29.08.78 Pittsburgh, PA, intro to ´It´s My Life´
´´How many of you folks were here last night ? (cheers)…(?)….”
29.08.78 Pittsburgh, PA, intro to ´Factory´
´´About, about two weeks ago I had two days off….and I went home down to Asbury….and I drove back through my old hometown….(?) late at night (?) go driving….I drove down 33 into this town called Freehold which is where I grew up….and….I went down to this part of town called, that they used to call, I guess in the 50´s, early 60´s, they used to, it was known as ´Texas´ and there was this big rugmill there that took up about two city blocks….and when I went back this time, the windows were all smashed, it was all broken, it was all gone (?) out of business….and uh….I just sat there looking at it, I remember my mother used to work there and his father worked there….I wrote this song for him…..”
29.08.78 Pittsburgh, PA, intro to ´Growin´Up´
´´One night….I was awoken from a dream….by a stranger group of people calling my name (crowd : ´Bruce´) I looked out the window (?)….my God, I was in Pittsburgh !….oh, so I went back to bed….(?)….so I looked out my window and for just one moment…..I stood stonelike at midnight…..
(….) There I was….walking through the backdoor of my house…..my mother and father were
sitting at the kitchen table looking real serious….they said ´Son´, they said ´Bruuuce´ (crowd: ´Bruuuuce´) they said ´It´s time….that you got serious with your life….it´s time you decided what you´re gonna do with yourself….you gotta quit screwing around with the guitar….we set up an appointment over at the rectory, you gotta go see the priest about your vocation….now, when you go over there´, my father told me, ´you tell him you wanna be a lawyer….(?) pray to God to help you be a lawyer´, my mother says ´When you go over there, tell him you wanna be an author´….now, and they both said ´But don't tell him nothing about that (Bruce and the crowd together:) Goddamn guitar´….I said ´Ok, ok ´ and over I go, I ring on the doorbell, ´Father Ray, I´m Mr. Springsteen's son, I´ve come to speak about my vocation´…. we´re walking around the rectory, but it´s, uh, illusions of The Bells of St. Mary´s all these guys had….we talked for about 20 minutes and he decided that it´s too big a problem….he says ´What you gotta do is you gotta go direct to God and talk to Him about this (?)….now when you go to God, you tell Him you wanna be a lawyer or you wanna be an author….but don't you tell Him nothing about that (Bruce and the crowd together:) Goddamn guitar´….I said ´Ok, ok´…..so I go over to Clarence's house in my mother's Rambler because Clarence knows everybody….mess with him (?) opening number of the second set….man…..I said ´Clarence, I don´t know how I´m gonna find this guy´, he says ´No problem, I can take you right to Him but I´ve got just one question I wanna ask you: you gonna go in that piece of junk ?´, I said ´What do you mean, that´s my mother´s car, it´s my mother´s Rambler´….he says ´No, no, you can´t go see God in that piece of junk, there´s gonna be guys up there in Lincoln Continentals, there's gonna be guys up there in Montecarlos, you think He´s gonna pay any attention to you in that (?)´….sounded like a reasonable argument so I drive the thing down to Earl Shy….at the time it was (?) rates of 39.95….I remember I left the windows down by mistake and he did the interior for free….so we got the thing and that night at midnight I go out to Clarence´s house….and we head outside of town….he takes me up to this dark hill right by the cemetery, he says ´You see way up on that very top of that hill ?´, I say ´Yeah´….´Well, that´s His Friday night spot´….´You mean that´s His Friday night´s´ ´That´s His Friday night spot´….´(?) what´s He doing outside of Asbury Park, New Jersey on Friday night, I mean New York, I mean, uh….(?) Pittsburgh ?´…..Clarence says ´That´s a good question but (?) that´s His Friday night spot´ so I say ´Ok´….I climb the hill….around me out of the woods come all these spooky noises (crowd screams) I get up to the top of the hill…. the place is jammed full of people….I can´t even find a place to kneel….so I walk around…. trying to find the right spot until I hear out of the clouds (crowd: ´Bruuuce´) I said ´God can't you call me by my middle name, Frederick ?´ (chuckles) oh you think that´s funny too ?…. Frederick the Great (chuckles) what about him ?….anyway….I say ´God, my father wants me to be a lawyer, my mother wants me (?) to be an author but I got this guitar so what should I do ?´….so it was real quiet for a while, all of a sudden I heard this thunder (Max pounds the drums) I seen this lightning….(?)….and out of the woods came this big cloud, came this big voice and it said (crowd : ´Let it rock´ and ´Bruuce´) no, no, no….it said ´LET IT ROCK !´ ….”
29.08.78 Pittsburgh, PA, middle of ´Backstreets´
´´Baby, I remember you….little girl, I remember you….standing on, standing on the corner ….standing on the corner…and I know you remember me too….you remember me too….I remember on the weekends we used to hitchhike outside of town….in the middle of this old field….there was this stripped down old Cadillac…with nothing but the seat in the back…. and down and down and down and down….little girl, and down and down and down and down, little girl, and down and down and down we´d go….baby, we rode….baby, we rode…. I remember that night kids set fire to this abandoned farmhouse about a mile up the road…. and baby, from the backseat….(?)….you went running across the fields….rushing towards the flames….rushing towards the flames….and you were crying….baby was crying….(?)….and you turned and I could see….your sad eyes….I could see….your sad eyes….they were crying lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely….they were crying lonely, lonely, lonely, lonely….they were crying lonely, lonely, lonely….and I pulled you close….I thought that I could stop, stop your crying….I thought that I could stop your crying….I thought that I could stop your crying….. but I didn´t know….only you knew….that baby was lying….baby, you were lying….that baby´d been lying….(?)….you were lying….(?)….little girl was lying….(?) you had such pretty eyes and they could tell such pretty lies….you had such sad eyes….they could tell such pretty lies….well, it´s time to stop….it´s time to stop….it´s time to stop….it´s time to stop….it´s time to stop….it´s time to stop….little girl, it´s time we stop….it´s time we stop….it´s time we stop….oh, stop….it´s time we STOP !….”
29.08.78 Pittsburgh, PA, middle of ´Rosalita´
´´On the piano, Professor Roy Bittan….on the guitar, Miami Steve Van Zandt….on the bass guitar, the elegance, Garry W. Tallent….on the drums, the Mighty Max….on the organ, Dan Federici….and last but not least….king of the world….master of the universe….your next president….the Big Man on the saxophone, Clarence Clemons….”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi