Intro to "Highway Patrolman"
´´This is uh, thank you…..this is a song about, uh….when it comes to your family, it´s hard to ….hard to know what´s the right thing to do and the wrong thing to do sometimes….this is for anybody in from the Canadian border…..”
Intro to "Glory Days"
´´This is a song about…..those nights when you go out….and you meet somebody …. that you used to know….tells you….you look just like you did in high school except a whole lot older ….this happens to me all the time….I went to high school with, like, I don´t know….two million people….I don´t know where they´re coming from…..and they all need a loan too…. you got those guys always come up to you and say….´Hey Bruce, remember me ? I´m the guy who ate your term paper´….and everybody (?) what a great time you was having back then….as far as I´m concerned….I had a terrible time in high school !…. terrible !…but I´m making up for it now….every day, every way….”
Intro to "Used Cars"
´´This is uh…..every time I pass one of those….automobile scrapyards, I get a little twinge in my heart….(?)(chuckles)….when I was….when I was a kid, one of the biggest….one of the biggest deals was when my old man was gonna go down and buy, buy another car and….we could have, we could have anything we wanted ´long as it didn´t cost more than 500 dollars ….we´d get one of these cars and we´d bring it home and I had a bedroom that was over the backyard and the first thing I could hear every morning was him out laying on the ground trying to get the car started to go to work….and we had a car, like the muffler´d fallen off and he´d watch for the police (?) switch off the engine, it goes by….we had a car that was not going to reverse….(?) parking spot and I can always remember him pushing that thing back out of there….anyway….one thing I always wanted him to get and he never got was a convertible….and he was….in his heart he was a convertible-kind-of guy….but there was always something holding him back….and to this day, when I go see him, he still sits at the kitchen table….you know, and….he goes ´Yeah, maybe, you know, maybe I´ll go get a convertible´….anyway, when I got older, I swore that (?) I would buy nothing but convertibles (chuckles)….”
Intro to "No Surrender"
´´Thank you….this is uh….sometimes I….just start thinking about all the promises you make to yourself as a kid…you know, about what you´re gonna be like when you get older and stuff….and uh….(?)….somebody up there likes me, I guess (chuckles)….´cause when I was a kid, I dreamed of something and my dream came true…. this is for, uh….this is for Little Steven….he´s got an album out now called ´Voice of America´, it´s a real good record….if you get a chance, you ought to check it out….”
Intro to "Pink Cadillac"
´´Now, so history has it….that way back before history….there was a….place called the Garden of Eden….now, nobody really knows what was in the Garden of Eden ….they know it must´ve been a garden….somewhere….they know there was a bunch of fruit trees…but they don´t say….whether they left out all the important things in life….like air-conditioning…. cheeseburgers…..Cadillacs….all you know is…..there was Adam….. there was Eve…..there was an apple….they took a bite….there was sin….that´s when all the fun began…..”
Middle of "Rosalita"
´´Ladies, gentlemen, children of all ages….I´d like to introduce to you some close personal friends of mine….beginning at the far left….the most intelligent member of the E Street Band ….we all took a test before we came out here and he did the best….so let´s hear it for Professor Roy Bittan….Roy, play something educational for us (Roy plays a classical piece) on the vocals, Miss Patti Scialfa….on the drums, author of The Big Beat, the Mighty Max Weinberg….on the bass, the man with the thunder from down under, Mr.Garry W.Tallent…. on the organ, the mysterious, delirious, inimitable, impossible, unbelievable, incredible, irremovable, inscrutable Phantom Dan Federici….and on the guitar, drumroll, please….Mr. Nils Lofgren (Nils does his stunt on a trampoline) wow….and now last but not least….ladies and gentlemen tonight, I know everybody knows it´s an election year and I think it´s time that we had a Big Man in the White House….so gimme a C-L-A-R-E-N-C-E, what´s that spell ? ….what´s that spell ?….what´s that spell ?….the king of the world, the master of the universe, the next President of the United States, Clarence Big Man Clemons….”
Intro to "Born to Run"
´´Thank you, I´d like to thank everybody for coming down tonight….I want you to know we appreciate it….when I was….when I was a kid, I grew up in this little old town, in a house that didn´t have many books and the way they taught that stuff in school I never seemed to be able to pick up on and then….you know, I heard that music coming over my little transistor radio at night and…..just kind of saying to me, guess after all these years I´ve thought about it and I realised all it was saying was, was ´Let freedom ring for everybody everywhere´….but you gotta fight for it every day….”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |