Scheduled: 19:30 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
"Two Faces" has the short and nice guitar intro again. "Spare Parts", "You Can Look (But You Better Not Touch)", and "I'm A Coward" all include intro stories. The premiere and one of only three "Lonely Teardrops" this tour - the bridge is played twice. Final "Across The Borderline" of the tour. "Born To Run" is solo acoustic. "Adam Raised A Cain" includes the "break that chain" outro. "Cover Me" includes "Gimme Shelter" in the outro. "Part Man, Part Monkey" includes "Love Is Strange" in the outro. "Light Of Day" includes some variant lyrics and a "Born To Be Wild" in the midsection.
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incl. Rehearsals.
- 2023-04-01 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2022-10-01 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2019-11-04 Hulu Theater At Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2018-11-05 Hulu Theater At Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2018-07-18 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2017-09-15 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2016-11-01 Theater At Madison Square Garden (The), New York City, NY
- 2016-03-28 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2016-01-27 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2015-11-10 Theater At Madison Square Garden (The), New York City, NY
- 2015-07-31 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2014-11-05 Theater At Madison Square Garden (The), New York City, NY
- 2013-11-06 Theater At Madison Square Garden (The), New York City, NY
- 2012-12-12 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2012-04-09 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2012-04-06 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2011-12-01 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2009-11-08 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2009-11-07 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2009-10-30 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2009-10-29 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2009-05-03 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2007-10-18 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2007-10-17 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2006-06-22 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2003-02-23 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2002-08-12 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2000-07-01 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2000-06-29 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2000-06-27 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2000-06-26 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2000-06-23 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2000-06-22 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2000-06-20 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2000-06-17 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2000-06-15 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 2000-06-12 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1997-02-26 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1993-06-26 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1988-08-24 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1988-05-23 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1988-05-22 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1988-05-19 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1988-05-18 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1988-05-16 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1987-12-13 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1983-08-02 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1980-12-19 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1980-12-18 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1980-11-28 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1980-11-27 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1979-09-22 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1979-09-21 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1978-08-23 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1978-08-22 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1978-08-21 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1973-06-15 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
- 1973-06-14 Madison Square Garden, New York City, NY
incl. Interviews and Recording-sessions.
Sorry, no Photos available.
Audience tape and audience shot DVD. Three recording sources circulate, released on CD 'This Is Not A Dark Ride' (Doberman) and also DVD under the same title. A second source was release from a tape transfer (Hrubesh/EarlMV) and a third source (JEMS) from the master tapes (KT) was released.
Intro to "Tunnel of Love"
´´You ready to ride ? (cheers)….”
Intro to "All That Heaven Will Allow"
´´How´s things in New York tonight ? (cheers) any of my fellow New Jerseyans out there ? (cheers) man, this was almost like, this is almost like New Jersey weather today, we get that humidity…I don´t know, I like it when it´s dry and….kind of like….oh, you´re making too much noise (?)….you know, we get this time of year when that spring comes around…. everybody´s getting outside, especially in the city here everybody starts walking more, taking off their jackets….that´s when I like to take a walk in the park and see if any of my old friends are still around….hey man, yo !….hey, how you doing ? alright, good to see you…. what do you say ?….what´ve you been up to, huh ?….yeah ? oh yeah ? (chuckles) that´s nice, that´s nice, what do you got going ? oh….Big Man´s been busy, we´ve got pictures of the little Big Man here…..he´s handsome too, let me tell you….almost as handsome as his daddy, almost (chuckles) he´s got his own shades and….he´s got a (?) suit, he´s got a little saxophone, he knows how to play it too….he does….he gets like a little note out, you know, he plays the guitar too so he´s gonna be, he´s gonna take both our jobs, right (chuckles)…. that´s nice, oh man….I remember I was with you the night you met your wife….now, Clarence is funny ´cause Clarence like was always meeting his wife, you know, every time he saw a girl, ´That´s the girl I´m gonna marry right there´….´That´s the one, I´m telling you, Bruce, it is, this, this time´ (chuckles) and he was always falling in love and (?)….but I was with Clarence and his wife comes in this little party we were at and like he runs into the bathroom and I know what he´s doing in there, like, he´s fixing himself up (chuckles) and he has this patchuli oil that he used to splash all over himself when he saw a girl that he liked (chuckles) and he´d come out (chuckles) and he´s standing at the bar and he´s, I´m, I´m standing close by because like, did you ever see that Steve Martin movie where the guy´s like gotta whisper all the right lines to him and stuff ? (chuckles) but like I´m whispering to Clarence and Clarence is being a whole lot nicer than he really is, you know….he has on his, his love-face, the face of love….(?) (chuckles) oh man…..but you did it, I was your best man, you know….Clarence got married on top of this big vulcano in Hawaii, it was pretty wild (chuckles)(?) you know, yeah (chuckles) do you remember how you felt that first time she come walking in, you´re checking her out ?….come on, Ritchie (Miami Horns start singing) back in Jersey, it feels kind of like this….all that corny stuff….man, I remember we used to stay out, used to stay out till 4 a.m in all ´em bars and stuff….we don´t ever do that no more, you know, we should do that….wanna stay out late tonight ? (cheers)(?) I´ll see you later, alright, bring your horn, bring your horn…..”
Intro to "Spare Parts"
´´So how you doing out there tonight ? (cheers)….how´re you guys in the backseat there ? (cheers) it´s the hot seats…..that´s good….there was uh…..was this fella and this girl….they met in a little shot-and-beer bar down along the coast on a weekend….and he was a…..he was a house painter….he was kind of young and, uh, looking for a good time, you know, he was making that money and spending it….not saving for anything…..had a nice car, lived in a little place….and she was a little bit older and I guess she was out, she was kind of looking around for somebody to, having somebody to fall in love with, somebody to love her….she met him and she really, she really liked him, he was kind of….he was real likeable, he was kind of real sweet-tempered and kind of on the gentle side telling stupid jokes all the time, always kind of kept her laughing….and they went out and uh….they had a lot of fun, it was the summer….and uh….I guess that fall towards the winter they, they got a little garage apartment together….(part of the intro is missing)….so this is a song about a woman struggling to understand the value of her own independent existence…..and the value of the life of her child….trying to take them old dreams, take that part of her past that´s holding her down, put it behind her, find something new and beautiful and meaningful in her life right now….”
Intro to "You Can Look"
´´I remember when I was a little bitty baby….I was crawling across the livingroom floor on my way to the TV-set….and my mama said ´Now, baby, don´t touch that thing´….and then I was ten years old, went into the department store downtown, went into the toy section….the saleslady came up to me, she had on real red lipstick and…..and she came up to me and she said ´Now, honey, don´t touch that thing´….then I took my girl out on… of my first dates and…..we were sitting in the car late in the evening….and I was expressing my deep and undying love….and all she said was ´Baby, don´t touch that thing….put that thing away, please…what is that thing ?´….well, you can look but you better not touch, that sums it up….”
Intro to "I´m a Coward"
´´Is there anybody alive out there tonight ? (cheers) is there anybody that can feel the living spirit down in their souls out there tonight ? (cheers)….that´s good…..because….I´ve got a question that I wanna ask you people….in the audience tonight, do we have any rough, tough, badass New York City men out there ? (cheers) I wanna see your hands, all you tough guys, yeah, let me see ´em… we have any macho New Jersey men out there ? (cheers) you North Jersey boys, come on, let me see ´em….oh yeah….big tough guys….well, I've known men that would swim rivers, that would climb mountains, that would wrestle with the beasts of the jungle….but there was one thing that they was afraid of….there was one thing that scared all these tough men and made them run home like little babies to their mommies, do you wanna know what that one thing was ?….I´m gonna tell you what it was, I´m talking about L-U-V, I'm talking about love… scared ´em to death, when they got near love, they ran home like little babies ´cause they got so scared…, do we have any brave, courageous New York City women out there tonight ? (cheers) do we have any sweet, heroic, liberated, sexy New Jersey girls ? (cheers) come on, let me hear you, girls….because I'm talking to you too….I´ve known women…..women that would jump out of an airplane at 30,000 feet, but when they got next to love….when they felt love in their hearts, when they felt it get down in their souls, they got frightened and they ran because they couldn´t face it ….now I´m not down here just pointing a finger….because I´ve got a confession of my own I´ve got to make…..and I´m not ashamed, I wanna say that I have sinned !….and I don´t need no Jim Baker or Jimmy Swaggert to forgive me…..I´m down here to talk about it…..I´m down here to tell you about it…..and those boys can kiss my ass, baby….now what I wanna say is ….I´m a brave man but what I wanna tell you people tonight is…..that I'm a coward when it comes to love…."
Intro to "Part Man Part Monkey"
´´Now, there´s those that believe we descended from, uh, Adam and Eve, Garden of Eden and all that….and then there´s those that, uh….let me explain this, this story, you see….”
Intro to "Born to Run"
´´Thank you….this is a song I wrote…..oh, 15 years ago….(?)….uh….I guess when I wrote it, it took me a long time, took me a really long time to write this song….I remember thinking about it really hard….because I felt like I was….trying to state something about myself….that, I guess, I don´t know, I really didn´t even understand at the time….but I know that the questions that I asked myself in this song 15 years ago, I´ve spent my life since tracing the answers down to….and I don´t know if you ever get to them but, uh, you do get to a little more life….when I wrote this song, I thought I was writing about a guy and a girl who got into a car and wanted to run and keep on running….and uh….I guess I kind of got into the car with ´em somehow….and as I got older I realised that if I didn´t find someplace for them to go, I wasn´t gonna be able to find someplace for myself….and uh… I sang this song through the years I realised that what those people were doing was they….they went out into the world searching for a little connection someplace…..which is, I guess, why you guys come here tonight and what I´m doing up here. (cheers) now, the money´s real good too so don´t get me wrong (chuckles) but….but I think that…..that as I went along, I thought, I found out that that individual freedom in and of itself felt kind of empty and meaningless and without that connection, without me crashing into you and you crashing into me here tonight ….so that guy and that girl, they were out there looking for a little home and I learned that in the end home wasn´t over the next hill or it wasn´t down the street and it wasn´t in the town that I came from but that it was buried, buried very deep inside of me somewhere….and that I was gonna have to have the guts to go and find it….so….so here´s to your guts….”
Intro to "Have Love Will Travel"
´´Is there anybody out there that needs a little love tonight ? (cheers) is there anybody out there that needs a little respect ? (cheers) do you need a little personal attention ? (cheers) well, you´ve come to the right place ´cause I´m telling you I´m a man that´s here tonight with a mission….I´ve come thousands and thousands of miles all across the U.S.A….and I´m here in New York City tonight….to tell you that my motto is….´Have Love Will Travel´….”
Intro to "Sweet Soul Music"
´´I know you´re thinking, uh, you´re thinking I look a little tired right now, right ? (crowd: ´No´) you´re thinking I´m going to, uh, (?) about now, right ? (crowd : ´No´) I´m from New Jersey, baby (?) what I wanna know is can you stand it ? (cheers) can you stand it ? (cheers) can you stand it ? (cheers) then I got a question I wanna ask you…..”
Intro to "Raise Your Hand"
´´Are you trying to tell me something ? (cheers) well, I´ve been working my ass off for three hours, baby, you better talk louder than that ! (cheers) well, are you ready for a little religious liberation ? (cheers) are you ready for a little spiritual affirmation ? (cheers) are you ready for a little sexual consummation ? (cheers) then just raise your hand one time….
(…) There's one last thing I've got to know before I go…Is there something that you need out there? (crowd cheers) is there anything, is there something that you want? (crowd cheers) is there something that deep down in your heart that you've got to have? (crowd cheers) then show a little guts and raise your hand…"
Intro to "Lonely Teardrops"
"Alright, wanna have a little fun? (crowd cheers) we're gonna do a song we've never done, it's one of my favorite songs, gonna sing it for you, send you home with it…. favorite song of mine by Jackie Wilson…I'll start it, Lonely teardrops….
(…) We're gonna have to do the bridge one more time, that asshole screwed up my finale here (crowd cheers)…"
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |
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