Scheduled: 20:00 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
Set features the debut of "Oh, Boy!" to open the show, the tour's second "4th Of July, Asbury Park (Sandy)", and the first confirmed Springsteen performance of Chuck Berry's "Around And Around". Bruce says they played the latter song at the Student Prince in Asbury Park - this was probably in 1971 with the Bruce Springsteen Band. "Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)" includes the "Come A Little Bit Closer" introduction and Roy playing a bit of classical piano during the band introductions. "For You" is dropped for the first confirmed time on the tour. Newspaper reviews talk of 2,000 unsold tickets for this show.
© All credits to the original photographer. We do not monetize a photo in any way, but if you want your photo to be removed, let us know, and we will remove it.
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Audience tape. Two recording sources circulate, available on CDR via JEA Treeservice and as 'First Time in St. Petersburg' (Fanatic). An alternate, lower quality but more complete source was released in 2016 as the 'DS Archives Volume 22'.
29.07.78 St.Petersburg, FL, intro to ‘Oh Boy !’:
”Hey, gimme some lights up here….where’d all you guys come from ?….I was outside and (?) seen nobody out there….gimme some echo on the mike, it’s the first time that we been to St.Petersburg…..and we got one thing to say….here we go….”
29.07.78 St.Petersburg, FL, intro to ‘Darkness on the Edge of Town’:
”Alright….I got the moves…..thank you (chuckles)….somebody drooled on my shirt….. (?)…alright…..I don´t know where all you guys come from, I’m telling you I went outside today…..there were no cars….all you people must live underground or something , that’s what I figured out….where do they (?)….we’ve got a new album out now about two months (cheers)….this is….this is Darkness on the Edge of Town…..”
29.07.78 St.Petersburg, FL, intro to ‘Factory’:
”I grew up, uh……(people shout out requests) yeah, we’re gonna get to all those songs for you, we’re gonna be playing a long time (cheers)….(?)…but uh….here’s a song that, uh….I grew up in this small town, about 10,000 people…..and uh….(?) in the 50s and the, uh…..40s , there’d be this rugmill that my grandfather worked at , my father worked at…..and it finally….went out of business and put everybody in town out of a job…my father was taking (?)….he had a lotta different jobs, he was a truck driver for a while…..was a guard at a jail for a while…..I remember I used to only see him about twice each day….once was at night , I’d come in real late at night, he’d be sitting in the dark….in the kitchen, I could see the light of his cigarette butt (?), six pack of beer….and I just couldn’t…..I couldn’t really see him, I’d walk by him and go up to my room and then in the morning….around 6 a.m, I had… room was over the backyard and my father used to buy these 100 dollar junkers….and 6 a.m every morning he’d be out there popping the hood, trying to get that thing started and….to get to work…..and I wrote this song for him ‘cause he did that for a real long time…..”
29.07.78 St.Petersburg, FL, intro to ‘The Promised Land’:
”He was always telling me ‘Be better than me’…’s Promised Land….”
29.07.78 St.Petersburg, FL, intro to ‘Racing in the Street’:
”Got a lot of big roads out there, I didn’t see many cars today but…..lotta room for racing in the streets….”
29.07.78 St.Petersburg, FL, intro to ‘Sandy’:
”Alright….hey, Davey….we’re gonna play a song , this is the second time we’ve played it on this tour….how many folks from, uh …..(?) New Jersey here ? (cheers)…. (laughs) ….who’s from Florida ? (cheers)….(?)….(?) the same people , they follow me around every place….think you’re big deal, you sell out some place and it´s the same people coming (chuckles)…..anyway, this is for….this for all the folks from back home, this is uh….Fourth of July Asbury Park….”
29.07.78 St.Petersburg, FL, intro to ‘Around and Around’:
(tunes his guitar)….I have trouble with this every night …..(keeps tuning) ….alright, uh….I don’t know what we’re gonna play now….let’s play….let’s play Round and Round…..we never played this, I’m gonna, I’m gonna screw ‘em up now….Round and Round…..from E, from E, alright…..the joint….yeah, yeah, in E…..alright, here’s a song we used to do, we were playing at a little bar, uh….in New Jersey called the Student Prince…..yeah, yeah (?) (giggles)….here we go….”
29.07.78 St.Petersburg, FL, after ‘Around and Around’:
”You can’t play that without five beers….I still remember…..”
29.07.78 St.Petersburg, FL, intro to ‘Growin’Up’:
(strange feedback) Guitar’s on the loose up here…..oh, this next song…..I remember I auditioned…..with this next song, you know…..and uh….you know, audition, that’s funny….I was 22….and I had this…..old guitar (?) and went up to CBS, right…, CBS is this big black building in New York City….and…..and you go up there and it’s funny because….I was there, I remember I was with my manager….and I was with his lawyer….and I was with uh…..we went up there, we saw record company…and with all their lawyers…..and about 10 or 15 minutes into the meeting , I realised that….the only guy who didn’t have a lawyer was me (chuckles)….so….you know, (?) you get in an elevator, you go up and when you go up to the audition, you go up to this….floor X…. it’s above all the other floors because what happens you hit….you hit like 35th floor and you keep going up and you are going thru the clouds and you get out, I remember…Clive Davis was sitting there in a long white robe with little fig-leaves around his head (laughter)….and then you (?) a few times and (chuckles) …..sign your life away , anyway (chuckles)…..this is called uh…it should’ve been called ‘I Was a Teenage Werewolf’…..Professor, start it please…..I remember it was about….three in the morning….back in 19….60….and my father chased me outta the house as usual…. my father used to sit in the kitchen and I used to get….make it to the kitchen….but…. but I’d never get thru the kitchen without an argument, you know, we’d always have an argument , no matter what time I came in…’d end up with him chasing me around the kitchen table…..and me running out the screen door…..(?)….and I never did get to see what the dining-room or livingroom looked like (chuckles)….but anyway….I was outside, I got chased out of the house…..went down to the beach…..I was sitting there and I looked up…..and there was this big bright light in the sky…..and all of a sudden I started feeling all this hair all over my face…..and my hands got real furry….and a guitar grew out of my left side (cheers)….and for once….
(….) I remember the next night….I came home….I still had all this hair all over my face (laughter)….I walked in the kitchen door and there was my mother and my father sitting at the kitchen table….with their hands folded, looking real serious, you know …. they said ‘Son, sit down’….so I sat down…..they didn’t say nothing about the way I looked, right, said ‘Listen… and your father, we decided….that it’s time….that you do something serious with your life… gotta stop fooling around with this guitar, stop all that….that’s ok for a hobby’, my mother, she was a secretary, she used to say….’There´s men in my office, they work at a good job during the week and then they….they play on the weekends….and make extra…..extra dollars’….said ‘You know, you should’….my father said ‘Listen….if you’re gonna get any place….you gotta be a lawyer (laughter)…..because lawyers , they own the world, you see’…..and my mother said I had to be an author…..and they both decided that….the decision was too big for them to make, you know, they said….my mother, she was Italian….my father, he’s Irish (cheers)….and so….the thing that was they called up their priest and they sent me over to the rectory and you’re supposed to talk with the priest about your vocation, you know, what you wanna do with yourself….so I said…..’You gotta go over and see Father Ray’, they said, I said ‘OK’, they said ‘Now, listen….you tell the priest that you wanna be a lawyer….or you wanna be an author…..but don’t you tell him nothing about that goddamn guitar’….so I said ‘Ok, Ok, Ok, Ok’ so over to the rectory I go, knock on the door….Father comes out….I say ‘Father Ray, I’m Mr.Springsteen’s son , they sent me over here… talk about what I wanna be’….so he comes out…..and we walk around the rectory…..and all the priests, I can always remember they always used to have like….grand …..illusions of the Bells of St.Mary …..they all thought they were Patrick O’Brien or something, you know (laughter) ….he´s trying to be real cool, he’s walking around…..and I talk to him about it, I say ‘My father, he wants me to be a lawyer and my mother wants me to be an author but I got this guitar, you know’….and the priest says ‘Listen…..this is too big a decision for me to make…..what you gotta do….you gotta find a nice quiet place….you gotta kneel down….you gotta talk to God about this… tell him that you wanna be lawyer….or you wanna be an author….but don’t you tell him nothing about that goddamn guitar’ (cheers)…..I go ‘Alright, ok, ok’….so I walk home….and try to figure out where I’m gonna find this God, you know, it’s like I don’t go to church….you know, I can’t go back there, I don’t know…..said I know what I’ll do….I’ll go over to Clarence’s house ‘cause Clarence, he knows everybody (cheers)….so I go over there, I knock on the door, I say ‘Clarence……I’m in this fix ….I gotta see God right away (chuckles)….. can’t wait’….he said ‘Listen…no problem, I know just where he is but you gotta come back at midnight’….so at midnight I come back to Clarence’s house….and he takes me out in a car…he takes me way outside of town….and we’re out there and he (?) pulls over on the side of this dark road….points up on top of this hill where I can’t see anything, right next to the grave-yard….and he says ‘You see up on top of that hill ?’ ….I say ‘Hmm’….he says ‘Well, that….is where you can find God tonight’….I say ‘Are you sure, it’s awful dark up there ?…sure that’s the right guy ?’…he says ‘That’s the guy’, I say ‘Ok, ok.’….I get out of the car and say ‘You better be here when I get back’ (chuckles)(cheers)…. so…. up the hill I go, right…..and let me tell you it is dark…..and it is scary, I’m hearing all these spooky sounds coming out of the woods (cheers)….so… least that bad it was, I’m telling you….finally I get to the top of the hill….and I look around….and the place is packed (laughter)…..there’s people all over the place kneeling down…..I look over here and see my producer Jon Landau…..I say ‘Jon, what are you doing on this hill in the middle of the night ?’….he said ‘I’m praying to be a cheeseburger’ (laughter)…. I said ‘Oh, oh’….said ‘But you’re Jewish’….’It’s all the same up here’ (laughter)….I said ‘Ok, ok’ so I find a quiet spot….kneel down….look up…start praying, I said ‘Listen, God….my father, he wants me to be a lawyer….got that ?….my mother wants me to be an author….but….they told me not to tell you nothing about this….but I got this guitar, you see’….and it was real quiet….for a long time…..and all of a sudden I heard this thunder…..all of a sudden was this lightning….and this voice came out of the sky….and all it said was just three words….’Let it rock !’…..”
29.07.78 St.Petersburg, FL, middle of ‘Rosalita’:
”We got a galaxy of stars for you tonight….ladies and gentlemen… the far left of the stage…..the only member of the band….with a full high school diploma….boy genius…. Professor Roy Bittan (cheers)…..Professor, please (Roy plays some classical music)….and that’s what education’ll do for you……on the guitar….poet of the soul, master of rock and roll….man who brought you such hits as…..’I Don’t Wanna Go Home’….’Sweeter Than Honey’….’Saturday Night Fever’….and many others…. Miami Steve Van Zandt (cheers)….on the bass guitar , Mr.Garry W.Tallent (cheers)….on the drums….representing everybody from North Jersey…..the Mighty Max (cheers)….on the organ….Dan Federici (cheers)….and last but not least…..(?) I say his name ?…. do I have to say his name ?….king of the world…..master of the universe…..the macho man himself…..Clarence Clemons, the Big Man (cheers)…”
29.07.78 St.Petersburg, FL, intro to ‘Born to Run’;
”Thank you….I wanna thank everybody for coming down here tonight (cheers)….(?) we never been here before…..and we didn’t expect nothing like this (chuckles)(cheers) ….you guys are unbelievable…..thank you all very much….”
29.07.78 St.Petersburg, FL, middle of ´Backstreets´
´´Hey little girl….it´s good to see you back again…, my, you´re still looking fine…..and I remember you…, I remember you…..standing on the corner of Richmond Avenue with your hair done all up high and that (?) look in your eye….and back then I swore….baby, I swore…..that I would drive all night…..(the source tape is missing a part)….a look from your sad eyes… had such lonely sad eyes… had such lonely sad eyes that they cried till they were all cried out, you let ´em cry till they´re all cried out, till they´re all cried out….and me, I was your fool….I thought that maybe I could stop your crying….maybe I could stop your crying…..I thought that maybe I could stop your crying…..(?)….but I didn´t know…. ´cause only you knew….that baby´d been lying…´d been lying…´d been lying….. little girl´d been lying…..them things you said, baby, you knew that they were not true…..
them things you said, baby, you knew that they were not true…..them things you told me, baby, you knew that they were not true… were so young….and you could tell such pretty lies… could tell such pretty lies… could tell such pretty lies… could tell such pretty lies…..and you knew I´d believe you… had my heart and soul… had my heart and soul…..but now you´re back, well, baby, I´m back too….now you´re back, well, baby, I´m back too…..I want you to look into my face, into my face…´ve got to stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, stop, you´ve got to STOP….´´
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi
© All credits to the original photographer. We do not monetize a photo in any way, but if you want your photo to be removed, let us know, and we will remove it.
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