Scheduled: 16:00 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Little Steven guests on the final encores. European debuts of "Highway Patrolman" and "Street Fighting Man", the latter in its last known Springsteen performance.
incl. Rehearsals.
- 2024-07-27 Wembley Stadium, London, England
- 2024-07-25 Wembley Stadium, London, England
- 2016-06-05 Wembley Stadium, London, England
- 2013-06-15 Wembley Stadium, London, England
- 1988-09-02 Wembley Stadium, London, England
- 1988-09-01 Wembley Stadium, London, England
- 1988-06-25 Wembley Stadium, London, England
- 1985-07-06 Wembley Stadium, London, England
- 1985-07-04 Wembley Stadium, London, England
- 1985-07-03 Wembley Stadium, London, England
© All credits to the original photographer. We do not monetize a photo in any way, but if you want your photo to be removed, let us know, and we will remove it.
Audience tape, two recording sources circulate, with one released on CDR 'Because Wembley Belongs To Us', an alternate source was put into circulation in 2013 (Cre001).
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Intro to "Seeds"
´´Now when you….travel down through Texas….down through the Southwest….a lot of people came down there from up north, the Midwest, Detroit….looking for work in the oil fields and in the oil refineries….and when the price of oil dropped, they started shutting them all down, people´d come down there with everything that they had, their wives, their kids, they had no jobs, no place to go, nowhere to sleep….they´d be sleeping in tents pitched out on the highway or in their cars…..this is called ´Seeds´….”
Intro to "Highway Patrolman"
´´Oh….this is a song about, uh….I guess the conflict between what your heart tells you to do and….what your duty is sometimes….”
End of "Working on the Highway"
´´Man, it´s hot out here… that hot sun beating down on my back…..(?) I need some water, man….I´m telling you I need some water….”
End of "Darlington County"
´´He got arrested for, uh….drunken disorderly, resisting arrest….failure to give a good account of himself….and impersonating a human being….”
Intro to "Glory Days"
´´(after the singalong) Sound good….alright (crowd: ´Alright´) Wo ! (crowd: ´Wo !´) sssh ! (crowd: ´Sssh !´) wait a minute now (crowd: ´Wait a minute now´) no, no, not now (crowd: ´No, no, not now´) wha, now wait just minute (crowd: ´Wait just a minute´) you´re messing with me now (chuckles)(crowd chuckles) well, this is a song about getting old now (crowd: ´Well, this is a song about getting old now´) that´s right (crowd: ´That´s right´) you´re gonna be getting old pretty soon (crowd: ´You´re gonna be getting old pretty soon´) Now, Roy just turned 36….that´s over the hill (crowd: ´That´s over the hill´) I´m 35….I can still live….I´ve got my whole life ahead of me….try this (chuckles)(crowd: ´Try this´)….”
Intro to "My Hometown"
´´Oh, this is uh….wrote this song, I was living in California for a little while….I hadn´t been home in a long time, I was thinking back to my town…..and uh, what was going on there, wondered what had happened to my old friends, what their lives´d become like….. and uh….for a long time I remember I didn´t wanna feel like I was a part of that place at all, you know….it is uh….I guess, I bought a house and….it had a flagpole out in front and I remember I´d sit out there and I´d try to decide whether to raise a flag or not….because I felt so many….so one morning I got up and I went out there and I put it up….and uh, this is a song about responsobility, taking some responsobility for what happens underneath the flag that you live…´s hard to do because there´s a lot of things that happen, I know, back in my hometown that I´m ashamed of and there´s things that I´m proud of….and uh ….you gotta live with the both of them and do the best that you can, do the best that you can for the folks around you, I guess that´s what growing up´s all about….anyway, this is from my hometown to your hometown…..”
Intro to "I´m on Fire"
´´I remember….my old man sitting in the kitchen at night waiting for me to come in…..and he´d call me back to sit down and talk to him…..and we´d both end up just sitting there across the table…..not saying nothing…..he´d be sitting there thinking about everything that….he wasn´t ever gonna have….until he´d get me thinking like that too….and I can remember laying up in bed….feeling like I was just gonna….like if something didn´t happen that someday I was just gonna…..feeling like I was just….just gonna…..”
Middle of "Rosalita"
´´Alright, ladies and gentlemen….boys and girls…..children of all ages….and all you English people out there….it´s time to introduce the E Street Band….to my left, on the piano, a man that gave up a scholarship to Oxford University…to join the European tour with the E Street Band….he gave up higher education for rock´n´roll dedication…. ´Professor´ Roy Bittan on the piano….on the vocals, Miss Patti Scialfa….on the drums, the Mighty One, ´Mighty´ Max Weinberg….on the organ, the mysterious one,´Phantom´ Dan Federici….on the bass, the man that brings you thunder from down under, Mr.Garry W. Tallent….on the guitar, Nils Lofgren… know who I´m talking about now….ladies and gentlemen, this next man… known around the world as the master of the universe…..
the king of the world….the emperor of everything…..but these titles do not do him justice ….in this corner, weighing in at 265 pounds, the undefeated champion of the world….
gimme a C…L…A….R….E….N…C…E, what´s that spell ?….what´s that spell ?….who´s that man ?…..Clarence ´Big Man´ Clemons on the saxophone….”
Intro to "Can´t Help Falling in Love with You"
´´Thank you, thanks a lot….this is uh….this is our last show here in London and I´d like to just take a minute and thank everybody for coming down tonight, for coming down to the other two shows we´ve done here…..I just wanna say you´ve been great to us, you know, you´re a great crowd (chuckles) and I´d also like to thank you for the support that you´ve shown our band over the past ten years….when we haven´t gotten over here as often as we´d liked….this was, uh, I remember coming here when I was, I guess I was 25 the first time I ever came here….a long time ago (chuckles) it seems like….but uh….I´d like to do this song for youse, this is one of my favorite Elvis songs….and uh….well, whenever we come back to London here, it´s always kind of…..I guess when I was, about ten years ago I had a real important moment here that I learned a lot from (chuckles) and lived to tell the tale (chuckles) but uh….anyway, I´d like to do this song for you, this is an Elvis song, back when, back in ´76, we were traveling in the States on the…..´Born to Run´-tour….we were playing in Memphis and we´d never been to Memphis before and we played in this little auditorium and me and my guitar player, Steve, we were…..we were sitting around the hotel, it was late, late at night and we called a taxi to come and take us out to Elvis´ house… the cab came and he drove us out to Graceland and it was about 3.30 in the morning and we got out and we stood in front of those gates with the guitar players on the front….and when we looked in, we could see a light on in the second story window and it seemed like it was so close, I said ´Steve´, I said ´Man, I gotta, I gotta try it´ and he says ´Ok´, I jumped up over the wall and I jumped down on the other side and I started running up the driveway towards the house…..and uh…..I don´t know what I was gonna say, you know, like if Elvis came to the door in his bathrobe or something (chuckles) what are you gonna….but I got to the door and I was about to knock and a guard came out and he asked me what I wanted and I said ´Is Elvis home ?´ and he said ´No, no, Elvis is in Lake Tahoe´ so I tried to tell him that I was a guitar player too and that I had my own band and that we played in town that night and I remember that I told him that I had my picture on the cover of Time and Newsweek (chuckles) and uh (chuckles) trying to pull out everything I could but….I don´t think he believed me and he took me by the arm and he brought me back out onto the street…..and I never got to meet Elvis so it wasn´t too long after that that a friend of mine called up and told me that he´d died…..and uh….I can remember thinking how it was hard to understand how somebody whose music came in and took away so many people´s loneliness and gave you such a feeling for living and such a feeling for the promise of life could´ve died as tragically as he did, you know….and uh….I guess, uh….I guess it´s easy, it´s easy to let the best of yourself slip away….but uh, I´d like to do this song for you wishing all of youse the longest life with the best of everything you can get your hands on…..”
Intro to "Street Fighting Man"
´´Alright, this is especially for London…..”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |
Neil | As a 12 year old boy just two months short of my 13th birthday, this was my first experience of not just a Bruce show, but a concert of any type. I had bought my first ever record some months earlier, Dancing in The Dark, and having seen the video on To of The Pops, I later went out to buy my first album with my own money - Born in The USA. When I heard that this Springsteen guy was about to visit the UK on his World Tour on the back of his new album, I nagged my mum to get me a ticket and take me to a show. This concert was earth shatteringly brilliant and from this day on I became a Springsteen fanatic. I have seen numerous shows since and I will always remember fondly the date of 6th July 1985 as the day I began to follow the Springsteen religion. Long may it continue! Thanks Bruce. Neil. |
Dave | My strongest memories of this show, which took place on a beautiful sunny day, were the covers he played. His voice incredibly moving during Cant help falling in love, and the power and reemergence of Little Steven on Street Fighting Man, he played all the encores Oh and the stupid big hats on Darlington County or was it Working on the Highway - sometimes everything fades together but I thought it was a brilliant show and couldn't wait for my next chance. |
Allan Jones | My friend said to me I've got tickets for Bruce Springsteen at Wembley stadium. I said surely you mean the Arena. When he said NO its the stadium I knew that this fellow would be something special as it was a complete sell out for the 3 nights. I was only 16 When the first chords of Born In The USA were played I knew that this was the road I would follow musically for the rest of my life. I've seen many Bruce shows since and just like a fine wine, Springsteen is now vintage. Rock on Bruce! |
Paul Trigg | My first Springsteen show, wow what a fantastic day. I was already a fan, but had never seen him live, I remember not being able to sleep for about 2 days before the gig, 'cos I was so excited, I will never forget that day as long as I live, it would be 2008 before I saw him live again. |
Tony | I think this was the one I was at. It was a frying hot day and they were throwing buckets of water off the stage to cool people off. I was just about close enough to to get the spray and the whole thing turned into a bit of a wet t-shirt contest. Lots of fun. |
© All credits to the original photographer. We do not monetize a photo in any way, but if you want your photo to be removed, let us know, and we will remove it.
35th Anniversary of the Final UK Shows of the Born in the U.S.A. Tour |
Greetings Facebonkers. Hope you had a great Independence Day, American citizens or not. I'd intended to post this story yesterday but didn't finish it as quickly as I hoped. It's time to mark the 35th anniversary of the final UK shows of Bruce Springsteen's historic "Born In The USA" European tour back on July 3, 4, 6 and 7, 1985. A month ago, I told you the story of our momentous trip to see his opening salvo of shows at Slane Castle in Ireland and St. James' Park in Newcastle. That summer, the UK and Irish dates bookended a series of concerts in mainland Europe. Four weeks after Newcastle, Bruce returned to finish the tour with a three-night stand at London's Wembley Stadium and a final show at Roundhay Park in Leeds. For those of us who'd been lucky enough to see Bruce over here in 1981 or even 1975, these huge mega concerts were a shock to the system and (in E Street terms) the shape of the future, with very few exceptions. Having been accustomed to seeing him indoors in the dark in comparatively small venues, we now had to contend with watching him in daylight with thousands of newcomers who thought Pink Cadillac Ranch was a gay nightclub in Texas.
But it wasn't like that in June 1984 when the LP first hit the shops. Back then, Bruce was a mere superstar. He didn't earn the right to the prefix "mega" for another year. Nevertheless the album reached the top of the Billboard chart (Number 2 in the UK) and Bruce began a huge 94-date US arena tour that kept him occupied until the end of January 1985. At that point he was still playing roughly the same size indoor venues that he had at the end of the "River" tour in 1981, but this time there were a lot more of them. The itinerary included ten gigs at the Brendan Byrne Arena in East Rutherford in his home state of New Jersey, six at the Philadelphia Spectrum and seven at the Los Angeles Sports Arena, which ensured that over 400,000 people saw Bruce in just three cities. The final two gigs took place at the Carrier Dome in Syracuse, still indoors, but with a capacity of 40,000 each night, the largest audiences of his career at the time, but they were about to get a whole lot bigger. After Syracuse, Bruce went straight to LA to record his vocals for the "We Are The World" single and then had seven weeks off before playing eight shows in Australia and another eight in Japan between mid-March and mid-April, the majority of which also took place indoors.
The UK tour came together a lot easier than it did in 1981. Back then, dates were added at intervals over a three month period, which was followed by a postponement and yet more dates. This time, three months of rumours preceded one final official announcement, but the delay was equally frustrating. In early February, just after the US tour had finished, the first rumours of possible UK gigs began to circulate and at least to begin with, it appeared that Bruce would be playing indoor venues over here as well. The NME revealed that his "eagerly awaited British visit will take place in September, when he will play a string of concerts, possibly a week, at London's 15,000-capacity Earls Court. It's known that dates have already been reserved and that plans are under way to organise coach trips from outlying areas". A week later, they said that the Earls Court season could now be brought forward to June. Dates were being held at the arena in both months until a decision was made. In early March, Melody Maker said that wheels were in motion to bring Bruce here in June/July and that it was likely that the itinerary would include "four nights at Earls Court, followed by a show at Wembley Stadium". Also on the cards was a gig at Dublin RDS on June 22. These tour rumours came during a major sea change in Bruce's career, in which he forgot about the remaining rungs on the ladder of fame and jumped straight to the top. In the UK, this sudden transition to the stratosphere has often been attributed to a report from the US tour on the "Old Grey Whistle Test", but it's hard to believe that one TV show could have had such a massive impact. It may also have been influenced by radio airplay, MTV video rotation, a major promotional campaign, heavy interest in the dreaded Arthur Baker remixes on the club circuit, Big Daddy's cover of "Dancing In The Dark" or a similar kind of persuasive word-of-mouth publicity that ensured demand for his 1981 shows outstripped supply by three-to-one, although he'd not played in the UK for more than six years. Bruce was now mentioned in the same sales meetings as Michael Jackson and Madonna, was featured in pop magazine Smash Hits and became a tabloid hero with an average of ten references to "The Boss" per square inch.
In early April, Melody Maker was the first UK music paper to print specific dates, which were in bigger venues than were suggested before:
- Newcastle St James Park (June 4 and 5)
- London Wembley Arena (July 3 and 5)
- Leeds Roundhay Park (July 7)
Although there was still no official confirmation and CBS were denying everything, this rumour was so strong that the shows were announced on Breakfast TV and Radio One. Two gigs at Earls Court (May 28 and 29) were still under consideration, as was a show at Slane Castle in Ireland on June 1. They later retracted the Wembley Arena rumour because it had already been block-booked by Dire Straits. Their source probably meant Wembley Stadium. The same week, the NME added fuel to the fire, suggesting that Bruce may play Cardiff Arms Park on May 27 as well as Birmingham NEC and Edinburgh Ingliston. They also said that dates were still pencilled in at Earls Court in both June and September.
In mid-April, Melody Maker revealed that "the popular view" was that Bruce would play the following dates in the UK and Ireland:
- Slane Castle (June 1)
- Newcastle St James Park (June 4 and 5)
- London Wembley Stadium (July 6 and 13)
- Leeds Roundhay Park (July 7)
- London Earls Court (July 8, 9, 10, 11)
This was a strange blend of massive-to-medium outdoor venues and an indoor arena, although it was unlikely that Bruce would have agreed to play six consecutive nights from July 6 to 11 inclusive.
In the end, Harvey Goldsmith completely bypassed the UK music papers by announcing the official tour dates live on "The Old Grey Whistle Test" on April 23, just after they'd gone to press, ensuring that they wouldn't be able to print the news for a week. "Thanks for nothing Harvey" said the headline in the NME, who saw this as "the latest in a string of dirty tricks" played on them by various promoters. This may have been a deliberate snub or simply an acknowledgment of the show's role in boosting Bruce's profile. Either way, the BBC switchboard had a major meltdown after the broadcast.
The only dates that Goldsmith actually released were:
- Newcastle St James Park (June 4 and 5)
- London Wembley Stadium (July 3 and 4)
The Leeds Roundhay Park gig on July 7 was confirmed soon afterwards and the concert on June 1 at Slane Castle got the go-ahead once local residents were placated. Amazingly, the first of the shows was only six weeks away, which seems like a huge risk. Nowadays artists announce big stadium shows months, possibly up to a year, in advance. Approximately one million requests were received for less than half that number of tickets. Again, demand beat supply by a three to one ratio. As a result, the NME later said it was hoped that Bruce's arm could be twisted into playing more shows, but in the end, the mid-May addition of one more gig at Wembley on July 6 was the only extra date. No additional requests would be accepted because there were enough unfulfilled applications for the first two shows. Tickets were £14.50 in Newcastle and Leeds and £15 in London, very expensive back then. Included in the cost was a controversial 50p "booking fee", introduced on this tour. Limited to six per person, they were available by post (cheques or postal orders with SAE) from a London PO Box address and buyers were asked to allow five weeks for delivery, which was cutting it fine for Newcastle attendees. In the pre-internet and credit card hotline years this tedious and prolonged process was all there was for shows by visiting US megastars. Send cheque, wait and hope. Nowadays you print your own. For a small fee. Where did Harvey Goldsmith's envelope stuffers go after the WWW was invented? Maybe the "admin fee" we're routinely charged pays their pensions.
The final itinerary was a little disappointing to say the least. No Earls Court shows (it would be 14 years until Bruce played that concrete cavern), nothing in Wales or Scotland, less than half the amount of shows that he played in 1981 and a huge rise in venue capacities. They all sold out of course, which is a perfect example of how his audience had grown. When he returned for the Wembley and Leeds gigs, "BITUSA" topped the album chart a year after it came out, five of his other six records made the Top 50 and "Nebraska" got to number 60.
Once the tour dates had been set in stone, we began making plans to attend all seven gigs in the UK and Ireland. Actually other people did. I'd just met Dan French and tapped into the Springsteen fan network and relied mostly on them to organise tickets, transport and accommodation. I was new to the travelling game, hence the reason I only saw Bruce play in Brighton and Wembley back in 1981. I'd never been north of London before. I was grateful to Dan and many others I met in 1985 for introducing me to the wonderful world of Bruce touring. This was just the start of a lifelong adventure which began with the unforgettable trip to Slane and Newcastle that I told you about last time.
That took weeks of planning in the days when everything was done by phone or post. Seems like the Stone Age now, but it all fell together as smooth as silk and nobody got lost along the way. I wish I could tell you that the Wembley and Leeds story also involves great feats of human endurance and long late-night drives, but it was a lot simpler. In fact, I have very little recollection of the events surrounding those shows. We came, we saw, we went home.
Most of us from the Slane and Newcastle trip were there too, but we weren't always in the same place at the same time.
I have a memory of staying at my new friend Tony's parents' house near Wembley, sleeping on the floor beside other fans from far and wide and hearing bootleg tapes in the kitchen. But as for Leeds, I really have no clear idea of who I went up with, if I stayed anywhere or how I got back, but I'm fairly certain that Julian Soden (aka Max) was involved somehow.
Compared to Slane, the shows in Newcastle had felt like club gigs, but Wembley was twice as big. In 1981, Bruce played six shows at the 12,000-seat arena. Now he was appearing for three nights at the 72,000 capacity stadium for the same number of fans in one show as he did in an entire week at the arena. Things had changed, to reference Bob. I can remember going up early on July 3 with a small group of people and just wandering around to see what we could see. What we found was a large open gate that led us directly onto the pitch and it was rude not to. We stood at the back and watched Bruce and the band soundchecking something we didn't recognise until we were asked to depart the premises. It turned out to be "Seeds", which received its tour premiere later that night and appeared at all three gigs.
The three Wembley concerts (the most shows Bruce played in any city in Europe) were the centrepiece of the five-week tour and the focus of massive media attention. The stadium was certainly the place to be that week, unless you were a Dire Straits fan with tickets for one of their 13 concerts at the arena. Despite the enormity of the venue, we'd been looking forward to the shows for ages. The desire to see Bruce again overrode the fact that he was going to be playing in bright sunshine most of the evening for a crowd the size of a small town. The tickets were general admission. They got you in the stadium. After that, you could stand or sit anywhere. There were no reserved seats, no pit, no Gold Circle. It was possible to reach the front barrier if you began queueing early enough. With the Slane experience still fresh in our minds, we elected to base ourselves in seats on the right-hand side for each show. We had a clear view of the stage and were sheltered from the sun by the stadium roof. When we looked down at the heaving mass of sunbaked humanity on the pitch, moving slowly forward to increase the pressure on those at the front, we knew we'd made the right decision, especially when a big fight broke out. (An idiot clambered up the PA system and jumped up and down on the stage roof during one of the gigs. If he'd fallen through the thin tarpaulin or canvas sheet, there might have been catastrophic consequences). The gates were opened at 4pm on July 3 and 4, with an approximate concert start time of 6pm. Opening time on July 6 was 2pm, with the show due to start at 4pm. Given Bruce's habit of being fashionably late, the kick-off didn't happen until at least half an hour later than billed. Extra time was needed.
Those expecting Bruce to play material from his early albums were in for a disappointment.
The set was heavily weighted towards "Darkness On The Edge Of Town", "The River" and, of course, "BITUSA". Only "Rosalita", "Born To Run" and "Thunder Road" represented his 1973-1975 era, and while he'd included up to five songs from "Nebraska" at shows in the summer of 1984, only the rocked-up "Johnny 99" and "Atlantic City" now remained. Unreleased songs ("Because The Night", "Seeds") and covers ("Trapped", "Can't Help Falling In Love", "Twist And Shout", "Do You Love Me?") completed the set, which was largely identical from night to night, with just enough room for alternative choices, rarities and very occasional surprises.
At Wembley, four songs stand out in the latter categories. On July 4, Bruce opened with an acoustic "Independence Day". It had only appeared on four other occasions on the entire tour and he wouldn't perform it again until 1996. Later that night, he took "Pink Cadillac" for a spin for the third and last time in Europe. On July 6, he replaced "Atlantic City" with a rare "Highway Patrolman", its first appearance since January and last but one for 11 years. Finally, during the encores, he pulled out The Rolling Stones' "Street Fighting Man", which had been a set regular on the US tour until October. It's not been played anywhere since.
But undoubtedly the biggest surprise of all was when Little Steven appeared for the final three encores: "Two Hearts", "Ramrod" and "Twist And Shout"/"Do You Love Me". There was no social media to spread advance rumours, so this was a genuine surprise. We'd last seen Steven playing with Bruce on the "River" tour in 1981 and as leader of the Disciples of Soul on several subsequent UK visits. Few of the new fans may have known who he was, but us old timers gave him a rousing welcome. To make the Wembley stand even more memorable, he was back onstage on July 4 and 6.
It's generally understood that Bruce's Wembley stage was left behind to be used at Live Aid a week later, but it's never been officially confirmed. My Wembley story concludes with a vague recollection of waiting for Bruce to leave after one of the shows and watching a van with tinted windows drive out of the gate without stopping. Fans around me said that they saw Bruce and any number of band members in that vehicle, but I couldn't see anything.
And so to Leeds, the last UK show and the final night of the comparatively short European tour (18 dates with only one in Italy and none in Spain). After a run of stadiums, Bruce was ending the tour as he'd begun, in a field with 80,000 friends. The backdrop-free stage with its view of the trees behind it was identical to Slane, but the similarity ended there. It was level for a start and there was only one gently sloping hill on the right-hand side, where the disabled facilities were based.
This event was considerably better controlled, except when "dozens" or "hundreds" broke down a section of the concert arena's eight-foot high fence and surged forward, causing a dangerous crush at the front and apparently extending the mid-show interval while it was sorted out, although I have no memory of that whatsoever.
It was another weekend gig, so the gates opened early at 1pm and Bruce was due on around 4pm. The local press reported traffic chaos before and after the show. One of my abiding memories is the smell of the gents' toilets (basically giant troughs) wafting across the crowd on the breeze, not for the faint-hearted it has to be said. It was another sunny day with a massive audience and I chose to stay near the back. Maybe the memory of Slane was still burning bright, or perhaps I was just tired, but I watched the gig from a safe distance in relative comfort.
The set followed the standard pattern, but omitted "Seeds" and included three songs that weren't played at Wembley; a superb "Racing In The Street" (played only three times in Europe and destined not to appear again until 1992); the only European performance of "Follow That Dream" and a final encore of John Fogerty's "Rocking All Over The World", one of only 12 performances on the entire "BITUSA" tour. (Anyone who still thinks that it's a Status Quo song should see me afterwards. There will be detention). And just when we thought Little Steven was down in London, he appeared during the encores one more time to close out the tour with his old friend. He made a total of 10 guest appearances with Bruce on the 15-month world tour and four of them were in the UK. It was a fitting end to an exciting adventure that had begun five weeks earlier on a hill in Ireland. Bruce still had two more months of stadium shows back home before he could put his feet up. These included six nights at Giants Stadium in New Jersey and four final shows at the Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum.
By the end, he'd played 156 shows in 11 countries around the globe, "BITUSA" had sold bucketloads and spawned no less than seven singles and he'd finally made a few bob.
Reminiscing about those 1985 shows 35 years later, it's clear that they were hard-rockin', fist pumpin', crowd-pleasin', baseball cap wearin', ass shakin', goofy, sweaty, horny, musclebound, heterosexual white male performances. They were designed for huge stages and equally massive audiences. Bruce's accessible, commercial songs dominated, at the expense of his romantic epics and more thoughtful and introspective material. While they were undoubtedly great fun and very successful, they only reflected limited aspects of his musical character and were a good example of how biggest does not necessarily mean best. I had as great a time as any other Springsteen obsessive who saw the seven UK and Irish shows, but there was a nagging sense that he was much better than all this, that cramming thousands into a stadium like sardines was dehumanising and dangerous and that rock music is always best heard in indoor venues. Unfortunately, his sustained level of popularity in Europe with the E Street Band ever since has meant that it's been stadiums all the way, with few exceptions. "BITUSA" defined Bruce's career to some extent for many people, and they've expected him to churn it out onstage ever since. Luckily he didn't take that route and has presented us with some very interesting musical detours in subsequent years, but songs from that album have always crept into his sets, even if he's started tours not playing them. The mid-80s were his Glory Days and they'll never fully pass him by, which is both a blessing and a curse. When he got home, he saw the tour as the end of an era, not the dawning of a new one. Next time around, according to his autobiography, he was looking forward to "something less".
By Mike Saunders via |
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