Middle of "Tenth Avenue Freeze Out"
´´Come on, Max…..I can´t stop myself….help me, somebody….I need assistance please….. (?)….Ricky Martin, step aside…..my vida is loca, man…..alright….oh yeah….that´s right…. well, once I was a little child and when I was a little child, I walked alone….and I walked many avenues…..I walked down the avenue of love….I walked down the avenue of fear…. I walked down the avenue of faith….and the avenue of despair, the avenue of riches, the avenue of want….the avenue of sexual pleasure….and the avenue of sexual pleasure !….I walked down 1st Avenue, 2nd Avenue, 3rd Avenue, 5th Avenue…..and then I came to the number 10…..a crossroads and at the crossroads there was another sign that said ´E´ and it was a signifying moment…..and I seen a man, an educated man…..a grown man carrying his high school diploma…..and his name was (crowd: ´Roy´) play it, Roy (Roy plays) everybody, everybody….Professor Roy Bittan on the piano….and then I walked further on….and I seen an old friend, come on, Stevie, play it (Steve plays) that´s right….but we´re not taking the easy way out tonight…..we´re gonna do it the hard way….and then I walked on into a city by the sea and I met a man (Garry plays) Garry Tallent on the bass guitar….Stevie Van Zandt on the guitar…..and then, and then I put an ad in a newspaper….a newspaper in a distant city…. and a man came and knocked on my door…..come on, Max (Max plays) and I said ´You´re hired´….Mighty Max Weinberg….international television star….and then I walked on….and then I met a man that left his job down at the carwash and wrote his mama a goodbye note ….Guitar man, come on (Nils plays) Nils Lofgren on the guitar….and then I went into a strange place and I heard a sound but I couldn´t see nobody….and I said ´This is a test´ and I listened, come on, Danny (Danny plays) Phantom Dan Federici on the organ….and then I walked on….and the night grew dark…..and I was so lonely….I felt so lonely and tired….and I said I´ve got, I´ve got to find my baby….I thought ´Brunettes are fine, blondes are fun, when it comes to getting a dirty job done, it takes a (crowd: ´Red headed woman´) oh, that´s right, it takes a (crowd: ´Red headed woman´) oh yes it does, it takes a (crowd: ´Red headed woman´) oh yes it does, it takes a (crowd: ´Red headed woman´) oh yes it does, it takes a (crowd: ´Red headed woman´) oh, here I come baby, it takes a (crowd: ´Red headed woman´) oh yes it does, it takes a (crowd: ´Red headed woman´) oh yes it does, it takes a (crowd: ´Red headed woman´) come on, sugar (Patti sings a bit of ´As Long As I Can Be With You´) Patti Scialfa on the guitar….good Lord…..how much longer for the show ?….then ….but then there was still something, something missing….I wasn´t sure what it was but it was…..it was something big, I knew that….(?) say what ?….say what ?….say what ?….say what ?…say what ?…. say what ?…. say what ?….say what ?….´´
Intro to "Sherry Darling"
´´Alright, there´s a guy (?) outside the hotel, he´s got a big white sheet and, uh…..he painted this song on it, he´s kind of been flashing it at me every day when I go by so….I guess you´re out there….well, this night, tonight this is for you…..summer´s coming so where are you, Sherry Darling ?….´
Middle of "Light of Day"
´´….London and back….but everywhere I´ve gone, I´ve seen confusion….I´ve seen people lost in the wilderness…..I´ve seen people lost in the wilderness…..I´ve seen people been downhearted, disspirited, dispossessed, I know they´ve been analyzed, downsized, stigmatised, fractionalised, fractionalised, retropsychedelicized, well, I´m here tonight to let you know that if your soul has bad credit, well, it´s good here tonight….and if your heart´s running on empty, step on up to the pumps ´cause we´re selling high-test supreme and if your spirit´s bankrupt, we want you to come on in, we want to lift that debt up off you and make your burden just a little bit easier tonight…..I want to regenerate you, I want to reconfiscate you, I want to rededicate you, I want to re-educate you, I want to reliberate you, reliberate you, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to take you to higher ground…..I wanna fill you with the power, the promise, the power, the promise, the power, the promise, the power, the promise, the power, the promise, the power, the promise, the mystery…..the ministry…..of rock and roll !….now I know you´ve got problems, I know you´re worried about the Millenium fever, Y2K-problem, your stocks up, bonds down, mortality rearing its ugly head, you know the Good Book says ´Louie, Louie, oh-oh, we all got to go´….well, I can´t promise, I can´t promise, I can´t promise, I can´t promise you life everlasting but…..I can promise you life right now !…and all you gotta do is say ‘I’….´´
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |