Intro to "Adam Raised A Cain"
"Thanks, good to see everybody…'s a pretty nice spot out here….this is a song I wrote I guess….about fathers and sons, I got my own son now, he scares me….he only three….he still scares me…."
Intro to "This Hard Land"
´´Thank you, thank you…..this is a , this is a song I wrote in the mid-80´s, I guess it´s uh ….partly I wrote it about an old friend of mine, I suppose…, uh, one of my last bursts of idealism (chuckles)….yeah….(some woman yells) my wife should be out here in a while (chuckles)….this is a song called ´This Hard Land´….”
Intro to "Lucky Town"
´´Now we got a busted guitar, I better tell one of my jokes….alright, there was an Italian guy and an Irish guy, they were in this bar, it was around Eastertime (gets his guitar back) good, saved you, alright (chuckles)….”
Intro to "Atlantic City"
´´Thanks, this is a… about running out of choices…..”
Intro to "Satan´s Jewel Crown"
´´(crowd continues the chant from ´Badlands´) Don´t get me started (chuckles)….this is a….this is a country gospel song….called ´Satan´s Jewel Crown´…..”
Intro to "Who´ll Stop the Rain ?"
´´This is for, uh….my good friend Bobby Muller and David, a couple of the good guys….”
Middle of "Light of Day"
´´….Like I said we drove thousands of miles just to be here tonight….and we´re here tonight with a purpose….we´ve got a purposeful reason…..we´re here tonight because I know you´re downhearted….I know you´re disappointed…..I know you´re disillusioned…. I know you´re disinfected….I know you´re disjointed….I know there´s 57 fucking channels and nothing on…..I know….I know….that´s why I´ve come here to testify….I´ve come here to bring witness….I´ve come here to testify….I´ve something to raise your faith ….to raise your hope….to give a little love….increase your sexual drive….all I wanna say is I…..”
Intro to "Viva Las Vegas"
´´I think….give me that guitar, man….let´s not, here´s one we ought to do….what key was that in ? A ?….alright…´s something that only came out here in London, England, we haven´t played it that much but I´m feeling kind of lucky (chuckles) and so….. ”
Intro to "Thunder Road"
´´Thank you….thank you…..I want to just stop for a second and thank everybody for coming out to the show today, thank you…..oh, guess I´ve been coming here since ´75 and uh….I guess, uh…´s nice to kind of come this far down the road and, uh, see all your faces out there tonight so….I wanna tell you that I appreciate my….British fans´ support for music over the years and uh….oh…..anyway, I´m gonna do this for you….”
Intro to "Working on the Highway"
´´Thank you….I don´t know….it´s getting kind of late, the wind´s picking up….could make some dangerous conditions or something, you know…I don´t wanna endanger everybody´s life out here….no, I´m only fucking with you, come out everybody (?) (chuckles)….”
Intro to "Rockin´All Over the World"
´´I think I´m just getting warmed up about now….”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |