Intro to "My Father’s House"
”Thank you….I remember when I was a kid, there used to be this….woods out back of my house…..that….that the church later bought and turned into a parking lot….but when I was about….nine years old, I had a friend who lived on the other side…..and I used to hate….used to be right around this time at night, I used to go home…..and I used to be….so scared of going throught those woods in the dark…..this friend told me that when it got dark like that, that´s when the devil came out…..and the only thing….
the only thing scarier than those woods….was my dad (chuckles)(cheers)…..”
Intro to "Glory Days"
”This is a song about…..getting old…..anybody getting old out there ? (cheers)….. only about half the crowd…..I ain’t getting too old but Clarence…..but he still looks real good (cheers)…’s a song about those people that come up to you in bars…..about ten years after you’ve graduated…..or dropped out of high school….and remind you of the time….they ate your term paper or hit you with a pizza….they always ‘Yeah, that was….that was a great time’….oh, what I remember of high school….that was a terrible time (cheers)…I hated high school…..I was terrible at high school…..I was bad at studying…..I was bad at sports….I was bad at…..but I got a little better with that as I got older (chuckles)(cheers)….”
Intro to "Used Cars"
”This is uh…..this is a song dedicated to old cars (laughs)….old cars never die, they just break down a lot of times (chuckles)(cheers)….I used to….I used to love the smell of my dad’s… dad had this Buick….and….he used to take us to the drive-in movie every Saturday night, we used to go…..he’d ask us to bring our pyjamas, you know…. and….I don’t remember if there was any movies…..rated ‘R’ back then (chuckles)….. I don’t think there was, I was only nine years old…..the only kinda movies I remember, I don’t remember the rating, all I remember was either we could keep our heads above the backseat or below the backseat (cheers)(chuckles)…..”
Intro to "My Hometown"
”Seems like no matter… matter where you go….a big part of where you come from always stays with you…..and when I grew up, I hated…..I hated my hometown (chuckles), you know…..people could really make it….they could make it tough for you just walking the street (chuckles)…..”
Intro to "Cadillac Ranch"
”Now in the beginning….God made the heavens and the Earth…..on the first day, he made cheeseburgers…..on the second day he made air-conditioners…..on the third day he made tight blue jeans…..on the fourth day he made rock and roll…..and then he rested on the seventh day…..and took a ride with his baby in his Cadillac…..”
Intro to "No Surrender"
”Thanks…..oh this is….this is a song about…..I guess , holding on to something….. which is harder to do…..(?) the world today (chuckles)….this is for uh…..seems that what keeps people human is, uh… their ability to ….to keep dreaming about things… seems like when you lose that…..this is for, uh…..this is for Little Steven (cheers)….. he´s got a record out called Voice of America, right now, it’s a real good record (cheers)…..and uh…..he’s one of my best dreaming partners (chuckles) (cheers)….”
Intro to "Born to Run"
”Thank you…..I’d like to….I’d like to thank everybody for coming down to the shows that we’ve done here in Toronto (cheers)…..I want to say just thanks very much and we, we appreciate….we’ve even had the weather with us (chuckles)(cheers)….this is uh…..I guess when I was like….when I was nine years old or something, I first heard Elvis Presley, his music always…..always said to me….’Just…..let freedom ring’ (cheers)….that’s why, that’s why we’re here tonight….so good luck to you, God bless, keep fighting….”
Middle of "Detroit Medley"
”Our promoter has asked me to make….an emergency announcement….that’s if uh….. there’s anybody in the house tonight….that has a weak heart or a weak stomach…..
could you please step outside the stadium…..during the next portion of the show as it might be hazardous to your health…..I warned you…..don’t sue me!….because it ain’t so bad….when we do this…..and it ain’t so bad…..when me and the Big Man do this…. but….you got it (chuckles)…it’s when we do this……”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |