Scheduled: 20:00 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Live debuts of "Reason To Believe", "Nebraska", and "Pink Cadillac" - and the first E Street Band "Open All Night", with Bruce flubbing the lyrics. During the beginning of "Jungleland" Springsteen also forgets the lyrics. "Nebraska" has a small instrumental part in the end that wasn't played later in the tour. "Detroit Medley" includes "I Hear A Train" and "Shake". "Johnny 99", "The River", "No Surrender", "Highway Patrolman", "I'm On Fire", "Working On The Highway", and "Backstreets" are all dropped from night one.
incl. Rehearsals.
- 1984-07-02 St. Paul Civic Center, Saint Paul, MN
- 1984-07-01 St. Paul Civic Center, Saint Paul, MN
- 1984-06-29 St. Paul Civic Center, Saint Paul, MN
- 1984-06-28 St. Paul Civic Center, Saint Paul, MN
- 1981-02-01 St. Paul Civic Center, Saint Paul, MN
- 1980-10-13 St. Paul Civic Center, Saint Paul, MN
- 1978-11-29 St. Paul Civic Center, Saint Paul, MN
Sorry, no Photos available.
Audience tape. Four recording sources circulate. The first source (Rainone/Cre) is missing the vast majority of "Cadillac Ranch". A new and more complete tape first surfaced via the 'Uber Series', although "Born In The U.S.A.", "Dancing In The Dark", and "Sherry Darling" are all cut. This source was remastered and released on CDR as 'So Lonesome You Could Cry' (Ev2). An incomplete third source was released as 'Mr. Smith Tape' missing the opening track and everything after "Fire". A fourth source was released from a first generation tape transfer (mjk5510) of the master (MS) , this source has cuts in "Glory Days" and "I'm Rocker" but does contain patches.
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Intro to "Open All Night"
”Yeah….here’s a song (?) uh…’s on the Nebraska record…..this is uh…..this is a song , it’s…’s got a whole lotta words…..hope I remember them, you know (chuckles)….gimme a little echo….take it easy now… New Jersey, they got, uh….. Turnpike (cheers)…..stretches way on the bottom to way on the top…..and uh…. must’ve rode it thousands and thousands of times by now…..but…..if you ever been to, it looks kinda like, uh….I was riding home from New York City one night…..and I was watching all…. refineries and… looked like I was on the moon…..and it inspired me so much (?) (chuckles)… step for mankind and two cheeseburgers to go, that’s (chuckles)(cheers)…..see if I get through it….”
Intro to "Mansion on the Hill"
”Oh yeah…..(?) a little sound there, Jimmy….(?)….my guitar…..she no work (chuckles)(cheers)…..there we go, here it comes…..sound like a dog (chuckles)….
next !…’s alright, I got more than one (cheers)…’s coming……it’s coming up (cheers)…..when I was a kid, I grew up in, uh….real small….small apartments and small houses….I remember….we lived in uh…..we lived in a place , what was the address, 20… 21 and ½ (cheers)….in…street called Institute Street… this town called Freehold (cheers)….and uh…..was a little livingroom and a kitchen and …..and me and my sister had like bunkbeds or something…..and….so my dad used to always, he used to always drive us outside of town and he’d show us this big house, used to sit out there on this hill….and….as I got older….it kinda took on a lot of, lot of different kinds of meaning for me so….”
Intro to "Darlington County"
”So….the only thing to do is leave….get outta there…..”
Intro to "Glory Days"
”Wait a, wait a minute now…oh yeah…ah take it easy now… my new hat (cheers)…gotta wear it like this….that’s easy…..this is a song about….old times……..first of all… thing… don’t have to be old to have old times (cheers)…..but it helps…’s like old times start about… year after you’re in high school…..then it’s always somebody up that says ‘Oh, remember when we were freshmen?’ and all that stuff….but…..the older you get, the more old times you got…..and the more you go out and meet some fool who wants to remind you ‘bout ‘em all…..there’s always a guy, comes up to you in a bar….goes ‘Hey Bruce, how ya doin’?….how’s the band doing?’….he sits there and says ‘Remember….. remember that time we went out….you were with that girl you really liked….and that guy came over and spilled all that beer on your head…..and then you got mad, he knocked you out’ (laughter)….’Man that was great (laughter)….that was funny….boy, those were good times’….you don´t wanna tell the guy you felt like a dog so you go ‘Yeah, yeah, that was good wow, we had a good time that night’ (laughter)…..what are you gonna do?…….there’s always these guys coming up to you and telling you things you don’t wanna hear…..that’s what friends are for, I guess (cheers)(chuckles)…well, let me get on with the story…..”
Intro to "Used Cars"
”Old cars (chuckles)….they’re like….old (?)…..I remember my dad had a ….he never spent more than 500 dollars on an automobile….and uh… we’d get these things and they’d run for little while….and a bumper’d fall off…..I remember he’d, he’d see a cop and he’d shut off the engine, (?) goes by (chuckles)(cheers)….and then….then the reverse would always go out on it….me and him would be pushing it backwards out of all the parking spots (chuckles)….so if you ever been in the middle of a street….at 5.30….pushing your car out of the way (chuckles)….of all those other cars…..feeling like the biggest jerk in the world…..this one’s , this is a song for you (chuckles)….”
Intro to "My Hometown"
”This song’s of where I grew up….I ended up really hating , hating the place I came from….and uh…..I guess this is a song, it’s about….the place where you live….and…. kinda sharing the responsobility in it…..and how… can run…..but you can’t hide (chuckles)(cheers)….”
Intro to "Nebraska"
”This is about being so lonesome… could cry….”
Intro to "Pink Cadillac"
”Take it easy a little bit there… , this is a song…..I was brought up Catholic, on the Bible….and this is a song about…..sin (cheers)…..anybody know anything about that ? (cheers)(chuckles)….but it seems….now, according to the Bible….at least the way I was taught…..was that way back when in the Garden of Eden….Eve….showed Adam the Apple….Adam took a bite…..and here we are tonight (cheers)….that’s a little hard to believe…..there had to be something more than an apple…..fruit ? (chuckles)….I don’t know…..and….sometimes at night….I sit around thinking about that….and I think ‘Gee, where would I rather be ?…..Would I rather be in the Garden of Eden…..or would I rather be on Earth ?’….and I always come up with ‘I’d rather be on Earth’ (cheers)….I don’t like the outside anyway (chuckles)….you know….all them trees…bugs….no air conditioning (cheers)…..that ain’t the Garden of Eden, that’s my backyard (chuckles)….you know, anyway….so I got to thinking, I figured it couldn’t be an apple….so it must’ve been…’s must’ve been…..”
Middle of "Rosalita"
”Ladies and gentlemen…’s now my great pleasure….to introduce you… the band (cheers)….now anybody that was here…..Friday night (cheers)….knows that I wrote a poem for Clarence…..well, since then….I been thinking ….and I realised….to just (?) my incredible creative talents….on one member of the band…..was selfish (chuckles) … so tonight….I have to introduce….a poem….to Roy (cheers)…’s kinda short (chuckles)….R is for Roy ‘cause that’s his name…..O is for piano ‘cause that’s his game…..Y…..because he likes it…..Professor Roy Bittan on the piano, ladies and gentlemen (cheers)…..oh yeah, oh yeah…..we have with us…..from the streets of Asbury Park…..girl I met at the Stone Pony…(?) and sing with us…..Miss Patti Scialfa (cheers)….on the bass guitar providing the thunder from down under, Mr. Garry W. Tallent (cheers)…..on the drums….not only is he a drummer….but he’s author….. author of that soon-to-be-bestseller….The Big Beat….the Mighty one, Max Weinberg on the drums (cheers)….on the organ, most mysterious member of the band….. Phantom Dan Federici (cheers)….and last…..but not least…the handsomest man in showbusiness….. a man who’s entertained you…..with such hits as ‘Woman’s Got the Power’…..’Money to the Rescue’…..with his own band, the Red Bank Rockers… on our stage….. the king of all things, the master of the universe…..Mr.Clarence Clemons (cheers)….”
Intro to "I’m a Rocker"
”Is you a rocker or is you not ?…..”
Intro to "Born to Run"
”Thanks…..I’d like to thank…..I’d like to thank you all for coming down tonight….let you know we appreciate it (cheers)…..when I was, uh…..when I grew up….and I first heard Elvis Presley and heard all…..great early rock and roll….I was thinking that the main message…..that it said to me…..was uh…..was it said ‘Let freedom ring’….so do what you can…..”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |
Mitch Berg | This was the first time I ever saw Bruce live. It was one of the pivotal evenings of my life. I was 21, just out of my junior year of college in rural North Dakota. I took the bus (my car was broken), and got out of the bus station in Saint Paul on one of the most gorgeous nights; warm, just a slight breeze. I was just off the turnip truck back then - my first time alone in a big city, really. I walked the three blocks to the Civic, up to the long row of glass doors that opened onto Seventh Street. I saw dozens of people trying the locked doors - and just for the hell of it, pulled on the westernmost of them. It OPENED! I slipped in, and found a seat in the lower west concourse just as the band started sound-checking "Glory Days". I watched the whole song, after which a roadie walked up to me. "Crap - I'm going to get my ass kicked", I thought - I'd worked with Molly Hatchet's road crew once, and I knew how they liked people who snuck into the shows. But he was very polite, just wanted to know how I got in (and naturally, for me to get out). I went out for dinner, and came back for the show. I'd been to one other show, the Who, two years earlier, also at the Civic; back then, the crowd was drunk and the whole place felt on the brink of violence. For Bruce, it was different - it was a party, and everyone was invited! It took, of course, forever to start the show. I knew there'd been a show - the first of the tour- the previous night, but I'd heard no news or reviews. I remember the beginning of the show very distinctly; the room went dark, a spotlight illuminated the American flat, and Roy kicked off the synth riff for "Born In The USA", Bruce behind the mic, fist in the air in the gesture that became the icon of the tour. And by the tenth beat, I was standing on the back of my seat (59th row, on the floor), dancing and balancing and basically flying. "Out In The Street" followed. Nobody in my section had ever heard of Patti Scialfa, and we were sort of dumbfounded when she bounded out from backstage left and took her mic. Hearing her do the harmonies put the song - one of my favorites - in a whole new light. The rest of the night is a bit of a blur to me now, 21 years later. Highlights: Bruce and Nils' harmonies on "Mansion"; Bruce forgetting the words to "Jungleland", of all things, and having the crowd finish the verse for him; last, and best, the final encore; "Born to Run" - one of my favorite songs - segueing into "Street Fighting Man", another of my all-time favorites. When BTR kicked off, they fired up the house lights. I looked around, and saw 20,000 people dancing in the aisles and on the backs of their chairs and, for all I knew, the trusses holding the roof up. I was drained at the end of the night. As I walked out, there was none of the belligerence and testosterone I'd found at the Who gig. I said to nobody in particular "that was fucking amazing"; a complete stranger answered "you got that right, bro". Goodwill floated through the air. As I wandered back to the bus station, I looked up Cathedral Hill, and my decision was final; I HAD to get out of North Dakota. "The River" had been calling me to do it for years; I couldn't turn back. One of the signal nights of my life. |
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