Intro to "All That Heaven Will Allow"
´´How you doing out there? (crowd cheers) it´s nice to be in Oslo….thought it was gonna rain all day here….this is nice….it´s beautiful up here….sing it, Richie (the horn section start singing harmonies)….here we go….[starts singing] here she comes walking….(crowd: ´Here she comes walking´) sounds good (crowd: ´Here she comes walking´) and she´s looking so fine, yeah…..and I got one thing on my mind….I wanna try and make her mine….yeah, I wanna try and make her mine now….but I´m trying to think how can I get her attention…. maybe if I stood just right….well, should I listen to my heart? (crowd: ´Yeah´) I don´t know ….or should I listen to my head now? (crowd: ´No´)….or should I listen to my heart? (crowd: ´Yeah´)….or should I listen to my head? (crowd: ´No´)….oh, she´s looking so fine….yes, she´s looking so fine….should I listen to my heart? (crowd: ´Yeah´) I don´t know, I don´t know….should I listen to my heart now? (crowd: ´Yeah´) that gets you in trouble all the time, man - should I listen to my heart? (crowd: ´Yeah´) I don´t know….should I listen to my heart now? (crowd: ´Yeah´)….should I? (crowd: ´Yeah´) alright….´´
Intro to "Spare Parts"
´´This is a song about a woman….struggling to understand the value of her own independent existence….and the value of the life of her child….trying to put away her past and her old dreams and to find something new and beautiful in her life now….´´
Intro to "Chimes Of Freedom"
´´I guess this is one of the greatest songs about….human freedom….ever written…..´´
Intro to "You Can Look"
´´Well, ever since I was a little bitty baby, I remember my mama telling me that there were things in this world that you can look at….but that you cannot touch….I remember crawling across the livingroom floor in my diaper…heading for that TV set, she came walking in the room and said, uh….´Oh Son, don´t you touch that thing….oh, Son, don´t you touch that thing…..yeah, you can look but you can´t touch that thing´…then I went down to the department store, I was ten years old….I was in the toy department….heading for those little toy soldiers, the saleslady came up behind me and shouted….´Oh Son, don´t you touch that thing….oh, Son, don´t you touch that thing….you can look but you can´t touch that thing´, oooh, that´s right….then I was 17….took my girlfriend out on a date…borrowed my daddy´s car….had somebody buy a little beer for us….took her to a nice dark place to park…turned the music way down low, I said….´Oh, sugar´….I whispered some sweet things in her ear…. put my hand on her knee….I whispered a few more sweet things….unbuttoned the first button on her blouse….unbuttoned the second button on her blouse….put my hand on her thigh…. and she said ´Son, don´t you touch that thing….oh, Son, don´t you touch that thing…..yeah, you can look but you can´t touch that thing….´´´
Intro to "I´m A Coward"
´´Is there anybody alive out there tonight? (crowd cheers) is there anybody that can feel the living, breathing spirit down in their souls out there tonight? (cheers) that´s good….because I´ve got a question that I want to ask you….do we have any rough, tough Oslo men out there tonight? (crowd cheers) do we have any brave, macho men in the audience tonight? (crowd cheers) because I’ve known men that would swim rivers, that would climb mountains, that would wrestle with the beasts of the jungle….but there was one thing they was afraid of, there was one thing that scared them to death….do you want to know what that one thing was? (crowd cheers) do you want to know what I´m talking about here tonight? (crowd cheers) that one thing that scared those brave men to death was L-U-V, I’m talking about love, love scared ´em… do we have any brave, courageous women out there tonight? (crowd cheers) do we have any sweet, heroic, sexy girls in the audience out there tonight? (crowd cheers) come on, let me hear you, girls (crowd cheers) because I’m talking to you too….I’ve known women that when they got next to love, they ran home to their mommies and to their loneliness and their isolation….now, I’m not just down here tonight pointing my finger….I´ve got a confession that I have got to make and what I want to tell you is that I have sinned!….that´s right….I´m a brave man if I don´t say so myself….but what I´ve got to confess to tonight is, what I must testify to tonight is, what I´ve come here to tell you people tonight is….that I’m a coward when it comes to love, that´s right, hit that thing, Max….´´
Towards the end of "Dancing In The Dark"
´´Sometimes I feel, I feel a little lonely…and I feel so downhearted….and that´s when I know that I gotta reach out to somebody for a little help….well, I´m searching, I´m searching, I´m searching for my baby….yeah, I´m looking, I´m looking, I´m looking for my baby….well, I´m searching, I´m searching, I´m searching for my baby….yeah, I´m looking, I´m looking, I´m looking for my baby….well, I´m searching, I´m searching, I´m searching for my baby….yeah, I´m looking, I´m looking, I´m looking for my baby….alright….yeah….yeah, come on, darling, oh….wunderbar…´´
Middle of "Light Of Day"
´´On the piano, the incredible Professor Roy Bittan….on the drums, the Mighty Max Weinberg….on the guitar, the great Nils Lofgren…..on the guitar and vocals, Miss Patti Scialfa….on the bass guitar, Mr.Garry W.Tallent….on the organ, Phantom Dan Federici….in the back we got Eddie ´Kingfish´ Manion, Richie La Bamba, Mark ´The Love Man´, Mike and Mario Cruz, out of New Jersey, the mighty Horns of Love….and last but not least, we got the incredible, the inimitable (?) Oslo has never seen nothing like the king of the world, the emperor of the universe, the one, the only, the incredible, the amazing Big Man Clemons on the saxophone….´´
Intro to "Bobby Jean"
´´Thank you….thank you….I´d like to thank everybody for coming down to the show today, tack….we haven´t been here since 1981, I think…..just wanna say thanks, here we go….´´
Intro to "Sweet Soul Music"
´´You´re starting to look a little tired to me out there (crowd: ´No´) oh yeah….right around here is where the audience starts to get a little tired, you see, you´ve been standing up all day ….I know you´re getting tired out there (crowd: ´No´) are you sure? (crowd: ´Yeah´) are you sure? (crowd: ´Yeah´) are you sure? (crowd: ´Yeah´) then I got a question I wanna ask you…´´
Intro to "Raise Your Hand"
´´Are you ready for a little religious liberation? (crowd: ´Yeah´) for a little spiritual affirmation? (crowd: ´Yeah´) for a little sexual consummation? (crowd: ´Yeah´) then just raise your hand one time….
(….) Before I go, there´s one last thing that I´ve got to know: is there something out there that you need? (crowd: ´Yeah´) is there something that you want? (crowd: ´Yeah´) is there something that deep down inside of your heart you just got to have? (crowd: ´Yeah´) then show a little guts and raise your hand….´´
Intro to "Twist And Shout"
´´It´s too late now, you see, you´re too tired now (crowd: ´No´) it´s too late, you gotta go home and like eat cheeseburgers and watch TV or something, it´s too late now (crowd: ´No´) no?….gimme that guitar….you asked for it, you´re gonna get it, baby!….´´
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |