Intro to "Prove It All Night"
”I missed you !…..”
Intro to "Johnny 99"
(crowd : ”Bruuuuce”) That’s my name …..Bruuuuce…..awright, here we are….only took me two years….I should’ve wrote, right ?…..”
Intro to "Mansion on the Hill"
”Thanks…’s a pretty nice town you got here (cheers)….(?)….could I have a little bit more of this, Jim ?…..and uh….yeah….that’s good…..this is a song about when I was a kid….ah….my father was always (?) and he used to drive me outside of town, there was this nice white house, used to sit on this hill……and uh…..when I wrote, I thought back on that…..the house really….as I got older, it took more meaning…..and it was, uh…… it became very mystical, it became very… a touchstone… a carrot in front of a donkey (?) or something (chuckles)….now when I dream, sometimes I’m outside the gates….looking in…..and sometimes….I’m the man inside…..”
Intro to "Glory Days"
”Let me collect my thoughts….take it down, boys…..I shall return……in high school…. I was bad…..I mean I was bad at everything…..I wasn’t good at anything…..really couldn’t play no sports…..I didn’t do good at school….I was kinda shy too…..I’m not shy anymore (cheers)….well, once in a while….so I’m one of those guys…..that (?) somebody I knew back then…..who was good at something……comes up and tells me how good they were all the time….. yeah…..yes indeed…..and the only reason they’re talking to me now….. is because I got good at something later ! (cheers)…..if I didn’t do that, they wouldn’t be talking to me at all….we wouldn’t be here tonight…..I’d be in New Jersey….couldn’t be in Saint Paul…..all this wouldn’t be happening……”
Intro to "The Promised Land"
”This is for Obie…..”
Intro to "Used Cars"
”Yeah, I’d like….I´d like to give a warm welcome to….some first-timers with us…..we got Nils Lofgren on the guitar with us tonight (cheers)….sure am glad to have you….. in the band here…..could I have just a little more, Jim ?…..little more, Jim…..little louder still….one, two…and uh….I think a little bass on my voice…..this is a song about uh….. my father wouldn’t spend more than 500 dollars on an automobile as long as I…..when I was a kid….when I was a kid, there was only two things I wanted…..a pony….and a convertible (cheers)….after about five years old, all I wanted was a convertible…..but the old man, we used to… and my sister….the only time we used to get together ‘cause we used to always fight…..we’d be out in the backyard going ‘Please, daddy, please’….he said ‘well, come on, we’ll go down to the car lot”…..we went down to this car lot that was called… was like just a classic….like Big Al’s Used Cars and he had a sign up front that said…..’I’d give ‘em away but my wife won’t let me ‘ (chuckles)(cheers)…. so….that was his policy…..anyway….I always remember we’d go down there and we’d be looking around and we’d end up coming home… a Rambler (chuckles) , you know…… that would break down about three months later…..”
Intro to "My Hometown"
”Oh yeah…..when I started playing the guitar…..I had one, well I had more than one, I had a couple of ideas in my mind… was… avoid all responsobility as much as I could (chuckles)(cheers)….for the rest of my life….well, I….we used to sit back in the old bars and say ‘If I can just get this down…..I can avoid all responsobility’….the other idea was to get girls….be filthy rich (chuckles)….oh man….only one idea didn’t work out (chuckles)….that’s the no-responsobility idea….it’s uh….it seems like when you get older, you just, you can’t get out of the way….you know, I guess this song, when I wrote this song, I thought I was writing a song about the town I grew up in but really…’s a song about responsobility….and uh….you know….I guess uh…. whatever’s going on, whether it’s in your….your hometown or whether in your ….whether it’s happening here or thousands of miles away across the seas…’s done in your name and we all bear the….shame and the glory….”
Intro to "Hungry Heart"
”Alright….I have two things I wanna tell you….one….if you see anybody setting off fire-crackers…..tell an usher and have ‘em thrown out….of the building , please….it’s your show and… got the right to come and not be blown up…..if you wanna blow yourself up, please do it in the privacy of your own home but don’t do it here….so have ‘em thrown out…..they won’t get their money back either….alright…..what all these lights are about is we’re all about to become filmstars (cheers)…..”
Intro to "Dancing in the Dark ’ (take 2)"
”Did we get it right ? (cheers)…..was it fun ? (cheers)….well if it was fun, what do you do ?….you do it twice…..”
