Scheduled: 19:30 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
This show was rescheduled from November 21. Features Garry Tallent playing bass on "Glory Days" and "Bobby Jean". Last known performance of "The Big Muddy" and final tour appearances of "Local Hero" (not including the 1993 warm-up show), "Cover Me", "I Wish I Were Blind", and "Santa Claus Is Comin' To Town". The next performance of "I Wish I Were Blind" will be October 4, 2003 at the final Rising tour show in New York, while "Cover Me" is next heard in 2002. "Roll Of The Dice" features a snippet of "Lookin' For A Love", rather than the usual "Everybody Needs Somebody To Love". "The Star-Spangled Banner" is played as a lead-in to "Born In The U.S.A.".
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Audience tape. Released on CDR 'Last Night Of The American Tour'.
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Intro to "Local Hero"
´´There I was….driving through the town I grew up in….and I looked over into the department store window, I said ´Huh´….there I was painted lovingly on black velvet next to a German shepherd and Bruce Lee….underneath it said ´Sale 19.99´…in my own hometown ! (chuckles) kind of put the whole job right in perspective….”
Intro to "The Big Muddy"
´´Thank you….this next song is, I guess, a song about, uh….hard choices, I think….the kind that, uh….I guess nothing but experience helps you make but when we were kids, I think our folks bring us up sort of to believe that there´s good and that there´s evil and the right thing to do and the wrong thing to do and that those lines will always be (?)…and you get…you get along in life a little bit, you find out about all those spaces in-between….I guess that´s called ´growing up´, I don´t know (chuckles) but uh….it´s the dark side, yeah (chuckles)…what happens is you find yourself down there in the Big Muddy….”
Intro to "57 Channels"
´´It´s 1992, you see America´s cities in flames again….well, you reap what you sow….”
Intro to "If I Should Fall Behind"
"Well…this is uh….that last song, I wrote that song a little while after my son was born….(?) since I last been in Kentucky, I got a little, a beautiful little boy and a beautiful little girl…. busy, busy, busy….but uh….but it´s uh….kids are pretty great, you know, it´s….gonna bore you for a minute because I know before you have kids when somebody starts talking about their kids, it´s like….´Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah´….but uh ….you know, once you have those kids, everything kinda looks a little different, you know, all those cliches are true….before you have ´em, it´s sort of hard, the future always seems like this abstract thing, you know, like when they say like…..´The world will be completely polluted by 2130´, ´Well, I´m dead then´….it´s like….so it´s sort of like….once you have those little kids and they´re sitting on your knee, the future is right there pissing on your leg….(?)…. ´2130? Oh no!….that´ll be, that´ll be my great-grandkids, quick, we gotta do something about that!´….but it´s uh….so, anyway, I guess that´s what kids are all about, they kinda give you….you know, they, they´re like an investment, you know, in the future….and uh….before I start sounding like an insurance commercial or something….or a presidential candidate or….I´m just gonna ….yeah, I´m gonna….this next song, this is my best song, I think, about…. this is a song sort of about talking about making small connections, one to another, and hoping that the big ones…. big ones will follow….so this is for all the moms and the pops and uh ….husbands and wives out there…..for all the babysitters too, you know…."
Intro to "Leap of Faith"
´´Thank you….how you doing back there ? (cheers)…(?)….is there anybody out there who still believe in love tonight ? (cheers) is there any faith out there tonight ? (cheers) is there any hope ? (cheers) is there anybody searching for some sex out there tonight ? (cheers) that´s good, that´s all good things, this next song´s about all those things….divorce, adultery, love, faith, hope, sex, everything that makes life such a big fucking mess, but interesting…. it´s also, uh, it´s also kind of a, a diary of my own personal sexual habits….in thinly disguised imagery….my own personal Erotica….a book will soon follow….me and my large collection of leopard skin underwear….ain´t gonna be no title, just gonna say ´50 Bucks Please´, that´s all (chuckles)…gotta make up for some of them records I´m not selling so….anyway, where I was ? oh, love, faith, hope, sex… takes a leap of faith….”
Middle of "Light of Day"
´´I came thousands and thousands of miles just to get here tonight….I came thousands of miles from the great state of New Jersey just to get here tonight….I came via Sweden, via Rome, via London, England, via Spain, via Paris….via Texas, via California….via New York City, via Philadelphia….just to get here to Lexington tonight….and I´m here tonight with just one thing in mind….I´m here tonight for one reason only….I know you´re downhearted…I know you´re disillusioned….I know you´re disappointed….I know you´re depressed….I know your spirit´s low….I know there´s 57 fucking channels and nothing on….so I´m here tonight to tell you….I´m here tonight to testify…I´m here tonight to bring witness….it´s been a long road….a long road….a long road….but I….I….I….I….I….I….I´m just a prisoner…of rock and roll !….is there anybody alive out there ? (cheers)….”
Middle of "Glory Days"
´´….and last but not least, Professor Roy Bittan on the keyboards….he was born in Kentucky ….aw, just joking, just joking….”
Intro to "Thunder Road"
´´Thanks so much….damn, Kentucky´s alright !….I´d like to take a second and thank everybody for coming out to the show tonight, thank you….I hope I didn´t inconvenience you too much by bailing out a little while ago….it´s good to do it right or you don´t do it at all…. I´d like to, uh….this is kind of, this is the last night of our American tour and….yeah….you guys sent us off right !….I´d just like to take a second and thank my crew, George Travis, Boomer….a lot of guys that´ve been with me for a long time, they´re the best crew in the world….they come in here, they work all day and part of the night….just getting this so that it´s right….so I think it´s a good thing, let´s give a round of applause for my crew !…thank you, Jon, thank you (?), Jon Landau….then I´d like to especially thank my band who´ve worked so hard….on this tour with me, I wanna thank all you guys for your dedication….I really, uh…..(?)….I´d like to do this song tonight….for all my old fans out there….and uh…. I´ve been doing this a pretty long time now and….it´s never something you can take for granted, you know, I was off for a long time and uh….you know, it´s….I guess what I´d just like to say is I, is I appreciate your longtime support and I appreciate you sticking with me ….you know, I, I´ve spent such a long time sort of, uh….you know, you write music and you write it with the hopes that there´s an audience out there for it and you write it with the hopes …..I think when I started, that….the idea was I….I was gonna write about what it felt like to be somebody like me just growing up in America over the past couple of decades….and uh …..but you write it sort of with the idea and with the hope that it finds its way into people´s lives and becomes a useful thing and an inspiring thing and something that, uh….can help you get through the day or just make you wanna dance for a while or put a smile on your face and make you think about something….so, uh, I guess I just wanna say thanks for….for letting my music into your life, this is for you…..”
Intro to "Santa Claus Is Coming to Town"
´´Oh damn, it´s not even 12 o´clock yet….yeah, we got a Christmas present for you here…..
(….) Oh, I think I see him now….oh, here he comes….first stop, Kentucky….straight from the North Pole….where he runs a gambling casino and massage parlor….oh yeah ….well, has everybody been good ?…are you sure ?…nobody´s cheating on their baby ?….no cheating on your taxes ?….alright, here we go….´´
Intro to "Working on the Highway"
´´(?) thousands of miles with a message to bring, we drove thousands of miles….we´ve been working, working, working, working, working on the highway….band get back on those instruments, we ain´t going home yet….alright, let´s bring it home, working time….”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |
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Rupp concert proves Boss still has touch |
Call it what you want. Call it a reaffirmation of possibly the single strongest mainstream rock artist in the business. Call it a relentless performance that possessed expert pacing and energy. But if you were one of the 13,000 fans on hand at Rupp Arena last night, you experienced all of this and more. You were in the middle of a four-hour power meeting with the Boss himself - Bruce Springsteen. The agenda was clear: establish a new touring band, work out a truckload of new material and in the process retain a legendary reputation. The summary?
Springsteen did it all. He did it all with energy to spare. And the approval rating for this final concert of Springsteen's 1992 tour? Folks, it went over the top. And that's saying something considering that the audience had to put up with the concert being postponed from Nov. 21 because of illness.
The first of the concert's two sets focused heavily on tunes from Springsteen's two newest albums, "Human Touch" and "Lucky Town." Highlights included "If I Should Fall Behind," a loving lullaby to parenthood and the future, and the jovial set-closing "Roll of the Dice." In the second set, the Boss brought out the big guns. All of his gritty, unrefined rock 'n' energy - which was presented sparingly in the first set - reached the boiling point. Springsteen offered two drastically different versions of a tarnished American dream by playing "Souls of the Departed" and the classic "Born in the USA" in succession. Topping it was a 12-minute, big-beat marathon called "Light of Day" that began with a screaming Springsteen guitar solo and ended with the Boss falling to the stage floor in a mock collapse before yelling out his famous slogan: "I'm just a prisoner of rock 'n' roll."
This was not the performance of a superstar gone soft as many had feared. It was instead a sterling showing that proved the years have neither dimmed Springsteen's intense passion for rock 'n' roll or stage performing. It proved on uncompromising terms that the Boss is still boss.
By Walter Tunis via Lexington Herald-Leader on December 18, 1992. |
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