24.07.84 Toronto, Canada, intro to ´Open All Night´
´´This is a song….that was inspired by…the New Jersey Turnpike…..a tremendous source of inspiration (chuckles)….well, I work up in New York or North Jersey all the time and….so I end up driving down the….this turnpike all the way to my house….and usually it´s real late at night, I´m kind of driving along….thinking about getting home….making myself a ham-and-cheese sandwich….and….thinking ´bout seeing my girlfriend there…..then I think about raiding her refridgerator….then I´d think about my girlfriend….then I´d think about my refridgerator….then I´d think about my refridgerator, no, no (chuckles)….so I´m kind of riding along….and it´s kind of, uh, the new, the north end of the New Jersey Turnpike looks exactly like the moon and….matter of fact it´s my theory that when they sent those astronauts ….up to the moon, that they really didn´t, they actually send ´em to New Jersey instead….you can´t trust the government and stuff like that (chuckles)….so I was kind of riding along one night and I was feeling pretty happy….and then all of a sudden in my rearview mirror I seen ´em red lights….I get pulled over, the guy says ´License, registration´….I never have my wallet with me, I always forget it at home all the time (chuckles) so….and so I give him my name and he goes back and sits in the patrol car and he calls me back in about five minutes and he says….´Are you….you that rock´n´roll singer ?´….I say ´Yeah, yeah, that´s me´….he says ´You know, I got some of your albums at home´, I say ´Yeah ?´, he says ´Yeah´, says ´Son, you´re in a lot of trouble´…I say ´What ?´….he said I had all these unpaid parking tickets and things (?) I paid ´em off….so he took me in and while I was sitting in the police-station….I was hit by this bolt of inspiration….
(…) And so finally….they let me out on my own recognizance….but they kept my car….so I was walking down the highway….it was about 4 a.m….and I seen this little cafe….and I went inside….and there was this little waitress….and she said ´Don´t worry, honey, ´cause we´re open all night….”
24.07.84 Toronto, Canada, intro to ‘Used cars’
‘‘When I was….about nine years old, my father…..used to….he’d take me and my sister down to the car-lot…..and pick out a….new car, he used to call it, which was, a new car for us was anything under 600 dollars…..but they always said…..’Only one owner….driven by a little old lady’….but we used to go….I remember that my father never used to go out, used to hate it….never took my mother out, the only place we’d go would be on Saturday…..he´d take us to the beach and then he’d take us to the drive-in at night….and me and my sisters used to have our pyjamas…..and you’d bring a blanket….and my parents were pretty good though, we used to go see like….you know, ‘King Kong Vs. Godzilla’…..where the double feature was where King Kong fought the….the mechanical King Kong….and then one time we went and we saw a movie….it was called ‘Nude in a white convertible’….this was very thrilling at nine years old, you know, you know….and still is….”
24.07.84 Toronto, Canada, intro to ´Nebraska´
´´This is uh….they say all the technology and stuff is….bringing people closer….there seems to be more people that end up isolated….from their jobs and from their family….and from their friends today….who just ends up with a sense of….sense of powerlessness….until they just explode…”
24.07.84 Toronto, Canada, intro to ´The River´
´´Everybody, uh….needs some place to go when they can´t go home….”
24.07.84 Toronto, Canada, intro to "Cadillac Ranch"
"Thanks for waiting (chuckles)…"
24.07.84 Toronto, Canada, intro to ´No Surrender´
´´Thank you, this is uh…..(crowd does something, can´t tell what) what I wanna know is how you get everybody to do at one time ? (chuckles)….we´re gonna make that a part of the show, you´re gonna have to come along (chuckles)….you´re ready to go on tour now, right ? ….Big Man, you get a real big bus…..we´ll go away and we´ll never come back (chuckles)…”
24.07.84 Toronto, Canada, intro to ´Pink Cadillac´
´´Now, this is a song….about the conflict …..between worldly things and spiritual health….between desires of the flesh….and spiritual ecstasy ….between the mansion on the hill….and the mansion in the sky….now, what I wanna know is that how many of you…. tonight, if by chance, and let´s hope that this doesn´t happen, by chance that you die of excitement during the show….how many of you think you´re going to heaven ? (cheers)…. now, how many of you….if during the final moments….you should get some cardiac arrest ….how many of you think you´re taking the down elevator ? (cheers)….how many ain´t sure ? (cheers)….well, me personally….I know I´m going to heaven….now, I´ll miss the band….but I´ll get over it….because they say way back when there was the Garden of Eden….there was a man, there was a woman, there was an apple, there was temptation, there was a snake, there was sin…..and there was a pink Cadillac….”
24.07.84 Toronto, Canada, intro to ´Born To Run´
´´I wanna thank, take a minute and thank everybody for coming out tonight, thank you very much….we appreciate it….there´ll be a big bus waiting (chuckles) outside for youse, alright… this is uh….I guess rock´n´roll music´s always said one thing to me….and that one thing´s mainly been ´Let freedom ring´…so, that´s what we´re here for, so….but you gotta fight for it every day….”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi