1978-07-16 Municipal Auditorium, New Orleans, LA

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Scheduled: 20:00 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??

Info & Setlist | Venue

An attendee recalls that "the show started about forty minutes late because the stage motor burned out and they couldn't move the stage back so some people didn't have seats. They were offered their money back but wanted to stay. Bruce came out and apologized for the delay and said he and the band would try to make up for it with the show. THEY DID! To this day, still the best I ever saw." Show includes a tour one-off, instrumental version of the song "Honky Tonk" which was originally a #2 record for Bill Doggett in 1956. According to historian Priore, this was the first rock 'n' roll instrumental hit, and the Beach Boys were the first, and one of the only, surf bands to cover it. "Growin' Up" features the goddamn guitar story. "Fire" is dropped for the first confirmed time on the tour. A newspaper review of the August shows in New York City states that "Heartbreak Hotel" was played tonight: "You never see the same show twice. He's got a limitless repertoire. When he played New Orleans, something happened with the sound system. So they all got out from behind their instruments and they all sang "Heartbreak Hotel" spontaneously." Unfortunately this event cannot be corroborated by the audience recording. Billboard magazine reported an attendance of 5,000 (a sellout) and gross receipts of $35,644.

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