1981-08-20 Los Angeles Memorial Sports Arena, Los Angeles, CA

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Scheduled: 20:00 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??

Info & Setlist | Venue

The concert is a benefit for the Vietnam Veterans of America Foundation and the first night of six in Los Angeles. The outstanding 29-song set features passionate versions of many songs, including "The River", "Who'll Stop The Rain", "Prove It All Night", and "Darkness On The Edge Of Town". Also, includes a stunning tour one-off performance of The Byrds' "Ballad Of Easy Rider". Springsteen stops singing during "The River", either due to overwhelming emotion or to shake hands with the veterans seated around the stage - opinion is divided. An outstanding "Detroit Medley" includes snippets of "I Hear A Train", "Land Of 1000 Dances", "Sweet Soul Music", and "Shake". "Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)" also includes a brief "Sweet Soul Music" during the band introductions. Widely considered one of Springsteen's finest shows, with some justification.

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