Middle of "Tenth Avenue Freeze Out"
´´I´m talking to you…..I´m talking to you….ain´t nobody but you….yeah, I´m talking to you ….(sings ´It´s Alright´) let´s see who´s on Tenth Avenue tonight….I´d like to introduce the most educated member of the E Street Band….the only member of the band with a full high school diploma, Roy (Roy plays) alright, Professor Roy Bittan on the piano….stay in school, kids, that´s right…..then I walked on down the avenue and I seen, come on, Steve (Steve plays)(chuckles) Steve Van Zandt on the guitar….then I walked on (?)….come on, Garry (Garry plays)…oh, oh, that´s right….and now I want to hear the drummer, we´ve got to have some time, come on Max (Max plays) Mighty Max Weinberg on the drums….Garry Tallent on the bass guitar….come on Nils (Nils plays) Nils Lofgren on the guitar….now I can feel a spirit, yeah….oh, come on, Danny (?)(Danny plays) Dan Federici on the organ….but now sometimes….sometimes I get so lonely….sometimes I feel so lonely now….and I need my baby….I´m looking for my sweetheart….I´m looking for my sweetheart….(?)….I´m searching, I´m searching, I´m searching, I´m searching, I´m searching….I´m searching….I´m searching ….I´m searching….I´m searching….I´m searching….I´m searching here and there, I´m searching everywhere now (crowd: ´I´m searching here and there, I´m searching everywhere now´) I´m searching here and there, I´m searching everywhere (crowd: ´I´m searching here and there, I´m searching everywhere´) I said I´m searching here and there, I´m searching everywhere now (crowd: ´I´m searching here and there, I´m searching everywhere´) I said I´m searching here and there, I´m searching everywhere now (crowd: ´I´m searching here and there, I´m searching everywhere´) I said I´m looking for my love, I said (crowd : ´I´m looking for my love´) I said I´m looking for my love now, I said (crowd : ´I´m looking for my love´) come on, Pats (Patti sings a bit of ´As Long As I Can Be With You´)….Patti Scialfa on guitar and vocals….I guess that´s about, I guess that´s about everything….what ?….what ?…. wait a minute, wait….I can´t, I can´t hear you, what ?….I´m missing something….we´re missing something….something big….say what ?….say what ?….say what ?…. say what ?… say what ?….say what ?….say what ?….say what ?….´´
Middle of "Light of Day"
´´I´m gonna walk….I keep on walking….I´m gonna walk….I keep on walking….I´m moving on (?)….I´m gonna walk….I´m gonna walk….are you with me, boys ?….are you with me ? (cheers) holler if you hear me (cheers) holler if you hear me (cheers) holler if you hear me (cheers) holler if you hear (cheers) now, I´m so glad to be here in your beautiful city tonight ….but we´re not here for a casual visit….like I was telling the folks last night, we´re here with a purpose…..we´ve come with a message….we´re not here just to enjoy the beautiful sights of tourism….we´re here with a purpose….we´re here with a message….and I´ve come a long way….and I´ve got a long way to go….I said I´ve come a long way….oh, and I´ve got a long way to go now…I said I´ve come a long way….yeah, man, and I´ve got a long way to go now, I said I´ve come a long way but I´ve got a long way to go now, I said I (goes through the miles and the towns he´s been) London and back….but everywhere I´ve gone, I´ve seen people who´ve been downhearted….I´ve seen disspiritedness…..is that a word ? (chuckles)…. I´ve seen people been dispossessed, downsized, analyzed, retropsychedelicized and I want you to know, I want you to know that if your heart´s running on empty, that´s what we´re here for tonight….I want you to pull on up ´cause we´re selling high-test supreme….and if your soul has bad credit, well, it´s good here tonight….and if your spirit is bankrupt, we´ve come tonight to lift that debt up off you, help you forget your cares for today….and help you move on, I want to re-educate you, resuscitate you, regenerate you, reconfiscate you, rededicate you, reliberate you, reliberate you with the power, the promise, the power, the promise, the power….the promise, the mystery, the ministry….of rock and roll !….why ?… why ?….why ?….why ?….because that´s my job, I can´t promise you life everlasting but I can promise you life….life….right now !…holler if you hear me (cheers) holler if you hear me (cheers) holler if you hear me (cheers) holler if you hear me (cheers) holler if you hear me (cheers) holler if you hear me (cheers) I just want you to say ´I´….´´
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |