Scheduled: 20:00 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
The first of three shows in Toronto includes the first ever performance in Canada of "Highway Patrolman". "Backstreets" include an extended introduction and a brief "Sad Eyes" interlude in the middle. "Detroit Medley" includes "I Hear A Train".
incl. Rehearsals.
© All credits to the original photographer. We do not monetize a photo in any way, but if you want your photo to be removed, let us know, and we will remove it.
Sorry, no Media available.
Audience tape, two recording sources are available. Released on CDR 'Toronto First Night 84' and upgraded from a low generation tape transfer as part of the "DS Archives Volume 39 (mjk5510), in October 2015 a second source (JEMS) surfaced and was released from the master tapes (mackeck). Both recordings suffer from pitch issues at the end of 'Detroit Medley'.
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Intro to "Highway Patrolman"
´´This is a song about…, it´s hard to know what the right thing to do is sometimes when it comes to your family….´´
Intro to "Glory Days"
´´Well, take it easy now….I always wanted to be a baseball player….this is as close as I´m gonna get….now, when I was 15….I started, like, I started when I was like nine years old in Little League and then I went up to this league called Babe Ruth League and then when I was about 14 and a half, I got interested in two other things….one of ´em was the guitar….so (chuckles) but I remember I was like in my last year of baseball and I was going out on the weekends and I was playing in a little, in a local band called the Castiles, we named ourselves after a shampoo (chuckles) it was….what would happened is it usually wasn´t too bad because most of the games that played we´re like during the week, except we had this one rained-out game that they rescheduled it for like Saturday morning, like, nine o´clock….. that was the last time, like, I ever got up at nine o´clock (chuckles) but….but the guys came by and I tried to, I was out the night before playing this gig and I tried to make believe like I was sick so I wouldn´t have to go so like I was laying there and I told my mother to go to the door and tell ´em that….you know, I got a cardiac arrest or something (chuckles) yeah, so they went away….and then they came back because they only had eight players and I heard ´em down there go ´Mrs.Springsteen…..please, if Bruce don´t come, we´re gonna forfeit the game´ (chuckles) so I´m, so sends ´em upstairs and I´m laying there in bed, now I gotta make all these sick noises, you know (coughs) I cough up….so finally they get me out of bed and I go down to the field….and they put me in rightfield…..which was fine with me…..and I was standing out there just praying that nothing was gonna come my way….you know, you´re counting every strike, every pitch, and all of sudden, pfffhhh… run, two run, three run (chuckles) ´Throw it in, throw it in !´….(chuckles)….that´s when I decided I´d stick with the guitar….´´
Intro to "Used Cars"
´´Got a nice night….it was….I used to sit out on my front porch…..when I was a kid, when the weather was like this….and I kind of lived on this main street, it was called South Street, in this little town called Freehold, New Jersey (cheers) it wasn´t that nice (chuckles) it was, uh (chuckles) but uh….used to be this guy, lived next door, worked in a, worked in a grocery store, who used to have one of those radios that´d get stations from all over the world and he´d set it out and we´d sit there on the steps and watch the cars go by and I´d count the convertibles (chuckles) figured that anybody in a convertible had to be doing alright (chuckles) but….it used to come time when my dad´d go down and we´d get another car, it was the only time me and my sister used to get together on anything, she was a year younger than me and we used to fight all the time, but we´d be begging him ´Daddy, please, you know, get a convertible´ and he´d say ´We´ll go down, ok, I´ll, I´ll think about it´, then we´d always come home in like a Rambler or a Studebaker (chuckles) with a hardtop….but we used to get him back because me and my sister found the exact spot in the backseat where no matter what we did, he couldn´t reach us while he was driving (chuckles)(?) he would say ´You´re gonna get the belt when you go home´ (chuckles)….´´
Intro to "My Hometown"
´´Thanks….this is, uh….when I was a kid, I used to live by this park….and in the, in the part there was a monument….and my mother used to always say ´Where you going ?´, we´d say ´Oh, we´re gonna go play, play around the monument´ and then when I was 15 and my first band, we needed our publicity pictures taken and, uh, we all had these plastic leather snakeskin vests and (chuckles) and we got ´em at the auction and we had these frilly shirts like the Kinks used to wear (chuckles) and, you know, the Beatle boots and, and we went down to this monument and like, you know, we, we did all our poses (judging by the crowd reaction, Bruce strikes a pose) you had to have all those poses down exactly right (chuckles) and it wasn´t until I was older that I found out that there´d been this revolutionary war battle fought outside my town….but uh…..ready ?….I guess this is a song about how you get older and you can run but you can´t hide…..´´
After "Thunder Road"
´´Thanks…..we´re gonna take a short break….I´m gonna fix my hair and we´ll be back in a little while, alright ?….so be ready….´´
Intro to "Sherry Darling"
´´That´s the toughest part of this job….is there anybody named Sherry out there ?….
(….) The greatest man on Earth (Clarence goes into his sax solo)….´´
Intro to "No Surrender"
´´(crowd is ´Bruucing´) That´s my name, that´s my name….thanks….this is, uh (?)….there was, uh…. there was this song by Big Country called ´In a Big Country´….and it had a great line that, that said ´In a big country, dreamers stay and dream´….and uh….this is for Little Steven wherever he may be….´´
Intro to "Pink Cadillac"
´´Now, some say it was the apple….some say it was the wine….some say it was just a fellow ….looking for a good time….but now looking back….the only thing it could´ve been….was a pink….Cadillac….´´
Intro to "Bobby Jean"
´´If you got a good friend out here, if you came with somebody….that means something to you….this is for you ´cause there ain´t nothing like it….´´
Middle of "Rosalita"
´´Ladies and gentlemen….welcome to our show….we´ve got with us tonight a wide array of stars on the stage….beginning at the far left….on the piano….Professor Roy Bittan….on the bass guitar with the thunder from down under, Mr.Garry W.Tallent….on the vocals, from Asbury Park, New Jersey, Mister, Miss Patti Scialfa….I ain´t used to having a woman in the band yet (chuckles) on the drums, the man with the heat, the beat, Mighty Max Weinberg ….on the organ, Phantom Dan Federici….and on the guitar, drumroll, please….Mr.Nils Lofgren (Nils does his trampoline stunt)…..and now…..that´s right….last but not least….the master of the universe….the emperor of all known things….ladies and gentlemen, the Eighth Wonder of the world…..gimme a C-L-A-R-E-N-C-E, what´s that spell ?….what´s that spell ? ….what´s that spell ?…Clarence Big Man Clemons….´´
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |
Domenic | I was at this show. I checked the setlist of the three Toronto shows that summer and this is the one. What a setlist! I was 14 and just getting into Springsteen (via Born in the USA). Made a believer and apostle out of me and set me to raiding my aunt's record collection for everything from Greetings to Nebraska. I just watched the 1975 London show included in the Born to Run 30th Anniversary box set and I got to thinking about 'my' Springsteen concert. It was a great show - the only show I've been to - and one I will never forget. |
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