Intro to "Lucky Town"
´´So you were beat in Copenhagen last night (chuckles)….alright, let´s get lucky now….”
Intro to "Darkness on the Edge of Town"
´´Now this is uh….we´ve been coming to, uh, Stockholm since 1975….when I was ten years old, it was incredible (chuckles) but uh….people always been, been really great to us here, it´s a real….gonna do this for any of my fans out there who were around back then…..”
Intro to "If I Should Fall Behind"
´´Here´s a song, uh….haven´t played in a long time, haven´t played in the past three or four years….but uh….kind of a lot´s happened to me in that time….got myself….me and Patti have us two nice little babies….you know I….learnt a lot of….kind of learnt a lot of lessons in that time that I had off, you know, it´s something where…..sometimes it´s to kind of come out and like….say hello to….10,000 people and…..but it´s awful hard to look…..but it´s uh…but it´s kind of hard to look, pretty hard to look just one person really square in the eyes and…..and learn how to….how to live with ´em…this is uh….this is a song, I guess it´s sort of a song about ….learning how to live with somebody, could be your lover or it can be your neighbor, I guess…. it´s about learning how to….lend a hand and take a hand when you need one and uh….but uh…I did miss you, I did miss you (chuckles)….this is for Pats tonight (?)….”
Intro to "Leap of Faith"
´´This next song, uh….this next song came to me in a dream ….not really, not really…I think it was in a Chinese restaurant actually…but…anyway, it´s about, uh…it´s about miracles… and it´s about getting up….getting up the courage….to step ahead….to do what you ought to do….to be the man and woman that you ought to be… you know what I´m talking about ? ….(?)…”
Intro to "With Every Wish"
´´Got a story to tell you….it´s a bedtime story….(?) a little boy and a little girl, I tell ´em bedtime stories….(?)….when you´re a kid, you know, you always dream….(?)….I´m switching, switching the songs around, guys….you gotta test ´em, you gotta test ´em….the old band could do it….you gotta test ´em….this is a bedtime story, when you´re a kid, you kind of dream….I think what you think like, oh man, you´re gonna grow up, I remember the first thing I thought when I was a little kid was I would grow up and then I could buy like all the toys that I want….and I think that you´re gonna feel the same way about those things when you become older….and I guess what you dream about is sort of a life without complications and without contradictions and especially without consequences, you know….so here´s a little bedtime story about that….(?)….”
Intro to "Human Touch"
´´ (?) att vara tillbaka i Stockholm….I got ´Stockholm´ right, right ? the other stuff was wrong, I probably said ´This way to the men´s room´ or something, right ? (chuckles)….thank you….hey, you guys are making the first night easy for us, thank you….not easy (chuckles)…. but I got my date, my date´s here tonight…..give this woman a microphone…..”
##030390|Middle of "Glory Days’
´´Come on down, everybody…come on down, this is where the party is now….is this where the party is ? (cheers)….got the Stockholm party central right here….I don´t know what might happen now….now, of course as you know, this is the first night….it´s our very first night….. losing our virginity here tonight….is everybody ready ?….now, you wasn´t scared, was you ? (backup singers : ´No, no, no´) No ? ´Cause we´re gonna get on the big tour now…we´re gonna get into a big plane….we´re gonna have some big adventure….gonna be a big romance ….we´re gonna chase the big bucks…alright….”
Intro to "Working on the Highway"
´´It ain´t over….it ain´t over….it ain´t over….let´s do a little bit of that ´Working on the Highway´…I got some work to do on the highway….”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |