Scheduled: 19:30 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
"Backstreets" is performed with an extended intro and an abbreviated "Sad Eyes" in the middle. First ever performance in the Netherlands of "Shut Out The Light".
incl. Rehearsals.
- 2003-05-08 Stadion Feijenoord, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- 2003-05-06 Stadion Feijenoord, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- 1988-06-29 Stadion Feijenoord, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- 1988-06-28 Stadion Feijenoord, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- 1985-06-13 Stadion Feijenoord, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
- 1985-06-12 Stadion Feijenoord, Rotterdam, The Netherlands
© All credits to the original photographer. We do not monetize a photo in any way, but if you want your photo to be removed, let us know, and we will remove it.
Sorry, no Media available.
Audience tape. Two recording sources circulate, released on CDR 'Rocks The Lowlands Again' (El Corazon). An alternative source is available via tape transfer (Cre001).
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Intro to "Darkness On The Edge Of Town"
´´Here´s, uh, something for any of our old fans out there (chuckles)….´´
Intro to "Shut Out The Light"
´´Danke vel….oh….this, uh, this next song, this is, uh, I guess it was in the late-´70s, I was driving with a friend of mine across the country….and we, uh, stopped in Phoenix, Arizona, and, uh, I went into this little drugstore to find something to read and I found this book called ´Born On The Fourth Of July´….and, uh, it was by a Vietnam veteran named Ron Kovic… and it was his story about growing up in America and going off to war…and coming back home and what he found….and we drove on to Los Angeles….and, uh, I was staying in this motel, I remember I was swimming in the pool….and there was, uh, this fella sitting in a wheelchair under, under the umbrella by the pool and I had the book with me and I got out and I was drying myself off and he says ´Hey, I wrote that book´….and, uh….I guess this is a song about coming home, this is called ´Shut Out The Lights´….´´
Intro to "Glory Days"
´´Well, this is a song about getting old….yeah….I gotta sit down and rest (chuckles) I´m getting old now, man, I´m 35….yeah, that´s retirement time, no (chuckles) now, the Big Man, he´s older than me….matter of fact, there´s a lot of little Big Men running around (chuckles) but as you can see, the Big Man, year after year, retains his youthful beauty….some of us got it and some of us don´t….I´m always like looking into the mirror, trying to see if I´m losing my hair or not (chuckles) that happens (chuckles) anyway….I don´t need that (chuckles) this is a song about glory days….and how all things must pass….are you ready, guy?….let me tell a story….´´
Intro to "The Promised Land"
´´No matter how old you get, you gotta keep searching for that Promised Land….´´
Intro to "My Hometown"
´´Thank you….oh, this is, uh….we´ve traveled so much this year so far….that, uh….that I don´t get home very much….and I´ve always loved traveling since I was about 19, I got out on the road and, and I never missed going home for a long time….and, uh….I guess I just…. it´s something to come halfway around the world, I remember I was 15 and playing in my little room at my house….for, uh….to come this far and have all of you down here to listen to our music means very much to us… I´d like to dedicate this to you and (?)(says ´from my hometown to your hometown´ in Dutch) from my hometown to your hometown….´´
Intro to "I´m On Fire"
´´I remember when I was growing up….it seemed like the only time my dad wanted to sit down and talk to me was when he´d been sitting in the kitchen all night….just drinking….all I can remember is him always being angry at me….and he´d sit there at night thinking about everything that he wasn´t….wasn´t ever gonna have….until he´d get me thinking like that too ….I would get angrier….and angrier….until….until you feel like you´re just gonna….that if something don´t happen….you feel like you´re just gonna….´´
Middle of "Backstreets"
´´I remember….I remember that we promised….that if I got out first, I´d help you….and if you got out first, you´d help me….I remember that we promised….and we swore on it….and we said that it´d last forever….and forever and forever….and that nothing….there was nothing, there wasn´t nobody….that was ever gonna pull us apart….we said ´Never´….´´
Middle of "Rosalita"
´´Alright…ladies and gentlemen….children of all ages….it is now time to introduce the members of the illustrious E Street Band….that´s right….beginning, on the piano….the most intelligent man in show business….a man who´s famous for his theory of promiscuity, a gentleman who gave up a scholarship to Yale University to join the European tour with the E Street Band….the smart guy, Professor Roy Bittan….and next, on the vocals, an alumni of Southside Johnny and the Asbury Jukes, Miss Patti Scialfa….then we got the man that puts the heat in the beat to get your asses out of your seat, the Mighty Max Weinberg on the drums….and now, the most mysterious man in the entertainment industry, impossible to figure out, ladies and gentlemen, on the organ, Phantom Dan Federici….on the bass guitar, the man that brings you the thunder from down under, his mother was a Tallent, his father was a Tallent, his great-grandfather was a great, great Tallent, on the bass, Mr.Garry W. Tallent….and now, a man as sweet as life itself, the man with the secrets in the street, I´m talking about Nils Lofgren on the guitar….and now last but not least….how can I say it?…. weighing in, at this corner, at 265 pounds, the handsomest man, the biggest man in show business, ladies and gentlemen, gimme a C-L-A-R-E-N-C-E, what´s that spell? (crowd: ´Clarence´) what´s that spell? (crowd: ´Clarence´) what´s that spell? (crowd: ´Clarence´) Clarence ´Big Man´ Clemons on the saxophone….´´
Intro to "Can´t Help Falling In Love With You"
´´Oh, thank you….danke….oh….I´d like to just take a moment and, uh, thank everybody for coming down to the shows that we´ve done here in Rotterdam, thank you very much….this is, uh….I´d like to thank all of you who I know traveled a long distance to get here and….I´d like to thank the people who, I´d like to thank you for supporting our band when we haven´t been able to get over here as much as we´d liked over the years….thank you…..and, uh….I guess the first thing I can remember when I was a kid was I´d come down in the morning and I´d go into the kitchen and my mother would have the radio on….and she was a big fan of Elvis Presley….I guess the first record I really remember was ´Jailhouse Rock´….and uh…. there was a time when….I tried to meet Elvis once, we were playing in Memphis and I got a cab driver to take me out to his house (chuckles) and it was late at night, it was about 3.30 in the morning and I stood in front of the gates and I couldn´t help myself, I jumped over the wall and I started to run up towards his frontdoor….which, I guess, now I kind of regret doing ´cause I always hate it when people do it at my house in the middle of the night (chuckles) you know….but, uh….I guess, I got up to his frontdoor and the guards came out and they asked me what I wanted and I said ´Is Elvis home?´ (chuckles) and they said ´No, he´s not at home now, he´s, he´s in Lake Tahoe´ and I tried to tell ´em that I was a guitar player too and that I had my own band and that we´d just played in town that night and uh…. they said that that was nice and then they took me and put me back out on the street (chuckles) you know, which is where I belonged, you know (chuckles) but (chuckles)….but, uh, over the years….I remember a friend of mine called me, I was living on a farm in New Jersey when, when Elvis died….and it was so hard to understand how somebody who´d been so alive and whose music had taken away so many people´s loneliness and so many people´s pain and sorrow could´ve, uh, died so tragically and so lonely himself….so, uh, I´d like to do this song and I´d like to wish you all a long and happy life with the best of everything…..´´
Intro to "Ramrod"
´´Are you ready to begin rocking now or what? (crowd cheers) let´s go….´´
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |
Sylvia | My very first Bruce show. Will always have a special place in my heart! |
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