Scheduled: ??:?? Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
"I Get Mad" included in "She's The One" again. First ever performances in Canada of "Streets Of Fire", "The Ties That Bind", "Independence Day", "Candy's Room", "Because The Night", and "Point Blank". After the show, Bruce conducts a five minute phone interview with Montreal radio station CHOM.
incl. Rehearsals.
© All credits to the original photographer. We do not monetize a photo in any way, but if you want your photo to be removed, let us know, and we will remove it.
Audience tape. Two recording sources circulate, the first source is available on CDR 'A Short Trip to Montreal', and an upgrade from Mike Ziegler's master tapes is available via the JEMS Archives. A second high quality source was entered into circulation in May 2014 (via mjk5510), this source misses the last two songs from set one but patches these songs from recorder one. Some silent Super 8 video footage exists, and includes clips of "Spirit In The Night" and "Prove It All Night", amongst others.

08.11.78 Montreal, Canada, intro to ´The Ties That Bind´ (following ´Spirit in the Night´)
´´(?)….this is for the guy who kept screaming in my ear he´s got a girlfriend who´s from Jersey….alright, this is a new song…..this is called ´The Ties That Bind´….´´
08.11.78 Montreal, Canada, intro to ´Darkness on the Edge of Town´
´´This is a song I wrote, uh, about six months after I finished the Born to Run-album…..this is, uh, it´s called ´Darkness on the Edge of Town´….´´
08.11.78 Montreal, Canada, intro to ´Independence Day´
´´Here´s, uh…..I guess we haven´t been back here in about four years, two years, three years ? who was here the last time we were here ? (cheers)(chuckles) oh, we´re gonna do some new songs for you tonight, this is a, this is a song I wrote for the Darkness-album but I threw it out at the last minute, it´s a song, it´s for anybody who just left home or if you´re thinking about it….this is called ´Independence Day´…..´´
08.11.78 Montreal, Canada, intro to ´Prove It All Night´
´´It seems you just can´t prove it once, you gotta prove it all night every night….´´
08.11.78 Montreal, Canada, intro to ´Racing in the Street´
´´This is, uh….come from this uh, this town called Freehold, it´s a small town….on the weekend we used to drive down to this Asbury Park….you ever been to Asbury Park ? (cheers) you still applauding ? (chuckles) anyway, there´s this oval formed by Kingsley Avenue and Ocean Avenue, it´s a big ring….that´s what I wrote this song about, it´s called ´Racing in the Street´……this is for uh, this is for anybody that still has the urge to time the green lights when they ride along the street…this is for all the midnight riders…this is for the girl in the white T-Bird.´´
08.11.78 Montreal, Canada, intro to ´Thunder Road´
´´Back in about 1974….I was walking downtown and I passed this, passed a movie theater that had this, had this great poster of this Robert Mitchum movie and uh…..I never saw the movie, I took the title and wrote a song and, and I never thought that there was any place that was really, uh, like this place and, uh, me and Steve, we were out in the Southwest about a year ago and along the side of the highway, this Indian had built this house out of the stuff that he´d scavenged off the desert…..and out in front he had a big sign, a big picture of Geronimo that said ´Landlord´ and he had a big white sign that said ´This is the land of peace, love, justice and no mercy´….and it pointed down this dirt road that said ´Thunder Road´…..´´
08.11.78 Montreal, Canada, intro to ´Fire´
´´Here´s, uh… guys ready for round two now ? (cheers) sounds like you are ready for round two (chuckles) here´s the first song, this is a song that uh I wrote um about a year ago and much longer than that, two years ago. And I always thought, I always wanted Elvis Presley to record it….and I tried, we were down in Memphis and I climbed over the wall of his house and I tried to get in about 3 o´clock in the morning and, uh, they threw me out (chuckles) and I said ´But wait ! one time I was on Newsweek´, he said ´Sure, sure´ (chuckles), we were on Sports Illustrated (chuckles), what are you gonna do, right ? (chuckles) anyway….this is called ´Fire´….´´
08.11.78 Montreal, Canada, intro to ´Point Blank´
"This song is, uh … its for my father, this is, uh … worked for 45 years and you wake up to find out … you've been shot in the back and left for dead, point blank …"
08.11.78 Montreal, Canada, 'I Get Mad' (at end of 'She's The One')
"(music down) … Well, I'm mad … I feel mad … like Al Capone … like Jesse James … like Pretty Boy Floyd … like Muhammad Ali … Well, I'm so mad … She makes me so mad … I give her my car … I give her house … I give her my money … I give her my … (?) … Well, I'm mad … (Clarence: (?) ) … I'm … I was just … Well, I'm (/) … Well, I just don't know … Well, I just don't know … (music stops) … (?) … 1, 2, 3, 4 (ending explodes!)"
