Scheduled: 19:00 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Notorious show that led to the stadium requiring serious repairs. The rhythmic movement of tens of thousands during "Twist And Shout" nearly led to a structural collapse of the venue, which rests on a layer of clay. After the concert the concrete pillars supporting the stadium were extended to bedrock. First ever performances in Sweden of "Born In The U.S.A.", "Johnny 99", "Atlantic City", "Working On The Highway", "Trapped", "Glory Days", "My Hometown", "Cover Me", "Dancing In The Dark", "Downbound Train", "I'm On Fire", "Bobby Jean", and "Do You Love Me".
incl. Rehearsals.
- 2023-06-28 Ullevi, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 2023-06-26 Ullevi, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 2023-06-24 Ullevi, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 2016-07-23 Ullevi, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 2016-06-27 Ullevi, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 2016-06-25 Ullevi, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 2012-07-28 Ullevi, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 2012-07-27 Ullevi, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 2008-07-05 Ullevi, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 2008-07-04 Ullevi, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 2003-06-22 Ullevi, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 2003-06-21 Ullevi, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 1985-06-09 Ullevi, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 1985-06-08 Ullevi, Gothenburg, Sweden
© All credits to the original photographer. We do not monetize a photo in any way, but if you want your photo to be removed, let us know, and we will remove it.
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Audience tape. Five recording sources are known to exist, the first was released on the four-LP set and CDR 'The Clear Difference' (Anubis). An alternative second source was put into circulation in May 2013 (Cre001). A third source was released on the four-LP set 'Gold, Dust And Rock 'N Roll'. Two additional sources were used for the June 8th tracks found on the four-LP set 'Greetings From The Scandinavian Concerts'.
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Intro to "Johnny 99"
´´Hello….oh, it´s nice to be in Sweden, thank you….´´
Intro to "Atlantic City"
´´Thanks….if any of you guys are getting squeezed in too tight down here, just raise your hand and somebody will help you get out of there….if you can, watch the person next to you, make sure they´re alright down there….take care of each other a little bit….(music starts)…. where I grew up….about 50 miles south down along the beach….they brought in….legalised gambling….and now they got big golden casinos next to the slums….they got the gangs down there fighting for control….and this is ´Atlantic City´….´´
Intro to "The River"
´´Thanks….when I was growing up….my father used to….sit in the kitchen at night….in the dark….and he used to lock up the frontdoor of my house so that me and my sister would have to come through the kitchen so he could tell what time we were coming in….and he´d come home from work and he´d go and he´d sit down at that same chair and my mother´d bring him his dinner and then he´d just sit there smoking a cigarette, drinking beer all night long…. and if you were coming in too late….sometimes you were better off waiting until the morning ….so I used to keep a sleeping bag stashed on the outside of these woods….and sometimes I´d sleep on somebody´s porch or in a friend of mine´s car….wait till he had a chance to sleep a little bit….but now I go back home and some of those places I used to sleep seem more like they belong to me than my own house did when I was young….well, this is a song for, uh, one for my two friends I met yesterday from Norway (chuckles) and….and for everybody…. ´cause everybody needs someplace to go on those nights that they can´t go home…..´´
Intro to "Glory Days"
´´Wait a minute now….have you survived so far out there? (cheers) good….well, this is a song about growing old, man…..that´s right….it´s about Father Time….time´s winged chariot ….about what happens when you get as old as me (chuckles) who´s over 30 years old out there now? (some cheers) there´s gotta be somebody out there (chuckles) you are? alright (chuckles) now the Big Man, he´s older than me….but as you can see he has maintained his youthful beauty….he´s got it (chuckles) but anyway….this is a song about how you go out on Friday night to a bar, there´s always somebody coming up to you saying, like, ´Remember me? In high school? Yeah, I went to high school with you…..yeah, remember the guy that dumped the pizza pie on your shirt?…Yeah, that´s me, how you doing, how you doing?´ (?) ….but, anyway, all I remember is that I hated high school….couldn´t stand high school….in high school I was only interested in two things….one was the guitar….and the other one was ….was….was….that one, that one! (chuckles)….anyway, of those things, the guitar is the one that I became good at….but the other one I´m still practising, practising, practising….but anyway, Big Man, are you ready to tell the story? (Clarence: ´Oh, yes, I am´) it´s how it ain´t nothing but glory days….here we go, man, where´s my hat?….´´
Intro to "The Promised Land"
´´Oh….this is for any folks out there who….might´ve seen us when we were here, I guess it was ´81 or ´80 now, the last time we were out this way….for any, for any of our old time fans (chuckles)….´´
Intro to "My Hometown"
´´Thanks, woh!….this is, uh, this next song, I remember when I was a kid I grew up in this real small town….it was kind of real small-minded… was hard to find any breathing room …..and I guess, uh, I guess everybody, when they´re growing up, has sort of a love-hate relationship with the place they were raised, I remember I thought that when, when I was finally able to get out of there that I, I´d never look back, that I wouldn´t miss any of my old friends, I wouldn´t miss my folks….and, uh, when I was 19, I got a chance to go out on the road and, uh….I guess in some ways I´ve been out ever since (chuckles) gotta go home one of these days (chuckles) but uh (chuckles) but for a long time I didn´t miss it, didn´t miss my town and then as I got older I started to come home and I´d get in my car and I´d drive down the old streets and I´d look up some of my old friends and see what had become of their lives ….and I guess, uh, when I was a kid I was afraid of belonging to something, you know, ´cause if you belong to something that means you´ve got some responsobility to it, that´s pretty scary….but that´s what growing up´s all about (chuckles) anyway, what I really wanna say is this song is från min stad till eran stad….´´
Intro to "Hungry Heart"
´´(after the singalong) Alright, Scandinavia….you got it….´´
Intro to "I´m on Fire"
´´I remember….my dad….sitting around…..his whole life like he was waiting for something to happen to him….thinking about all the things he wasn´t ever gonna have…..I remember….he seemed like he´d get angry….just, just for me having, having a little fun sometimes….and he´d get you thinking that way too….till I lay up in my bed at night, staring at the ceiling…. thinking that….feeling like someday I was just gonna, if something didn´t happen….someday I was just gonna…..´´
Middle of "Rosalita"
´´Alright….ladies and gentlemen….children of all ages…..all you Swedish people out there ….all you people from Norway….from Denmark…..from Iceland….it´s time to introduce the band now….now, on the piano….the smartest man in show business….Professor Roy Bittan ….on the vocals, an alumni of Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes, Miss Patti Scialfa…. on the drums, the man that put the heat in the beat, the Mighty Max Weinberg….on the organ, now you see him, now you don´t, Phantom Dan Federici….on the bass, the guy that brings you the thunder from down under, that puts it in your face like this, Mr.Garry W. Tallent….and then of course the one, the only, the man as sweet as life itself….Nils Lofgren on the guitar….a man with relatives in this very country….that´s right….and now last but not least….weighing in at 265 pounds….the handsomest man….the biggest man… I have to say his name?….gimme a C-L-A- R- E- N- C- E, what´s that spell?…what´s that spell?…. what´s that spell?….Clarence Big Man Clemons on the saxophone….´´
Intro to "Can´t Help Falling in Love with You"
´´Thank you….I would like to just take a moment and thank everyone for coming down to the show tonight, thank you very much….and, and I know we don´t, we don´t get here very often and I´d like to thank you for supporting our band over the years when we haven´t come over as much as we´d like to, thank you very much….oh, this song, it was back in 1975, I was on the Born to Run-tour in the United States….and we were in Memphis and it was late at night and we played at a small auditorium….and we went out to get something to eat and the taxi driver said he knew someplace to eat that was out by Elvis´ house (chuckles) and, uh, it was me and my guitar player Steve, Steve Van Zandt….who sends you all his regards (chuckles) and uh, we went out to Graceland…..and I remember getting out of the cab and standing in front of the gates that had the two guitar players on ´em and I saw a light in the second story window and I figured Elvis must be up reading or something (chuckles) and….so I jumped over the wall and I started to run up the driveway towards the frontdoor and as I got to the frontdoor the two guards came out and they asked me what I wanted and I said ´Is Elvis home?´ you know (chuckles) and they said ´No, no, he´s in Lake Tahoe´ (chuckles) so I said ´Well, you see, I´m a guitar player too and I got my own band and we played in town tonight and, like, you know, I had my picture on the cover of Time and Newsweek´ and they said ´Yeah, sure, sure, ´ you know (chuckles) and, anyway, they took me, they took me by the arm and they put me back out onto the street (chuckles) but uh…..maybe I was better, I don´t know what I would´ve said to him if I´d met him any way and uh….later on I thought it might´ve been a stupid thing to do, I always hate it when people come running up to my house at 3.30 in the morning (chuckles) but uh, anyway, this is, I guess this is one of my favorite songs and, uh, I´d like to do it for you guys….´´
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |
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Håkan Tendell | I had just gradutated from college (Schillerska gymnasiet). Me and a couple of friends didn't have tickets to the concert so we stood outside the stadium when the band started playing "Born in the USA". The ground shook. We didn't know what to do. We had to do something. So we ran away along a few blocks, crossed a highway (dangerous and stupid, I know, don't try this at home…) climbed up a hill and found a spot were we could see nothing of the stage except for a videoscreen who showed us Bruce up-close. Perfect sound and almost as if we were inside the arena. Beautiful experience. |
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