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World premiere of "Dancing In The Dark", with Bruce guesting with the group Bystander. Thomas Kiely was a DJ for various clubs on the Jersey Shore in the 70s and 80s including Xanadu, and he was kind enough to send his recollections in to Brucebase: On Saturday May 26 1984 Bystander is playing at the club Xanadu in Asbury Park. The club is packed and Bruce is in the house. The band had recently learned Dancing in the Dark by getting a promotional single of the song prior to its general release. Before playing the song the band announced that Bruce was in the club and that they were about to play his new single. The band asked aloud if Bruce would like to join them on the stage to sing it. Immediately there was a rush to the stage. The band stalled for as long as they could but Bruce didn’t come forward and eventually they began to play the song. Hoping to entice Bruce to join them, instead of going into the song after the intro, the band vamped the intro over again for a second time. Perhaps Bruce, not wishing to embarrass himself, was waiting to see how well the band could play the song, who knows, but after doing the intro for a second time, Bruce jumped up on the stage, grabbed the mic and started to sing at the very last second right on cue. Needless to say the house went wild.
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