08.11.78 Montreal, Canada, middle of ´Backstreets´
´´Baby, I remember you….baby, I remember you…..every line in that pretty face…..every line in that pretty face….you were standing on the corner….of Richmond Avenue….we used to hitchhike outside of town….way down to the railroad tracks… the middle of a grain field ….was this stripped-down Cadillac….and baby, we´d go riding in back… and my baby, we´d go riding in back….yeah, my baby´d take me riding in back…..she´d take me all night long….. she´d take me all night long…..and I remember I promised…..I promised that for you ….that for you, I´d drive all night anytime anyplace…..that for you, I´d drive all night anytime anyplace…..through the wind, through the rain…..through the snow….´cause, girl, you´ve got my love, girl….oh, you´ve got my love, girl…..yeah, you´ve got my love, girl….and I remember you promised… promised you´d never go anyplace without me…..I remember night after night you promised that you´d never go anyplace without me…..night after night you promised you´d never leave without me, you promised… promised…..and baby, you lied…, you lied…..didn't you?…, you lied…, you lied… you know how many nights?… you know how many lonely nights?… now you´re back… now you´ve come back…..well, I wanna know what makes you think…..just what makes you think …..that I….just what makes you think…..girl…..just what makes you think…..that I… you know I´ve been out too?….and I´ve found out some things about me…..and about you…..girl, you gotta stop….you gotta stop, you gotta, you gotta stop, little girl, you gotta stop….you got to stop….little girl, it´s gotta stop….little girl, we´ve got to stop, little girl, you´ve got to stop, stop, stop, oh-oh, stop, stop, stop, STOP…..´´
08.11.78 Montreal, Canada, middle of ´Rosalita´
´´On the piano, Professor Roy Bittan…..on the guitar, Miami Steve Van Zandt….on the bass guitar, Mr.Garry W.Tallent…..on the drums, the Mighty Max Weinberg…..on the organ, Mr. Dan Federici….and last but not least….do I have to say his name ?….do I have to say his name ?….king of the world….. the master of disaster….is it a bird ?….is it a plane ?….is it the Big Man ?….Clarence Clemons on the saxophone…..´´
08.11.78 Montreal, Canada, intro to 'Born To Run'
"Alright… I want to thank everybody for coming down to the show tonight … show we appreciate it … thank you very much … If we knew it was gonna be this good, we'd get up here more often … thank you … here's to ya!' … "
08.11.78 Montreal, Canada, middle of ´Detroit Medley´
´´I´ve been informed….by the hall manager….to make this announcement…..that if you have a weak heart…..or a weak stomach…..during the next section of this tune…..would you please step into the lobby as it might be dangerous to your health ?…..´cause it ain´t so bad, Big Man….it ain´t so bad when we do this….and it ain´t so bad when we do this…..and it ain´t even too bad…..when we do this…..but…..when we do this…..´´
08.11.78 Montreal, Canada, intro to ´Quarter to Three´
´´Now you´re making me mad… I´m gonna get serious on you…´re making me mad ….alright, gentlemen, please…..´´
08.11.78 Montreal, Canada, after intro to ´Quarter to Three´
"<song starts - Q23-1> … (band down for Sing-A-Long) … What are you guys doing way up there (cheers) … Are you gonna be parachuting from them seats? (cheers) … Now, we're gonna go now … Alright, now stop … Here we go … <Sing-A-Long> … <Q23-2> … That's all there is! … There ain't … no more! (crowd cheers) … (band goofs and stops) … I ain't finished … (band starts again) … (band stops again) … Lot of things _ and then I (?) never heard, we gotta try that one again … <Q23-3> … Are you tired yet? … <Q23-4> … a-1, 2, 3, 4, <Q23-5> … Are you talkin' to me? (crowd: 'Yeah') … Are you talkin' to me? (crowd: 'Yeah') … Are you talkin' to me? (crowd: 'Yeah') … Shit! … <Q23-6> … DON'T, make me! … Don't make me! … Make - Me (slow & teasingly) … (?) got a big picture, huh? … <Q23-7> … I'm just a prisoner … OF ROCK AND ROOLLLLL! … Do you hear us? … Are you alive? … Are you alive? … Big News … a-1, a-2, a-1, 2, 3 … <Q23-8> …. "
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi
Interview with CHOM-FM following the show:
DJ: Music from Bruce Springsteen on CHOM-FM (tape rumble blocks out a clear station I.D. but it's apparently CHOM-FM) … I thought we'd take a look and see what's happening on the telephone, hello?
Bruce: Hi
DJ: How ya doin' man?
Bruce: Okay!
DJ: We have the man himself on the line, Mr. Bruce Springsteen and I think the first thing that I should say Bruce, on behalf of Montreal, is uh, thanks for a dynamite show. It was like unreal. People have been coming here to the station, they've been ringing the door bell, they've been phoning me and telling me it's the best show they've heard in their life.
Bruce: Wow, that's great (chuckles)
DJ: How are things going for you? Are you pretty tired right now? You probably just got off stage a little while ago?
Bruce: No, I feel good now. It was like, uh, it was really surprising 'cause we hadn't been here in about uh, I guess 2 or 3 years, you know, it's been quite a while, and I remember it was nothing like this, you know (chuckles) and the crowd was just uh, they were just, you know, like uh, fantastic …
DJ: Montreal loves you
Bruce: … Epic uh, reception you know, and uh, we had a great time, you know. It was really uh, it was really surprising. It was really nice, you know.
DJ: I know the last time you were here was uh, I think about 3 years ago. You played at Place des Artes to a very, very small crowd and you've come up in the world since then, a heck of a lot.
Bruce: I guess the world, all we've known, it was like, uh, there was a lot of people there tonight, (?) be a lot, you know, and uh, it was really, I didn't know exactly what to expect, you know, 'cause we hadn't been up here too much, uh, we were up here for about 3 dates on that, I guess, '76 tour, you know, or '75 tour, and then we really haven't gotten up here, you know, too much again and uh, it was really uh, it was really a treat. It was really nice.
DJ: Listen Bruce, I've got a question for you. What happened to Miami Steve? I don't think I found him on stage tonight.
Bruce: Yeah, he was up there!
DJ: He was up there?
Bruce: (laughs) Yeah! (laughs)
DJ: Because he …
Bruce: He was the guy, uh, …
DJ: With the hat on? …
Bruce: Right, over to the left (laughs) …
DJ: Okay …
Bruce: You know, he was, he was there
DJ: Clarence was in fine, fine form tonight
Bruce: Yeah (still laughing) …
DJ: As usual …
Bruce: Yeah, yeah, everybody was uh, you know, it was sorta, uh, excited, you know, comin' in, you know, 'cause it's uh, it was a real nice town, it was a real nice city, like the last time we were here, we spent a few days, and uh, I really, I really liked it so, it was nice that it just, everything worked out so good, you know, and the audience was … wild, it was really, really wild, wild response, it was uh, really exciting, you know
DJ: I know, I caught the first part of the show. I caught about an hour and then I had to come here to go on the air but what I saw was dynamite. Um, I was gonna ask you something about your tour. When, you were, you were touring all summer. It was a real hectic tour from what I can understand and uh, then you took a bit of a break. What'd you do?
Bruce: Well, let me see, what'd I do? I uh, went out west, a little bit, out towards Arizona and to California. I wrote a couple songs and then came back and rehearsed and went out. I only had about 3 weeks really, you know, to uh, fool around. It was funny because I never, traveled before without playing, you know, it was like, the first time I was ever, like, uh, away, you know, from New Jersey and stuff, without somebody knocking on the door and sayin', 'Alright, 5 minutes', you know, guy on the bus (chuckles) …
DJ: Right …
Bruce: So, I had a good time. It was okay. Didn't do too much, foolin' around
DJ: What really impressed me in the first part of the concert, the part that I saw, was some of your new material, like a song called Independence Day. Blew me away.
Bruce: Ah, thank, thank you. Yeah, I wrote that about uh, quite, a long time ago. It was funny, I wrote it before I wrote, like uh, a lot of the stuff that was on Darkness but, there just wasn't room, you know, there wasn't room for it, and we got a version that's recorded and everything of that song already. We'll probably do it again for the next album but uh, we've had that sittin' around so, we started, we're doing about 2 or 3 new songs every night a set now. I want to try and (?), you know, get a little audience reaction before we go in and make the next album, you know, I haven't had a chance to ever do that. I usually end up writing in the studio and uh, and hustlin' down to the last wire, you know, the last minute. So, this time, I'm trying to write, while I'm on the road and get to play it, you know, and see how the people like the songs and stuff … So, I'm glad to hear you liked it
DJ: Uh, it was dynamite, and uh, we wanna thank you. On behalf of everybody, hope you're gonna come back to town real soon. Are you staying for a while or are you splitting right away?
Bruce: I'm going to stay tomorrow, as much as we can, we got a day off tomorrow and then we're flying out sometime tomorrow night, I think, so I'm gonna try uh, (? got brown), get in the daytime, so I can get up, you know …
DJ: Sure …
Bruce: (talking real low and can't make it out - think he's falling asleep)
DJ: If you get a chance …
Bruce: (picks up the volume) look around, shop around
DJ: If you get a chance while you're shopping around …
Bruce: (perks up, probably senses the favor about to be asked!) Nice talking to you there! (chuckles)
DJ: Come on by CHOM, we'd love to see ya …
Bruce: I'd like to go and to just thank uh, everybody that came down to the show, you know, for making it such uh, uh, good show, and uh, I really appreciate it, you know, 'cause we hadn't been up that much (a live Raise Your Hand starts playing), and it was really, uh, we just, it was just uh, really fantastic response. I'd just like to, just like to say thanks to everybody and see ya next time
DJ: Thanks a lot Bruce. Bye-bye
Bruce: Bye
© All credits to the original photographer. We do not monetize a photo in any way, but if you want your photo to be removed, let us know, and we will remove it.
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