End of "Local Hero"
´´First we gotta get you some, uh…..some interviews, gotta get you on ´Geraldo´….then you gotta have some t-shirts….gotta have those t-shirts….”
Intro to "Lucky Town"
´´At your service….oh, let´s burn it up now….”
Intro to "57 Channels"
´´1992, you can see American cities in flames again….well, you reap what you sow….”
Intro to "My Hometown"
´´Thank you….alright….I wrote that song, uh, a little while after, a little while after my little boy was born…..I got a beautiful little girl too….Patti did all the work (chuckles) I just had to watch (chuckles) uh….this next song, this is a song I wrote….about ten years ago, I guess (cheers) it might be one of the shitty ones, you don´t know (chuckles) don´t get all excited yet (chuckles)….but, uh, I, uh, I think I was, it was, I started writing it, it was about some small thing that my dad used to do for me, it probably didn´t mean that much to him but that always stayed with me and I read a book that said ´Nothing you ever do for a child is wasted´ and I think that´s true, you know, like, you do some, some small thing for ´em on any given day and it stayes like a permanent little work of art in their heads or in their spirits ….so this is a song about, uh….about how we shape our kids and what kind of a legacy we´re gonna leave, what kind of world that we leave ´em…..and uh, this is for all the parents out there so….be strong….let´s do it….”
Intro to "Leap of Faith"
´´You sound good….alright….let me see here, alright, ok, this is, uh, any divorcees out there in the crowd tonight ? (cheers)(chuckles)(?) this next song, this is a song about second chances….everybody deserves one no matter how big a mess you make, how bad you fuck up, everybody gets another shot….anyway, yes, this is a song about love, redemption, faith, hope, sex…..all the good shit (chuckles) alright….uh, ´cause you´ve got fear over here, you see, and there´s love over here, and no matter what, to get from there to there, it takes a leap of faith….”
End of "Roll of the Dice"
´´We´re gonna take a short break, do some of that bungee-jumping, get on a Stairmaster, run a few miles, we´ll be back out in a little while with some more rock and soul entertainment for you ´cause we´re just warming up here….see you in a little while, ok ?….”
Intro to "All the Way Home"
´´Yeah, alright….this is a song…..that I wrote for Southside….I´ll do this for him tonight…oh yeah, for somebody who was asking (?)…I´ll play your little request….let´s see if we know it ….”
Middle of "Light of Day"
´´I know what you´re thinking….´Did he fire five shots or six shots on that guitar ?´….well, how lucky are you feeling tonight ?….´Did he fire five shots or six shots ?´….is there one left in the chamber here ?….well, how lucky are you feeling ?….if you´re feeling real lucky, then go ahead, reach for it….”
Intro to "Thunder Road"
´´Gonna do this tonight for all my old fans out there….thanks for sticking with me…. appreciate your support, I´ll do this for my friend Steve here tonight (?)….”
Middle of "Working on the Highway"
´´(?)…we´ve got thousands of miles to go yet….´cause there´s a job to do out there…..people have got to be rocked…..we got a long way to go before we´re home…..”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |