Scheduled: 19:00 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
This show was rescheduled from August 30. "Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town" closes this Sunday night special show, the last of six at Giants Stadium in 1985. "Sherry Darling" includes a snippet of "Hey-Hey-Hey-Hey!" in the outro. Final tour performances for "Fire", "Jersey Girl", and "Sherry Darling". "Detroit Medley" was rumored to have been played but was not.
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incl. Rehearsals.
- 2009-10-09 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 2009-10-08 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 2009-10-03 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 2009-10-02 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 2009-09-30 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 2008-07-31 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 2008-07-28 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 2008-07-27 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 2003-08-31 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 2003-08-30 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 2003-08-28 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 2003-07-27 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 2003-07-26 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 2003-07-24 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 2003-07-21 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 2003-07-18 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 2003-07-17 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 2003-07-15 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 1985-09-01 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 1985-08-31 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 1985-08-22 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 1985-08-21 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 1985-08-19 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
- 1985-08-18 Giants Stadium, East Rutherford, NJ
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Audience tape. Three recording sources circulate, the first was released on the 5LP set 'Sunday Night Special' and on an unknown CDR version. The second from the JimCT master (JaHoe) and the third from the 'Tape Man Joe Master Tapes Volume 64' (Buckshot/G). A remaster (Hrubesh) of the master (JimCT) surfaced as well.
Note: JimCT on Hrubesh remaster: "When I listened to his finished product I was really pleased with how good an audience recording of an outdoor stadium show (80,000 seats, plus the floor but minus the seats not sold behind the stage, so ~66k ticketed per wiki) could sound".
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Intro to "Seeds"
´´We were down….in Houston, Texas, on the first part of our American tour….you´d see a lot of folks down there that moved down from up north, from Detroit….out of Pittsburg….where they were closing the steel mills down….and they moved down, headed south looking for work job in the oil fields or on the oil rigs….but when they got down there, the price of oil dropped….they were shutting them down and laying ´em off….they´d end up with no work, with their families with ´em, sleeping in tents out on the side of the highway….or sleeping in their cars at night ….with nothing to do and no place to go….and the local police telling ´em just to move on….this is called ´Seeds´….”
Intro to "The River"
´´No rain tonight (chuckles)….yeah….this is uh….when I was a kid….I always remember my Pop used to lock up the frontdoor to the house so that I used to have to come in ´round the side….that way he always knew what time I was getting in….and uh….at the time we weren´t getting along that great (chuckles) I had a real long hair, I was about 17….I had it like down to my shoulders….and at night I used to stand in the driveway and I´d tuck it, tuck it way down inside my collar….I´d get my nerve up and I´d get up on the porch….and I´d slip through the screen door….and through the kitchen…get in the livingroom and I always remember my mom would be, always asleep with the TV on….and pink slippers with the, with the big flowers on the toes (chuckles)….and I´d get my foot on the bottom step and I´d think ´Oh, I made it´ and just as I was about to go upstairs, I´d hear´Bruuuce´….and uh, I´d go back into the kitchen….and he had all the lights out and I´d sit down and we wouldn´t say anything for about ten minutes….and then finally he´d say, uh, ´Well, what do you think you´re doing with yourself ?´….and, uh, the worst part about it was I could never explain it to him, you know….and uh….it´s something because like now, you know, now we…..we´ve been lucky in that we, we get along real good now….and uh….when you´re, when you´re young, I think sometimes it´s hard to understand, understand the forces that are on your parents´ lives that make them act sometimes the way they do, you know, he was having a hard time finding work all the time….and that weighs real heavy, I think, on you….being the head of the house….but uh, we just came up out of Pittsburg….now, in Pittsburg, in the past five years….they went from 22,000 steelworker jobs down to 3,000….and (?) the big steel mills don´t invest in our own country, in our own country´s production, the jobs go away but the people don´t, they´re still there….and….they end up left out in the cold…..this is a song about, uh, living in the shadow, in the shadow of a dream…..”
Intro to "I´m Goin´Down"
´´….(?) it´s great, everything is wonderful and they´re always looking beautiful all the time and everything they say is so brilliant and uh….you know, like, if you´re gonna go out or something, like, you say ´Oh honey, what movie do you wanna go see ?´ and she says ´Oh honey, I don´t care, whatever you wanna see´….´I don´t care if we stay home tonight just as long as I´m with you´….you´re making love all the time, two or three times a day….can´t keep away from each other….oh yeah….but then like, you know, then if you come back like about six months later or a year later, you hear, like ´Are we going out tonight or do I have to sit here and look at your face all the time ?´….´Are you gonna make love to me tonight or do we have to wait for the full moon again ?´….yeah, why does that happen ?….I don´t know (chuckles) oh damn, anyway….this is for all young lovers out there….”
Intro to "Glory Days"
´´I gotta take it easy a minute, man….oh yeah….man, when you get older, man, you gotta stop and take a little rest once in a while….can´t be doing all this jumping around and….no, no, can´t do that….oh….man, sometimes I lie in bed at night, you know….I always sleep with my guitar….yeah, at first my wife didn´t like it but she´s got used to it now….you gotta take the whole package, you know (chuckles) oh, my back hurts, I´m 35….that´s old, anybody else 35 or older out there ? (cheers) alright, alright (chuckles) now, the Big Man, he´s older than me but….but, like, he must have some beauty secret or something because….he always maintains his youthful beauty…anyway, in the end, it ain´t nothing but glory days….are you ready, band ?….are you ready, people ? (cheers)….”
Intro to "The Promised Land"
´´Mikey, this is for you and the kids and Betty….”
Intro to "My Hometown"
´´This is uh….I remember when I was growing up, I always kind of had a love-hate-relationship with where I was from….and….and uh….I guess that´s the way it is for most people…and it´s funny because when I was a kid, I used to think, man, I couldn´t wait, ´Can´t wait till I get older and get out of here´….and uh….then when I got out….I used to look forward to coming back (chuckles)….I guess, I guess that´s the way it ought to be….but I guess one of the things when I was a kid that I was….that I was afraid of was I was afraid of belonging to something ´cause if you admit that you belong to something whether….you´re a citizens of a state or a country or a New Jerseyan or anywhere (cheers) well, if you´re, I guess if you´re proud enough to shout about it, you ought to be proud enough to do something about it….well, tonight in the audience there are some representatives from the New Jersey Citizens Action and from the New York Community Action Network….and these are groups that are made up of like labor leaders and church leaders and just plain citizens who are out there every day trying to give the low and the moderate income citizen a bigger voice in the democratic process…..trying to give you a little muscle out there….and as you know, like, New Jersey has one of the worst chemical waste problems in the country…. and the New Jersey Citizens Action, they led a succesful fight for The Right to Know -Act ….and what The Right to Know -Act is is that it means that the major chemical firms, they have to let the citizens and the workers know about the hazardous waste and the chemicals that they come into contact with either in their workplace or in their neighbourhoods…..and uh, just one of the many things they do, they organise voter registration….but mainly they´re out there fighting for you and your family….and uh….they´re out there making some of these ideas that I´m singing about up here tonight real in everyday life….and without them and without your support of them, what I´m doing up here tonight is just a bunch of words….so if you´re proud of where you come from, I want you to give it a shot of making it a better place ….so tonight when you go into the lobby, you´re gonna see the names and the numbers of these organizations, their membership organizations, you can find out information about ´em and join ´em if you want to, or just check ´em out because they´re here in your state and in your city and they trying to make it a fair and more decent place for all of its citizens….so this is your hometown so do something about it, alright….”
At the end of "Cadillac Ranch"
´´I´m the luckiest man in the world…..”
Intro to "I´m on Fire"
´´I always remember…my folks always working so hard….just to try and keep, keep everything going when I was a kid….I always remember Mom going down….to the finance man, borrowing money for Christmas….getting it paid back….just in time to borrow money for Easter…getting that paid back just in time to borrow money for…our school clothes, and it would just go on and on, and on and on….and for some reason she never let it show like it bothered her…but I always remember it seemed to….bother my Pop and….he´d sit around thinking about everything that we weren´t ever gonna have….and he´d get me thinking like that too….and I´d lay up in bed….and I´d feel like if something didn´t change…that I was just gonna…like someday I was just gonna….I felt like someday…someday I´d just….felt like I was just gonna….”
Intro to "Pink Cadillac"
´´Now…tonight I wanna talk to you about….temptation !….you know what I´m talking about ….I mean the conflict…between worldly things and spiritual health….between the desires of the flesh, sexual desire….and spiritual ecstasy….that´s right….now, where did this conflict begin ?…well, it began in the beginning….in a place called the Garden of Eden….now, I´d like to introduce to you one of our state´s leading biblical scholars….to help me with this lecture…please, uh, give a warm welcome to handsome Jim McDuffy….thank you, Jim…. now, the Garden of Eden was originally believed to have been located in Mesopotamia…. that´s what they say….but the latest theological studies have found out that its actual location was….ten miles south of Jersey City just off the New Jersey Turnpike !….that´s right….and that, ladies and gentlemen, is why they call this the Garden State….now, in the Garden of Eden, you didn´t have any accoutrements of modern living, you couldn´t go home at night and get in your bed, put the little Poptarts in the toaster, make yourself a ham-and-cheese sandwich, get in the sack with your baby and watch David Letterman on TV….you couldn´t do that, you couldn´t go out onto the highway and buy a cheeseburger….no Sir !….man, in the Garden of Eden, there was no sin…there was no sex….man lived in a state of innocence ….when it comes to no sex, I prefer the state of guilt that I constantly live in….in the Garden of Eden, man, was many wonderous things, was a Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, got everybody in trouble….was a man, Adam, was a woman, Eve, and she looked so fine and when Adam kissed her, it was the first time that a man had ever kissed a woman….and she had legs that were long and soft to the touch….and when Adam touched her, it was the first time that a man had ever touched a woman….and then she touched him….and it was the first time that a woman had ever touched a man….and he snuggled up real close to her and he said ´I love you, Evie´ and they went walking out in the green fields and then they lay down….and when Adam…well, let´s just say it was the first time….but there was something else in the Garden of Eden on that day…man, old Satan came slithering up on his belly and he turned their sweet love into a betrayal and sent them driving down into the darkness below….but that´s alright because right here tonight on this backlot I´ve got their getaway car….and for 99.95 and no money down, don´t worry if you´ve got bad credit, it´s good here, we´ll finance, we´ll take a chance on you if you´ve got the nerve to ride, I´ve got the keys to the first….pink….Cadillac….”
Intro to "This Land Is Your Land"
´´Thank you….thanks….(?) I´d like to just take a second and thank everybody for coming down to the shows that we´ve done here….this is uh….we´re getting close to the end of our tour now and uh….like I was telling the folks last night, this year´s, I guess, been about the most fun I ever had….the ten shows we did last summer and these shows that we did here ….let me say it´s always nice to, to come back home so thank you….and….I also wanna say I hope, I hope that we didn´t inconvenience you too much by not being here on Friday night ….of course we worried about the lightning, there were supposed to be thunderstorms and, uh, I just wanna say thanks for being such good sports….hold on now, we´re gonna give you the Sunday night special so….(?)….(chuckles) yeah, but, uh, anyway, right now I´d like to do this song for you, this is a song by Woody Guthrie, guess it´s, uh, about the greatest song that´s ever been written about America ´cause it gets right to the heart to what the promise of our country was supposed to be about….and as we sit here tonight, that´s a promise that´s eroding for many, many of our fellow citizens, I think if you talked to the farmers in the Midwest that are losing their farms or the steelworkers in the Monongahela Valley or in Gary, Indiana or in East Los Angeles….or the folks from Liberty City (?) I don´t know if they´d feel that this song was true any more….and I´m not sure that it is but I know that it ought to be and I know that you can make a difference so….anyway, here´s wishing you the longest life with the best of absolutely everything…..”
Intro to "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town"
´´Thanks….and now to Sunday night special….(?) a little early but you get the idea…..
(….) Has everybody been good out there ? (cheers) are you sure ? (cheers) nobody done no lying ? (cheers) nobody been cheating on their boyfriend or girlfriend ? (cheers) that´s good (chuckles)….”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |
JimCT | This show was on Sunday, delayed from Friday because of a severe storm. So it ended up being the last of the six stadium shows, and my last of 24 shows that tour. I had a lot of fun, and some great experiences over those 13 months, from the arena shows in August '84. on to LA and Tempe, and later to London and back to NJ! Also, I began my taping saga during the LA shows in November '84, and used those recordings to build my cassette bootleg collection, so that added to the experience. Summer night, stadium in NJ, Labor Day weekend - bliss! This has the long Garden of Eden story in Pink Caddy, one of those 17 minute Twist & Shout experiences (that brought back some great memories), followed by Jersey Girl (and if you've never experienced JG at the finale of a stadium stand in the summer in NJ like this, or 2003 GS 10 ;), you've missed a fabulous moment), and one of the earliest Santas I can recall. I'm certain my personal memories help me enjoy this show a lot. As with all my recordings, my hope is that the sound that is shared allows you to at least come close to my experience. ETA: I think Hrubesh has made the sound better, really "come alive", so you the listener can almost be there. |
John Rosenberger | I was there. It was truly an amazing experience. Middle of the summer 50K frenzied Bruce fans pumping their fists and screaming out the words "Santa Claus is coming to Town !" Wonderful experience. |
John Cobb | I was there. It was my birthday and this show was for the one that got rained out. I was still recovering from the show the night before, what a weekend and what a show. Wow it still fresh in my memory even though it's 22 years ago. |
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Springsteen Gives Funds to 2 Groups |
The rock singer Bruce Springsteen gave $15,000 to each of two public-interest groups Saturday night during the intermission of his concert at Giants Stadium at the New Jersey Meadowlands.
One of the groups, New Jersey Citizen Action, is a coalition of 80 local organizations, said a spokesman, Jean Otersen.
It helps groups lobby on such issues as health care, taxes and toxic waste, she said.
The other organization, the New York Community Action Network, is involved in the cleanup of toxic-waste sites on Long Island and in western New York, said Alan Charney, a co-director.
Both said the money would go toward operating expenses.
According to Mr. Charney, Mr. Springsteen said he was making the gifts because the groups were involved with issues he sang about.
Mr. Springsteen has made similar donations in other cities where he has appeared during his current tour.
Via The New York Times. |
- Springsteen Gives Funds to 2 Groups (NewYorkTimes)
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