Scheduled: 20:00 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
"Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)" features an extended mariachi-style introduction. Highlight is an outstanding version of "The Promise". Billboard magazine reported an attendance of 2,976 (a sellout) and gross receipts of $22,677.
incl. Rehearsals.
© All credits to the original photographer. We do not monetize a photo in any way, but if you want your photo to be removed, let us know, and we will remove it.
Partial audience tape which is missing the final four songs of the first set. Released on CDR 'Darkness On The Edge Of Seattle' which covers the second set only. Three tracks ("Growin' Up", "The Promise" and "I Fought The Law") were also included as extra tracks on the CD 'Winterland Night' (Crystal Cat). Also available on CDR 'Shut Down Strangers And Hot Rod Angels' and 'I'm Working So Hard For You' (Buckshot) which includes the partial first set and the complete second set and encores. Finally, available in a transfer from JEMS' master reels titled 'This Is Called The Promise' (Ev2) and later silver booted on 'This Is Called The Promise' (Midnight Dreamer) in much upgraded quality.

25.06.78 Seattle, WA, intro to ´´Paradise By The C´´
´´Alright, alright….round two…´´
25.06.78 Seattle, WA, intro to ´´Fire´´
´´(?)….oh yeah, oh yeah….alright, this is a song….this is a song that´s on Robert Gordon´s second album, this is called, this is called ´Fire´….this is for all the girls….(chuckles)….´´
25.06.78 Seattle, WA, intro to ´´Growin´ Up´´
´´Everyplace I go, people come up to me, they say ´Bruce, how did you get like this?´….and ….I have to think real hard….it´s always hard to remember back more than a week or two (chuckles) but I remember one night….I was outside….it was the full moon….I was feeling a little crazy (some people howl) oh yeah (chuckles) you know what I´m talking about there (chuckles)…the altitude´s getting to you guys up there (chuckles)….and there I was and I remember….
(….) (chuckles) There we were….I remember it was me and the Big Man and Miami Steve, we had this flat tire, we were on this backroad….and we didn´t have no spare….so we were blaming each other and yelling at each other….and, uh, we decided we´d try to drive the car home on the flat (chuckles) if you´ve ever done that, you know that that´s not too easy…we get into that sucker and it´s bumping and grinding, sparks are flying out (chuckles) of the right rear side….finally we come to a crash at the swamps at the side of the road….and we just sit there in the dirt….cursing and bitching….so….we were looking up at the sky….and all of a sudden we seen something, we couldn´t figure out what it was….shooting, doing three rings around the moon, came scooting down, hit the planet, did about five quick ones around the Route 36 Circle, came buzzing down towards us at about three million miles an hour… and PASSED US (loud guitar sound)….by so fast and like we´re all out there (laughter from the crowd and then applause) about a mile down the road the guy slams on his brakes, pulls back, sits right in front of us, hovering about ten feet off the ground, a candy-apple red flying saucer, chromed invader wheels, Hooker headers and on the side it says ´Big Daddy Don Garlitz - King of the dragsters´….we said ´Oh yeah!´ (chuckles)….so we thought about getting a ride home with this guy, we had second thoughts and then we heard some howling coming from the woods (crowd howls) we jumped as close as we could get to this thing, we´re holding on tight, knock on the outside, the green guy sticks his head out and says ´Hey, do any of you three guys know the way to the New Jersey Turnpike?´….we´re thinking we had it made….we said ´Big Daddy, you are looking at the New Jersey Turnpike´….the cat says ´Well, I gotta get on the Turnpike, get back to Mars, I´ll give you guys one wish, if you tell me how I can get there,´ so we thought about it real hard, we didn´t wanna make it something too easy, no new cars, we had new clothes and girls - no….so we thought about it, we said ´Ok, Mr.Spaceman….what we want…..and if….you´re so cool that you can whip this up (chuckles) what we want….is we wanna be….movie stars´….the guy says ´No way, you guys ain´t got the looks….but would you….would you settle….for rock´n´roll?´….´´
25.06.78 Seattle, WA, middle of ´´Backstreets´´
´´I remember you…..standing on….the corner of Richmond Avenue….in that….in that pretty blue dress and, baby, in them highheel shoes….them shoes that your baby bought you….I remember then, baby, I´d, I´d drive all night….I swore that I´d drive all night, baby, I would drive all night just to taste your tender charms and to have you hold me in your arms, I´d drive all night through the wind and the rain….I´d drive all night….just to look once….for just one look….from your sad eyes….for just one look from your pretty, sad eyes….oh how they cried….the way that they cried….and I remember that only me and you knew….baby, only me and you knew….the way they could lie….the way they could lie…they could tell such pretty lies….they could tell such pretty….li-li-li-li-li-lies….you could dress ´em up and you knew I´d buy ´em….you could dress ´em up, anything that you wanted….and you knew that I´d buy each one….well, look into my face….now look into my face…..´cause, baby, I´m back…. baby, I´m back….baby, I´m back….and I wanna know, I wanna know why….I wanna know why….I wanna know why….I wanna know why….just tell me why….and we could go….just tell me why and together, baby, we could go….we could go….´´
25.06.78 Seattle, WA, intro to ´´Rosalita´´
´´(?)(tunes his guitar)….nurse, nurse (chuckles)(keeps tuning)….(the band plays some quiet Mexican style music for a few minutes)….
(….) On the piano, Professor Roy Bittan….on the guitar, Miami Steve Van Zandt….on the bass guitar, Mr.Garry W.Tallent….on the drums, the Mighty Max…..on the organ, Dan Federici….do I have to speak his name? (crowd cheers) do I have to say it? (crowd cheers) do I have to say it? (crowd cheers) master of the world….king of the goddamn universe including half of Bayone, the Big Man, Clarence Clemons….´´
25.06.78 Seattle, WA, intro to ´´The Promise´´
´´Thank you, thank you very much….(someone yells) yeah, we´re gonna get to that one…. this is, uh, this is a song I wrote, it´s unrecorded, it was gonna be on this album, I guess it´ll be on the next one, I wrote it soon after I wrote ´Born To Run,´ this is called, this is called ´The Promise´….´´
25.06.78 Seattle, WA, intro to ´´Born To Run´´
´´First I would like to thank everybody for coming down tonight, we want you to know that….we don´t take it for granted, we appreciate it, and I wanna thank you all for supporting the band the way you have over the past three years (?)….I just wanna say thank you very much, this is for you….´´
25.06.78 Seattle, WA, intro to ´´I Fought The Law´´
´´I´m gonna do a song ´cause it´s a favorite of mine, I was gonna wear that hat but I can´t sing with that hat on, this is a song originally done by the Bobby Fueller Four….´I Fought The Law And The Law Won´´….´´
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi
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