Scheduled: 20:00 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
"Something In The Night" now arranged into third tour variation, with another rewritten last verse (utilized for the remainder of the tour). "Growin' Up" includes the spaceman story. "Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)" includes a snippet of "Theme From Shaft" in the midsection. Gary U.S. Bonds, whom Bruce had met for the first time a week or so before, guests on a moving "Quarter To Three", which includes a bit of "Twistin' The Night Away" in the midsection.
No Handwritten or Printed Setlist available. |
© All credits to the original photographer. We do not monetize a photo in any way, but if you want your photo to be removed, let us know, and we will remove it.
Audience tape. Released on CDR 'Twisting The Night Away' (Red Rose) and also available on CDR from the master cassettes as part of the 'Original Master Series' (Fanatic).

29.10.76 New York City, NY, intro to ´It’s My Life’
´´I used to live in this two-family house……in this small town… door to this Sinclair’s Station…..and….my mom, she used to work…..she was a secretary….she worked downtown ….and my pop, he was……he worked in a plastics’factory and drove a truck for a while….. sometimes he worked as a guard at the jail…..lot of times he used to stay home….I used to have this bedroom……there was this roof, roof right off my bedroom, I remember in summertime I used to….drag my mattress outside and…. sleep outside on that roof…..right next door to the gas-station, the station used to close up ‘bout one o’clock…..all night long…. there’d be guys driving in… pulling out….meeting somebody there (?)….and so ´soon as I hit….´soon as I hit 16, I used to….get out of the house as much as I could…..used to come up to the city….take Lincoln Transit…..I’d stay with some friends up here… and this cat Vinny used to just….we used to work down , downtown in the small clubs sometimes…..if we didn’t have a place to stay , we’d just walk around Times Square all night long….(?) cops…..(?) call our pops….send us home on a bus…. and the older I got the more I used to stay away….as long as I lived in that house I…. used to know that I’d always have to go back home, (?) my pop, used to shut off all the lights 9 o´clock every night every light in the house….sit at the kitchen table….with a six-pack, smoke cigarettes…. my mom, she’d sit in the front room…..she´d set her hair, sit in the chair, watch TV, just the TV light on…..until she fell asleep…..go back to work the next morning…. I remember my pop used to get…..get so pissed off if anybody came in and turned the light on (?)… I knew that…..´long as I could stay away, I always had to …..I would still be going back there, him sitting at that table waiting for me to come in….. he used to lock up….used to lock up the frontdoor so that me and my sister couldn’t come in ‘round the front… I remember I’d get off the bus…..walk through town….walk through town again….just keep walking around till I…. found myself standing in the driveway…..looking in through the screen door, I could see the light of his cigarette at the kitchen table…..I would slick my hair back real tight….so he couldn’t tell…. how long it was…..step up on the porch and try to make it through the kitchen to my room…. and the old man used to wait till I hit the bottom step….and he´d call my name just once….I had to go back and sit with him at that table in the kitchen… the dark, listen to him telling me ….telling me stuff, you know….the many nights that we sat there, I could always…..I could always hear his voice telling me…..but I could never….I could never…..I could never see his face….we’d start talking about nothing……how was I doing…..pretty soon he’d be asking me why….I´d be gone so long, where I was getting my money from….we’d end up screaming at each other…..he’d tell me I was just wasting myself away….my mother’d end up running in from the frontroom trying to keep us from fighting each other, trying to pull him off me…..and I’d end up pulling away and running out the backdoor screaming at him….. telling him…..telling him so he knew….that it was my life….and I was gonna do what I wanted to do…..”
29.10.76 New York City, NY, intro to ‘Something in the Night’
´´(?)….Miami Steve, Miami’s got his red suit on tonight, he always plays better in the red suit …I figured it out last night he played in his white suit, you know….if you play in a white suit, you feel to clean, right, like you feel (?) you´re afraid you can´t move (?) this is a song….uh, this song, it’s a new song…..and uh….should be, should be on the brand new album….it’s gonna be brand new, you know (?), you know it’s like (chuckles)….it seems like ages….(?) but I don´t know, man, it´s like, it´s a trip, I wanna tell youse….you know, you gotta….deal with all these different, uh (?) to get it out but anyway, this is a new song, I’ll get it out right now, alright (chuckles)….(?)….here´s ‘Something in the Night’ ….”
29.10.76 New York City, NY, middle of ‘Backstreets’
´´Just me and you, baby….just me and you, girl….we could steal away….we could slip away….we could steal away….we could get away….we could steal away….we could steal away….I’d take all my money out of the bank…’d quit your job….(?)….we’ll just steal away in the morning when we hear the bells….(?)….we hear the bells…..we could steal away ….take you down to church….could steal away….we could go…..we could go ….we could go ….we can…..we could go…we could go….we could go…..”
29.10.76 New York City, NY, middle of ‘Growin’Up’
´´There I was…..14 years ago….to the night……that’s right…..I was driving….in my old man’s car….I was with this girl, we were out on this back road…..I used to take these girls out, take ‘em down these dark back roads… know, like I’d shut off all the headlights, shut off all the interior lights, I’d scare ‘em and stuff…I’d been out all night long, right, been out all night long….went to this dance with nothing happening, slow night, didn’t have no money…didn’t have no job, figured I’d….go down this dark road, I’d least….. least like I’d scare this girl and like the night wouldn’t be a total waste, you know… ….I go down this back road……and like….I was complaining and moaning ´cause I didn’t have no money and I was thinking of doing something rash like looking for work or something, you know, try and find a job, I said ´No, that´s not my style´….so…, all of a sudden just as we’re on the darkest part of the road….all of a sudden out of the sky ….came this thing, came shooting down out of the sky, sideswiped my car, I hit the brakes ….went skidding into the swamps….I hit my head on the dashboard…. hit my nose on the steering wheel…. that´s why it looks like this (chuckles)…. and then….and then I looked over into the field and there it was, was like this big, uh….was shaped like a hot dog and it was like silver and humming and, you know, sort of like, sorta like in the, in the movies, you know (?) and I got out (?) the girl was screaming, she was mad (?) and I walked over to this, I stood there for a few minutes…..and this guy, the door opened up, this guy came out in this silver spacesuit with big 16 inch platform heels, right (?) so I knew he was ok, this is a man I could talk to, I could reason with….so I said ´Listen, mister, you sideswiped my car, you scared my girlfriend…..what´s you gonna do about it, you know ? ´ ….so he had a towbar in the back of his spaceship, he hooked up to my car….pulled me out of the mud, right, (?) fixed the bodywork, right, fixed it up and he says ´Hey, it´s nice being here on Mars´, he says to me…..I said ´Man, no, no, this ain´t Mars, you got the wrong place, you came to the wrong (?), this is New Jersey´….he says ´Listen, you´re ok, man, is there anything I can do for you before I go back ?´, I said ´Yeah, yeah, can you, can you, maybe you could, Mr.Spaceman, think you could hook me up, uh, with a new guitar ´cause I wanna be, ´cause I wanna be, ´cause I wanna be a rock and roll star ?´….”
29.10.76 New York City, NY, intro to ´Rosalita´
"(?)(chuckles) oh….oh….this is uh….a song I wrote about four years ago….I was going out with this girl, I was going out with her for a long time, since high school and stuff….you know, like uh….I go to my mother´s house, you know, and like she wrote, every time I go over to see my mother, she makes me look at my yearbook, you know, she says 'Come, sit down look at the yearbook with me', I say 'Aw, Ma, I look at that thing every time I come over here ', ok, so I sit down and I look at it and on the first page, like the dog ate the cover off it, but on the first page, on the inside there's this stuff, like from this girl, you know, I forgot she wrote me, you know and it was stuff like, uh, you know, uh 'Good luck´, uh, 'in the future and I know that we'll always be in love and at least, you know, my half will' and, and stuff like, like uh, you know 'When, when you touch me, it feels like nobody else' and uh, you know this is, you know, embarrassing stuff, you know, but it's like, but and she wrote all this stuff ´We'll be together forever´ and stuff and she ran off with this guy that owes this gas station down (?)….like, you know, people like, you know, these are life's little lessons, you know it's like (chuckles) forever, it's (chuckles) that's such a long time sometimes (chuckles) but in my heart I still love her so….so wherever she is tonight…Rosie, come out tonight….
(….) You folks are lucky tonight….we´ve got a long line of stars…..and right now….we´re gonna bring ´em up….we´ve got from Las Vegas of Asbury Park, New Jersey…, from Las Vegas, New Jersey, Asbury Park, the Miami Horns…..they are most ridicilous….(?) ….on the piano….put your hands together, for Professor Roy Bittan….(?) on the guitar, artiste, composer, producer, manager….who brought you such hits as ´Sweeter than Honey´, ´I Don´t Wanna Go Home´, the magnificent Miami Steve….on bass guitar, Garry W.Tallent….on th drums, the Mighty Max….on the organ, Phantom Dan Federici….play it, Dan…..last but not least…..the king of the world….the master of the universe….your next President….Mr.Hollywood….star of stage and screen…..the Big Man himself, on the saxophone, Mr.Clarence Clemons…..”
29.10.76 New York City, NY, intro to ´Quarter to Three´
"Alright, we´re gonna do a song (?) ever since I was, you know, old enough to listen to a record, made some of the greatest sounding rock and roll records I think that were ever made and uh, he´s gonna come out do this song, Mr.Gary U.S.Bonds….”
29.10.76 New York City, NY, intro to ´Sandy´ (following ´Quarter to Three´)
"Man, when I´d wake up in the middle of the night, I´d put that record on and drive everybody in the house fucking nuts….(?)….anyway….this is, this is for you all from Asbury Park, New Jersey….”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi
Sorry, no Eyewitness-report available.
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