Scheduled: 20:00 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Info & Setlist | Venue
Last known performance of "Jackson Cage" until 2002 and the final "Growin' Up of the tour, which includes the Peter Pan story. "Rosalita (Come Out Tonight)" includes a snippet of "Sweet Soul Music". "Detroit Medley" includes "I Hear A Train". "Quarter To Three" closes the set again.
incl. Rehearsals.
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Audience tape. Two recording sources circulate, one incomplete source from the master tapes (D.S.) is missing the first two and last three songs. A second complete source, only missing the end of "Quarter To Three", is also available from the master tapes (Persic).

02.09.81 San Diego, CA, intro to ´This Land Is Your Land´
´´This is a….this is a song by Woody Guthrie….I guess it´s a song about taking responsobility for yourself and the friends that you have around you and it´s a fighting song….”
02.09.81 San Diego, CA, intro to ´Jackson Cage´
´´Thanks….I remember when I was….when I was growing up, I used to….I got to be around 16 or 17 and…..I couldn´t wait to get out of the house and…..and get a job and get some money in my pockets…..but uh….I watched a lot of my friends quit school and….. we had this big glass-factory outside of, outside of the town I grew up in and a lot of guys went down there looking for a job….and uh… I went back there when I was older, I realised that a lot of my….lot of the people that I grew up with ended up working at the same factories as their father did….and….I looked back at, at my life and I realised that my old man, he worked in a factory and his father did and that there´s nothing….there´s nothing that keeps that, that circle from going ´round and ´round ´less you get lucky….and I read this book…..when I was at school, history never interested me that much….but about six months ago I read this book called History of the United States and it´s written by a guy named Henry Steele Commager and another guy named Alan Nevins and in it…. there´s a lot, there was a lot of answers to a lot of the things that, that I was wondering about as I, as I grew up….and it lets you, it gives you an idea about where you´re coming from and in it, there´s a lot of things, there´s a lot of things to be proud of but there´s a lot of things to be ashamed of and it´s important, I think, that everybody….gets a sense of where….where you´re coming from and the forces that are gonna, that are gonna shape your lives as you grow older….(?) you just end up trapped running around in circles….. ”
02.09.81 San Diego, CA, middle of ´Growin' Up´
´´There we was….it was a long time ago….me and Steve and Clarence was walking home down the boardwalk…we didn´t have no money, we couldn´t get no jobs…all our instruments was gone, somebody stole ´em….and we….we was feeling old….I mean real old….I was feeling so old, everytime I passed a graveyard, I thought I was apartment-hunting…a little joke….and we was thinking…I was feeling ´em lines jumping in my head as I was getting old….and we said ´Man, you guys remember …. remember that book we read, remember that Peter Pan book ?…Yeah, you know the one that said….the guy that never gets old, never grows old ?….No, no, that´s, that´s Pinochio, I´m talking about Peter Pan…guy in a green suit….flies around, never gets old…(?)´…there we was walking home, some pervert jumps out on the boardwalk in a goddamn green suit !…I said ´Wait a minute….let´s take care of this cat´…(drums rumble)….wait a minute, boys, wait….I think this…I think this might be, this might really be Peter Pan, hey….he looks a little older… he put on a little weight….but that might be him…if this is him, my nephews are gonna kill me….we better wake this cat up…I think he´s coming to… it alright, Pete ?…we got you now…we want you to whip on us….some of that (?) dust so we can take off and fly…. alright, now you guys gotta start to think some nice thoughts…Miami, that leaves you out …. (?) ….almost there….we tried for an hour and a half…ain´t none of us ever got off the boardwalk… we started to feel pretty mean…..alright, Pete, you got five seconds to come across with the real goods….or we´re gonna send you back to NeverNeverland…..then we turned around and that guy was gone….and it was that moment we decided to further our careers in show business….”
02.09.81 San Diego, CA, intro to ´Johnny Bye Bye´
´´This is….this is a song….I remember when I was nine years old….and my mother had on ´The Ed Sullivan Show´ and Elvis came on…..I remember as I sat there and I said ´When I, when I grow up, I wanna be just like that´….and…..I remember I was sitting at home when somebody called me up and told me that he died and…´s something I still think about all the time….how somebody that, that had so much and was so alive inside could end up….losing so bad and seeming so lonely….and uh….and you always, I guess you gotta let go, you gotta let go of everything sometime…..this is a song….this is a song I wrote for Elvis…..”
02.09.81 San Diego, CA, middle of ´Rosalita´
‘‘Ladies and gentlemen….here we are…..we´ve now come to the most exciting part of the show….now….we were just (?) in Los Angeles for a lot of last week (boos) you´ve already heard this poem….and I got so many cards and so many letters telling me about how the poem that I wrote for Roy has moved so many people and been so inspirational to everybody so I´d like to say, heretonight, the first public performance of my poem for Roy in San Diego… we go now, ´R´ is for ‘Roy’ ‘cause that´s his name….´O´ is for ‘pian-O’ ‘cause that´s his game….‘Y’ ? because he likes it, on the piano, Professor Roy Bittan… we got a man who wrote many hits such as ‘I Don’t Wanna Go Home’, ‘Sweeter than Honey’, ‘This Time It’s for Real’, ‘Some Things Just Don’t Change’, ‘Daddy’s Come Home’, ‘Trapped Again’, I´m talking about the great Miami Steve Van Zandt on the guitar….all the way from Neptune, New Jersey, the handsome, the debonair, Mr.Garry W.Tallent on the bass….all the way in the back, we´ve got the king of the big beat, all the way from South Orange, New Jersey, the Mighty Max Weinberg on the drums….on the far right of the stage and on the organ, (?) Phantom Dan Federici….and last but not least….we´ve got a gentleman here….what can I say ?….everybody knows he´s the king of the world….everybody knows he´s the master of the universe….everybody knows he´s the emperor of all things and so, ladies and gentlemen, give me a C-L-A-R-E-N-C-E, what’s that spell ?… what’s that spell ?… what’s that spell ?….Spotlight on the Big Man !….
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi
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