1984-07-01 St. Paul Civic Center, Saint Paul, MN

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Scheduled: 20:00 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??

Info & Setlist | Venue

Live debuts of "Reason To Believe", "Nebraska", and "Pink Cadillac" - and the first E Street Band "Open All Night", with Bruce flubbing the lyrics. During the beginning of "Jungleland" Springsteen also forgets the lyrics. "Nebraska" has a small instrumental part in the end that wasn't played later in the tour. "Detroit Medley" includes "I Hear A Train" and "Shake". "Johnny 99", "The River", "No Surrender", "Highway Patrolman", "I'm On Fire", "Working On The Highway", and "Backstreets" are all dropped from night one.

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