After "Dancing in the Dark’ (take 2)"
”Thanks….thanks for being such good sports, thank you……”
Intro to "Cadillac Ranch"
”Alright now…..there is more serious business at hand…..”
Intro to "Highway Patrolman"
”Oh yeah, thanks…..are you hot and swetty ? (cheers)… guitar, she no work-a…..
(long pause)….this is a song about , uh…..’bout family….trying to do the right thing…..”
Intro to "Bobby Jean"
”This is a song about….growing up, I guess and missing your friends….”
Middle of "Rosalita"
”Ladies and gentlemen….it’s my pleasure….no….it’s my privilige….to be on stage here tonight….with this star-studded group…..and….it’s nice to be here in Saint Paul too (cheers)… people say….’Boss’….they come up to me on the street all the time….. and they say ‘Boss…..why did you start your whole tour in Saint Paul ?’……and I…..I explain ‘em….that we’re here….to explore new worlds… seek new forms of life …..and to go where no man has ever gone before (cheers)….now….to the far left….a man….he’s the smartest member of the band, I think abybody would agree on that…..he’s the smartest guy…..a man….who’s head….is filled….with more useless information, I mean interesting knowledge…..than anybody I ever met before….. Mister E equals MC square…..on the piano, Professor Roy Bittan (cheers)….and now, I don’t know where she is….but that’s right folks, it’s not a mirage…..right here on stage with the E Street Band is a gi-gi-gi-gi….woman….Miss Patti Scialfa from the streets of Asbury Park (cheers)…..Southside Johnny (?)….yeah…..hey…..they ain’t got all of us figured out yet (chuckles)…….. author….of the soon-to-be-best-selling book ‘The Big Beat’…..the man with the heat, the beat, the thunder from down under…..Mighty Max Weinberg (cheers)…..his mother was a talent…..his father was a talent…..on the boss Mister Garry W.Tallent (cheers)… the far right….a man I’ve known since 1968….and I still can’t figure him out…..he’s a mystery, now you see him, now you don’t…..Phantom Dan Federici (cheers)…..and I’m proud… have with us tonight….drumroll, please…..(Nils make his flip on the trampoline)…..Nils Lofgren on the guitar (cheers)….that’s incredible….then last but not least….last but not least…..last night…..I was sitting on my desk….and…..contemplating the close personal relationship I’ve had with this gentleman…..and I was…..moved, inspired to pick up my pen and to write this next poem….’C’ is for his cool which grows and grows….’L’ is for his (?) which comes and then goes….’A’ is because he’s the apple of my eye….’R’ is , though he’s the king of the world and master of everything, he’s just a regular kinda guy….’E’ is because he’s everything that’s near and dear to me…..’N’ is because there’s nothing like him and never will be….’C’ is for that C-note he’s owed me since 1963…..’E’ is for everything else , you put that together , what’s it spell ? …..what’s it spell ?…what’s it spell ?….The Big Man , Clarence Clemons on the saxophone…..”
Intro to "Born to Run"
”Thanks….I wanna….thank everybody for coming out tonight, making our first night….. making us feel so welcome…..we wanna thank you…..for being good sports, being in….getting….being in the movie (chuckles)(cheers)….in the video….when I grew up, one message that, uh….I guess the greatest message that….I heard when I heard rock’n’roll or Elvis was saying…..a simple thing….and it was saying ‘Let freedom ring….remember you gotta fight for it….”
Middle of "Detroit Medley"
”Man, I gotta take a rest…..all this jumping around tires you out …..(?) when I rest….
when I rest….instead of jumping around a whole lot…..I jump around a little bit…. I practise my breakdancing….my moonwalking….and sometimes I just go in for….free form…..that’s my favorite…..let me get my guitar….somebody gave me a hat here…. and on this hat, it says ‘The Boss’… I want everybody to know…..I hate being called The Boss….but….but….sometimes I like it…..I fell asleep last night…..I had a dream….in that dream , there was a train…..and that train was saying ‘Son…’s time to run… gotta leave your home… gotta go rambling… across the U.S.A….but where I’m going….I can’t say…..(singing:) I hear a train….”
Intro to "Jungleland"
´´Well, the Rangers had a homecoming in Harlem late last night (a girl comes onstage and kisses Bruce) not while I´m singing, baby !….´´
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |