Scheduled: 19:30 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
"The Price You Pay" is full-band. Roy plays the piano intro before "The River" and "Once Upon A Time In The West" as an introduction to "Badlands". The "Detroit Medley" includes a few lines from "Pain In My Heart" and "I Hear A Train".
incl. Rehearsals.
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Audience tape released on CD 'Catch That Train' (BFD). The first set is available on the two-LP set 'The Boss In Boston' (Sparrow Productions).

15.12.80 Boston, MA, intro to ´´Darkness on the Edge of Town´´
´´Hey, if any of you guys got those crazy green things, I don´t know what the hell they call them, them things, I´d appreciate it if you could hold on to ´em tight all night long because when you throw ´em around, you´re liable to hit somebody on the head, please don´t throw ´em on stage or don´t throw ´em out into the crowd, I´d appreciate it if you just held on tight to them thank you very much….thank you, yeah….alright….thanks a lot (chuckles) alright….
uh….if there´s any of you guys that are stuck out there in the aisle, I´d appreciate it if you could find your seats ´cause it´s gonna be a real long show and so you won´t be standing around in front of people or something, alright? help those guys find your seats for you, thank you very much….´´
15.12.80 Boston, MA, intro to ´´Independence Day´´
´´I grew up….in this small town, it was about 10,000 people, I guess….and….and we lived on this street that was like, uh, it turned, it was sort of like an L and down on this side it was me and my parents and my grandparents and all my father´s relatives and they were all Irish (huge cheers from the crowd) and on the, uh (chuckles) and on the other side was my mother´s, my mother´s parents and they were, they were real Italians (crowd cheers) and for as long as I can remember, growing up….each side would have a party and whoever was across the street I never remember once my, my mother´s parents being over at my father´s parents´ house or, even when we were kids, my old man would never go over to see anybody on my mother´s side of the family and uh….it wasn´t until….wasn´t until I started making records, that they started inviting me over for dinner and stuff (chuckles) but when….it was one year, it was around Christmastime, I was over and my aunt….my aunt brought out this picture and it was a picture, it was a picture of my dad and my mom about two, two years before they were married and it was, it was really amazing ´cause I never, I´d never seen my father like that, he was like dressed in this 1940´s suit and he looked, he looked just like John Garfield in this picture, he looked like he was about to, about to eat, looked like he was gonna eat the photographer´s head off or something, you know (chuckles) and I never got a chance to see him like that when I was growing up….´cause….for some reason he´d taken on a lot of responsibility when he was real young and for the rest of his life he felt like, he felt like somehow he´d let all the good things slip by, you know….and you grow up with that every day and that puts a mark on you and in a way it´s good because it makes you real scared, makes you scared of getting stuck in one place or scared of missing out on the things that you shouldn´t miss out on and scared….my father got to a place eventually where he was even scared to dream any more, he was scared to think that things could be any better than they were….well….anyway….when I was young I decided that I wasn´t, I was gonna do all I could not to miss out on those things….so….so if we´re in the same boat, here goes to you, alright….´´
15.12.80 Boston, MA, intro to ´´The Promised Land´´
´´This is for Miriam….´´
15.12.80 Boston, MA, intro to ´´Sherry Darling´´
´´Oh yeah!…alright….who´s from New Jersey? (some
cheers) who heard of New Jersey? (some cheers) who cares where New Jersey is? (some cheers)….´´
15.12.80 Boston, MA, intro to ´´Hungry Heart´´
´´Alright, this is for my partner….´´
15.12.80 Boston, MA, intro to ´´Sandy´´
´´I can´t return this, it bounces back (chuckles) complete destruction (chuckles) yeah….yeah ….(?)….this is a song I wrote back in 1970, end of 1973, ´74….I was living, I was living in this garage apartment a couple of blocks off from the beach and….ready, Danny Boy? alright ….´´
15.12.80 Boston, MA, intro to ´´For You´´
´´That´s Dan Federici on the accordion….protege of Frankie Yankovich, a two-time winner of the Ted Mack Amateur Hour….it´s true….alright….this one´s for you guys out back, alright ….here´s ´For You´….´´
15.12.80 Boston, MA, intro to ´´Stolen Car´´
´´Oh…while, during the time we were making, making, uh, making the last album, uh, a friend of mine, a real close friend of mine got married and….we all went to his wedding and ….I remember….that the rabbi got up and he started to talk about how….how long as you´re alone, that your dreams, they just remain dreams that, that, that it ain´t until you reach out to either, you….you take a chance with somebody or you go out and just take a chance with people, that it´s the first step to making all the things that you´re dreaming about a reality, it´s like….or it´s like writing a song or something, like when you´re sitting in your room and you´re writing a song, a song don´t mean nothing until you play it for somebody, somebody´s gotta hear it, you know….and I guess, I guess one of the things that people seem to be most afraid of, I know I get most scared of sometimes is, is, for one reason or another, not being able to make, make that connection with somebody or make it last so….´´
15.12.80 Boston, MA, intro to ´´Rosalita´´
´´Alright….Boston, wherever you are….come on out tonight….
(….) To the far left of the stage….on the piano….Professor Roy Bittan….on the guitar….a poet of the soul, master of rock and roll, Miami Steve Van Zandt….on the bass guitar, Mr.Garry W.Tallent….on the drums, the Mighty Max Weinberg….on the organ and the accordion, Phantom Dan Federici….and last but not least….words fail me, ladies and gentlemen….how can I say it?…king of the world….emperor of the universe….master of all things, great and small….faster than a speeding bullet….more powerful than a locomotive….able to leap tall women, oh, I mean tall buildings in a single bound….is it a bird?…is it a plane?….what the hell is it?….Clarence Clemons on the saxophone….´´
15.12.80 Boston, MA, intro to ´´Santa Claus Is Coming to Town´´
´´It´s snowing outside now….you know who´s gonna be coming when it starts snowing….I´ll wear the hat on now….´´
15.12.80 Boston, MA, intro to ´´Jungleland´´
´´Happy holidays….this is for the misplaced….Jersey girls tonight….´´
15.12.80 Boston, MA, intro to ´´I´m a Rocker´´
´´Relax, relax, relax, relax, relax, relax!….(?)….ready? God almighty, alright, this is called ´I´m a Rocker,´ so let´s rock….´´
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi
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