Scheduled: ??:?? Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
With Cats On A Smooth Surface. This was the start of a series of shows which grew in popularity and became well attended. Most of the songs that were performed with Bruce on any given night were either songs the band knew or quickly rehearsed with Bruce backstage at the Pony. He would then join them onstage after the last set at 2:30 AM where he, even at that hour, would put on an amazing show. Truly inspirational and energetic even though at that hour there would usually be thirty or forty people left in the audience (at the earlier jams) before Bruce took the stage. After the third or fourth time that he sat in with Cats, word that he was making regular appearances Sundays at the Pony quickly got out and the regular crowd of about two-hundred people grew to a capacity crowd of over eight-hundred — and that was every week whether he showed up or not. All local and national media had ongoing blurbs of his jams with Cats but neither the band nor the Stone Pony did any special advertising to exploit the fact that he played with them so regularly. The band felt privileged to have him there with them and would never sour that relationship.
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Cats On A Smooth Surface
- Bruce Springsteen (Guest)

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