but no, that´s, that´s not enough, figured…..some racing slicks, no, that´s, no, that´s too small-time….so I thought real hard and I said ´Mister…Mister Spaceman, uh….I wanna be….I wanna be…..I wanna be…..I wanna be a rock and roll star´….and he pointed his finger at me and man….”
Intro to "Tenth Avenue Freeze Out"
´´And we got, we got a surprise, we got a treat….we got with us tonight from the Las Vegas of New Jersey, Asbury Park, the magnificent Miami Horns….suits by Mr.Miami….. (chuckles) they´re gonna help us do the ´Tenth´….”
Intro to "Rosalita"
´´Everybody, everybody, is everybody here in college ? (cheers) yeah ?….I guess that means everybody went to high school, right….I was home, I went to my mother's house the other day, I was, right, in California and like and she says 'You wanna look at your yearbook ?', you know, and, and I said, uh….'No, Mom, I don't wanna look at that, I don't wanna look at my yearbook now', she says ´Come on, come on, look at it', I say 'Ok, ok'….(?) she gets it out and, like, the cover was all chewed up, right, the dog got it, right… was all messed up, right….and like, the reason I'm saying this is 'cause this next song is a song, I used to play this song, used to be real happy when I played it but like now you see, this girl….I wrote this song about, like I shaved off my beard and she left me, you know….but I got, but I got the yearbook and in it, it said, like, you know, ´Oh Bruce´, you know, 'Good luck, I hope we stay together forever', you know, 'I know we'll never part', you know, and uh, you know, 'It feels so good when you touch me ', stuff like that, you know (chuckles) right, so, like, you know, it is, you know, it´s, it's still forever, right, but we're not together, like, she went off with this….she ran off with this cat that owns this gas-station down on the beach, right (?) …..but that's, you know….I mean, I can take the blows, you know (chuckles)….but wherever she is, I still love her so….so Rosie, wherever, come out tonight….
(….) (the music stops) This is the resting part….(music continues)….I wanna hear you…. ´cause we got a long line of stars with us tonight…..on the piano, Professor Roy Bittan…. play it, Roy….on the guitar, we´ve got producer, artiste, writer, a man who´s brought you such great hits as ´Sweeter than Honey´, ´I Don´t Wanna Go Home´, on the guitar, Miami Steve….(?)….on the bass guitar, say it with me, man….say with me….Garry….W….Tallent…. on the drums, the mighty man, the Mighty Max….on the organ, Phantom Dan Federici….play it, Dan….last but not least…..the king of the world….the master of the motherfucking universe….Mr.Hollywood….your next President….the Big Man, on the saxophone, Clarence Clemons….”
Intro to "Sandy"
´´Oh…..(chuckles) I wanna thank everybody for coming down to the show, thank you all very much, and….it´s the first time we´ve been here, this is, this is pretty wild (?)….here´s to you everybody, here´s to all the girls out here in the front row (laughs) here´s from Asbury Park, with love….”
Intro to "Raise Your Hand"
´´(The Miami Horns come back onstage) We told you that they´d be back and there they are….you can´t say we didn´t warn you (chuckles)….(?)(chuckles) gimme a E-S-T-R-E-E-T, what´s that spell ?…what´s that spell ? ….what´s that spell ?…raise your hand because it´s real….”
Intro to "The Promise"
´´Thank you, thank you so much….here´s a song that´ll be on, uh, on the next album…..I guess….´soon as we´re done with this tour, I´m gonna go back and get right down on it ´quick as I can (chuckles)….this is….this is a song called ´The Promise´….”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |