Scheduled: 20:00 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
The only ever guest appearance by Patti Smith at a Springsteen concert, on a customized, one-off, arrangement of "Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)". Brucebase reader Cliff comments: "I was on the floor taking pictures and saw a commotion in front of the stage… I don't think security knew who Patti Smith was. It took a minute or two before Bruce motioned to let her come up". Patti Smith rants/sings during a special interlude break in "Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)", with the horns playing what sounds like the riff to "Shotgun" and Springsteen providing a "Land Of 1000 Dances" chant, as well as the usual "Theme From Shaft" snippet. "Growin' Up" features the spaceman story.
No Handwritten or Printed Setlist available. |
incl. Rehearsals.
- 1978-09-17 Palladium, New York City, NY
- 1978-09-16 Palladium, New York City, NY
- 1978-09-15 Palladium, New York City, NY
- 1976-11-04 Palladium, New York City, NY
- 1976-11-03 Palladium, New York City, NY
- 1976-11-02 Palladium, New York City, NY
- 1976-10-30 Palladium, New York City, NY
- 1976-10-29 Palladium, New York City, NY
- 1976-10-28 Palladium, New York City, NY
© All credits to the original photographer. We do not monetize a photo in any way, but if you want your photo to be removed, let us know, and we will remove it.
Sorry, no Media available.
Audience tape. Available on CDR from the master cassettes as part of the 'Original Master Series' (Fanatic).

30.10.76 New York City, intro to ´It´s My Life´
´´I grew up in this small town, was about 10,000 people, I lived in this two-family….this two-family house next, next to this Sinclair station….and….I used to have this roof right out my bedroom window, my bedroom was facing the main highway….in the summertime when it used to get real hot, I used to climb out the window, drag mattress….sleep outside (?)….and they used to shut the gas-station around one o´clock….and all night long….there´d be different guys pulling in….meeting somebody there, pulling out onto the highway….trucks rolling through town…..and I remember as soon as I´d get up….soon as I got old enough….I used to come up to the city as much as I could, I´d stay with some friends here, I´d stay down at….stayed down at the beach (?)….and my Pop….well, he was, he worked in this plastics´factory and he was….was a guard down at the jail and….a lot of times he spent, spent most of his nights at home and I remember he, every night he used to….shut off all the lights in the house at nine o´clock….the only light in the house would be the TV, my mother´d be sitting in the frontroom watching the TV….till she fell asleep in the chair, get up to go to work the next morning and my father, he´d be sitting in the kitchen, drinking a six-pack, smoking cigarettes…..just waiting for me and my sister to come back home….and the older I got, the more I, the more I stayed away….but I always knew I´d always have to come back and when I did, he´d be sitting there at that kitchen table in the dark….just waiting to hear my footsteps coming up on that porch….and I used to stand in the driveway ´cause he used to lock up the frontdoor so I couldn´t get in that way and I used to stand in the driveway, look through the screen door and see the light, see the light of his cigarette….see the blue light of the TV on in the livingroom….thinking about when I was gonna be old enough….I´d end up slicking my hair back real tight so he couldn´t tell how long it was…. trying to make it through the kitchen….but soon as I hit that bottom step of the stairs, he´d be calling me to come back and sit down in the dark….and we´d be sitting there in the kitchen…. and in the wintertime he used to turn the gas-jets on in the stove so it got real hot in there, he´d close the kitchen door and we´d sit there and he….I remember I could always hear his voice telling me….telling me….just telling me….but I could never….I could never see his face….then he’d start talking about nothing too much….how it was going, how things were going….pretty soon he’d be asking me what I thought I was doing with myself ….(?) where I was getting my money from…..we’d end up screaming at each other and my mother’d end up running in from the frontroom trying to, trying to pull him off me, trying to keep us from fighting with each other….I’d end up running out the backdoor telling him…. telling him, telling him….that it was my life and I was gonna do whatever I wanted to do ….”
30.10.76 New York City, middle of ´Backstreets´
´´We could steal away….we could steal away….we were gonna take all our money out of the bank….you could quit your job….I could quit my job too….we´d slip away….and maybe we could steal away…(?)….when the Kings….when the Kings….when the Kings….when the Kings at midnight….when the Kings at midnight rang….when the bells at midnight rang…. when the bells at midnight rang….when the Kings rang the midnight bells….we could slip away….when the bells of midnight rang….we´re gonna go….ooh….when the bells of midnight rang, when the Kings rang the midnight bells (?)….we will go….we could go….we could go ….(?)….and if we never….and if we never, never, never….and if we never….and if we never ….and if we, and if we never, never….never, never (?)….and if we never…..never, never…. then so what ?….then so what ?….just tell ´em ´So what ?´….we´ll just tell ´em ´So what ?´ ….”
30.10.76 New York City, intro to ´Growin´Up´
´´(Clarence: ´I have an announcement to make, this is a special announcement….due to a technical difficulty beyond our control, Bruce Springstee, Bruce Springsteen, Springsteen will not be appearing tonight….and Bruce asked me to tell you a joke so (?)….well….ok…. (?) there was two dudes….(?) there were two dudes dressed like girls, no.´)….I had to get out of that suit, man….(?)….(?) it´s funny, it´s like, yeah, you know, it's like you can´t, you can´t look cool and feel cool at the same time, you see (chuckles) it´s like, it´s impossible, right, it is, you know, you feel like you're stuffed and I haven't worn a suit since, like, uh, confirmation (chuckles) and like you know, it's like, it's funny, you get dressed like before a show, you always say 'Oh man….I look so sharp in this suit' and then, then when you get out there and like you go 'Oh man '….´And man, I feel like a stick in this´….but you know, all my relatives came out and I wore it for them….Uncle Gene !…wait a minute, he´s out there, wait a minute, Uncle Gene !…where is he ?….you keep looking for him….(chuckles), this is for, this is for my uncle…´s time for Town and Country Cycle (?) alright….that´s me, right, it's me….Professor….there were these two dudes (chuckles)….
(….) There I was…..slowly I turned…..I was out on this old dark road…..about, where was it, Miami ? it was me and Miami and this girl that we were both going out with….it was about six years ago, I remember it ´cause I, I was in this old ´63 Impala and like me and him, we were like crying our blues lik ´Oh, man, we ain´t got no money, we can´t get no jobs, you know, we can´t do nothing right´….so we went driving way out on this backroad….and….it was about three or four in the morning, the stars were all shining, it was a real clear night….I remember this girl, remember that girl ? her name was, was Eileen….no, it was Irene….(?) ´Where you taking me ? where you taking me ?´….(?) and we were driving and all of a sudden, just as the road got to the darkest and the night got the latest…..out of the sky like a beam of light, WOW !….came this silver thing shooting down, sideswiped the Impala, jammed on the brakes, we skidded into the swamps, right…..and off in this field, it was sitting there and it was this long silver thing, it had a STP-sticker, (?) and on the side it said ´Don Big Daddy Gerlitz´…. and we said ´Wow, Don Big Daddy Gerlitz !´….so we, like, we got out of the car, right, we´re sort of dizzy and we walked over to find this thing, right, and the thing opened up and this guy comes out….he´s got silver space boots….silver jumpsuit…. custom (?) hat on….and we started saying, we say ´Listen, man….you sideswiped our car, we´re stuck in the mud, this girl keeps bumming us asking where, where we taking her and now we can´t get out of the mud, what are you gonna do about it, buddy ?´….so he says ´Listen….I tell you what : you see the light a quarter mile down the road ?….I´ll tow you guys out of the mud and I´ll take you to that light….and the winner, if you guys win, is you get anything youse want and if I win, you tell me which way it is to the New Jersey Turnpike so I can get out of here´…(?) that sounded like a pretty good deal, you know….he towed us out onto the highway, bam !….(?) screaming down towards the light, he jacked up the spaceship too high, wheels spinning on the highway….he finally pulls up next to us, he says ´Ok, you guys you got, uh´….come here, Steve, remember what he said, he said, he said ´You guys can have, you got one wish´ and Steve, man, Steve was in such a rush (chuckles) you wished for that damn red suit (chuckles) and boom !….but now like I thought real hard about mine, you know, like, uh….I said ´Let me think….new transmission, no, no, let me think, uh´….I said ´I got it….Steve´, I said ´Steve, Mr.Spaceman, we….we wanna be….see if you could hook it up for us some places….we wanna be….we wanna be…..rock and roll stars !….”
30.10.76 New York City, intro to ´Rosalita´
´´´Shut up….gimme a break….give the boy a break….(?)….
(….) We got a long line of stars with us tonight, ladies and gentlemen….I wanna say I´m proud….I´m priviliged….to bring up here before your faces….the magnificent….the stupendous….from the Las Vegas of the East Coast, Asbury Park, New Jersey, the Miami Horns….on the keys….(?)….all the degrees and (?)….Professor Roy Bittan…artiste, composer, producer….(?)….the man who brought you such great hits as ´Sweeter than Honey´, ´I Don´t Want to Go Home´, the magnificent Miami Steve….oh yeah….on the bass guitar….Garry W. Tallent….on the drums, the Mighty Max….on the organ…(?) Dan Federici ….last but not least….king of the universe, master of the whole world….your next president ….star of stage and screen, Mr.Hollywood himself….the Big Man, Clarence Clemons on the saxophone….”
30.10.76 New York City, intro to ´Sandy´
´´To everybody in New York City….from Asbury Park with love…..”
30.10.76 New York City, intro to ´Raise Your Hand´
´´Here´s a song written by Eddie Floyd….raise your hand !….
(….) Am I all by myself out here ?….say I´m not alone out there….then just raise your hands….”
30.10.76 New York City, intro to ´The Promise´
´´If you ever wanted something you could never have….this is called ´The Promise´….”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi
Greg Arnold | This was a birthday show for me. Had @ 10 tickets for the show for friends and family (old g/f worked for Ticketron, as it was called then). Anyway was sitting right on the aisle, 3rd row, and in the middle of the show, who's kneeling next to me in the aisle but Patti Smith. Next thing I know she's on stage, and i swear they sung "Because the Night". Or maybe I did a bit too much celebrating before the show at McSorley's. Great night! Had tickets to all 6 shows, nothing worse than 3rd row… thank you Denise!!! |
© All credits to the original photographer. We do not monetize a photo in any way, but if you want your photo to be removed, let us know, and we will remove it.
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