1985-06-01 Slane Castle, Slane, Ireland

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Scheduled: 17:00 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??

Info & Setlist | Venue

Springsteen's first ever appearance in Ireland. The actual location was not Dublin (a common error) but the small village of Slane in County Meath, about 30 miles north of the city. Held in the daytime in a picturesque outdoor amphitheatre setting – and the temperature was unseasonably hot! This was the largest crowd Bruce had played to up to this point, with 90,000 to 100,000 in attendance. Prior to the show there was much concern amongst locals that the influx of Springsteen fans would result in disturbances and violence similar to the previous summer when Bob Dylan performed at the same venue. These concerns led to hundreds of police officers descending on the town for extra security and to try to seal off the town. In the end, the day passed without any major problems. However Bruce did show some concern for the safety of the crowd during the show, the rhythmic swaying and movement meant there was real danger of crushing at the front. Springsteen was led to make a request for calm before "Johnny 99". News reports suggest that Eric Clapton and Pete Townshend joined Bruce on stage. First appearance of the River Boyne on the big screens during "The River" - this shot would continue to appear on the screens throughout the rest of the tour. Slane Castle overlooks the river. This was Bruce's first full concert as a married man – consequently the crowd was treated to a special (and still never repeated) performance of the Beach Boys 'rite-of-passage' classic "When I Grow Up (To Be A Man)". "Twist And Shout" features an unusual sung introduction. European debuts for "Born In The U.S.A.", "Johnny 99", "Atlantic City", "Working On The Highway", "Glory Days", "My Hometown", "Cover Me", "Dancing In The Dark", "Downbound Train", "I'm On Fire", "Pink Cadillac", "Bobby Jean", and "Do You Love Me".

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