Intro to "Darkness on the Edge of Town"
´´Bon soir, Paris….tres bien….this is a….this is a song I wrote when I was…..uh, 28….. three short years ago (chuckles)….and uh….I guess this was a song about uh, about uh…. stripping everything away from yourself so you can sort of re-find yourself again so…. find out, find something new in your life again…..anyway, this is about, uh…..kind of walking down that road that we all have to walk by ourselves…..”
Intro to "If I Should Fall Behind"
´´(?) I think if you´d follow the man in ´Darkness´, you would find him in this next song, uh, this is uh….c´est musique….pour mes amis….et (?) pour l´amour…..”
Intro to "My Hometown"
´´Merci, merci….uh….it´s, uh, it´s been a long time since I´ve been in Paris….and uh….(?) garcon et fille, is that right ? (chuckles)(Bruce makes a sound like a baby crying to better demonstrate what he means)(chuckles) uh…I´d like to say, uh….c´est, c´est bien d´etre chez Babar, you know (chuckles)….mes enfants aiment aussi Babar (chuckles)…so it´s nice to be in Babar´s hometown, that´s what I´d like to say (chuckles)….a very famous, famous elephant around my house but uh….this is a song I wrote a long time ago, I guess a decade ago now and I suppose in it I was imagining, I was remembering what it was like with my dad when I was a little boy and I was imagining what it would be like with my son and I guess it is a song about….the legacy that we leave our children….that…the way we leave the world for them and how all our faith and all our destiny….is tied together into one….so uh….hoping for the best I would like to do this song, uh….pour mes enfants, pour vous enfants….pour ma vie, pour vo vie….”
Intro to "All or Nothin´at All"
´´It feels real good to be here in Paris right now….I feel a real silly-attack coming on now ….what I wanna know is are you ready ? (cheers) are you ready ? (cheers) ´cause I don´t want just a little bit from you, no, I don´t want just this much, I don´t want that much, I don´t want any crazy shit going….I want it all or nothin´at all…..”
Intro to "Real Man"
´´Amore, amore….I´m feeling like a real man now….count it off, Zak, come on…..”
Intro to "Thunder Road"
´´Merci….oh yeah…..this is a song I wrote, uh…..(?)(chuckles) stop throwing that shit on stage….uh, uh, here´s a song I wrote, uh….when I was 24….just five short years ago (chuckles) when I was, I was living in a little apartment by the beach in New Jersey, by the seashore….and uh…..I don´t know, I guess this song is a, it wasn´t, it wasn´t what my life was like so it must´ve been like what my….what I was dreaming….I really wasn´t this person in this song, I wasn´t a lot like him…..but I guess it was what was in my heart at the time….so, uh….this is for all the fans who have traveled many, many miles….”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |