Middle of “Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out”
“What’s that? (crowd cheers) what’s that? (crowd cheers) what’s that? (crowd cheers) Max!…that’s all I can do, I can’t do no more… what’s that? what’s that? (?) what you say? are you talking to me? are you?…don’t talk to me like that now…don’t talk to me like that – Max!…I’m a sex machine (crowd cheers) in my dreams (chuckles) oh, you got it now…(sings a bit of “It’s alright”) come on, girls…I’m confused myself (chuckles)(sings a bit of “Move on up”)… oh, let’s see who’s on E Street tonight (crowd cheers) come on, Roy (Roy plays) Professor Roy Bittan on the piano (crowd cheers) come on, play it, Steve (Steve plays a bit of “(I can’t get no) Satisfaction”) Little Steven on the guitar (crowd cheers) come on, Garry (Garry plays the riff of “Fire”)(chuckles)(sings a verse and chorus of “Fire”)…come on, Max, are you ready on the drums (Max plays)(chuckles) what song was I singing, wait a minute…come on, Nils (Nils plays) Nils Lofgren on the guitar, Max Weinberg on the drums, Garry Tallent on the bass (crowd cheers) and I can feel a spirit, come on, Danny, now (chuckles)(Dan plays) Phantom Dan Federici on the organ (crowd cheers) and wait a minute now…wait just a minute…I’m looking…I’m searching…I’m looking…I’m searching…I’m looking here and there, I’m searching everywhere (crowd: “I’m looking here and there, I’m searching everywhere”) I said I’m looking here and there, I’m searching everywhere (crowd: “I’m looking here and there, I’m searching everywhere”) I said I’m looking for my love, I said (crowd: “I’m looking for my love”) I said I’m looking for my love now, I said (crowd: “I’m looking for my love”) I said I’m looking for my love now, I said (crowd: “I’m looking for my love”) I said I’m searching for my love now (crowd: “I’m searching for my love”) hey (Patti sings a bit of “Rumble Doll”) Miss Patti Scialfa on the guitar and vocals (crowd cheers) I got to testify to my baby…woo…wait a minute, wait a minute, wait, that must be everybody, I think that’s (?)(crowd cheers) something’s just bothering me right now, we only got a little ways into that song, that just doesn’t feel quite right, something is just bothering me, uh, uh…alright, go to the bridge, are you ready, Big Man? (sings the bridge, last verse and chorus of “Fire” and the band plays) I’m coming to get you, man…They made that change uptown and the Big Man joined the band…”
Intro to “Loose Ends”
“Woo! (chuckles) (crowd cheers) we had a request for this one, this is called “Loose Ends” from “Tracks” (crowd cheers) everybody ready? alright…”
Middle of “Light of Day”
“…Stockholm! (crowd cheers) Stockholm! (crowd cheers) and everywhere I’ve gone, I’ve seen people lost…in confusion…I’ve seen people lost…in the wilderness…I’ve seen people lost in bitterness… I’ve seen people lost…in loneliness…I’ve seen people downhearted… disgusted…dispossessed…they’ve been analyzed…downsized… stigmatized…fractionalized…retropsychedelicized…but I’ve come thousands of miles, thousands of miles here tonight, we’re on a search-and-rescue mission and I want to let you know that we’re a-coming, we’re coming, we’re coming, we’re coming to get you (crowd cheers) if your soul’s got bad credit, it’s good here – we’re coming to get you (crowd cheers) if your heart’s running on empty, we’re gonna fill it up – and we’re coming to get you (crowd cheers) if your spirit’s bankrupt, we’re gonna lift that debt up off you (crowd cheers) lift that debt up off you…and set you free in the morning! (crowd cheers) we’re coming to get you…I wanna re-educate you, resuscitate you, regenerate you, re-confiscate you, re-indoctrinate you, re-sexualate you, I wanna rededicate you and re-liberate you with the power, the promise, with the power, with the promise, the power, the promise, with the power, the promise, with the majesty, with the mystery…with the ministry of rock’n’roll! (crowd cheers) now I wanna let you know that I can’t…I can’t…I can’t…I can’t…I cannot…I cannot…I cannot promise you life everlasting but I will promise you life…right now! (crowd cheers) and all you gotta do is say “I” (crowd and Bruce start going “I, I, I”)…”
Intro to “Stand on It”
“Well, I’ve been to Stockholm many, many, many times (crowd cheers) but tonight I’m left with just one thing to say…Well, Jimmy Lee was…”
Intro to “Land of Hope and Dreams”
“Thank you, tack…wanna say, uh…jag vill tacka er för att ni kom ikväll (crowd cheers) jag vill tacka er för att ni har min musik i ert hjärta (?)(crowd cheers) vi älskar er, Stockholm (crowd cheers) thank you…these are, was telling the folks last night these are sort of special concerts for us, sort of re-birth, rededication of our band, of our commitment to serve you and, uh, it’s always special to come up here where we’ve been coming for so long and still find you here so that’s nice (chuckles)(crowd cheers) but in that spirit of re-birth we wanna do something for you called “Land of Hope and Dreams” (crowd cheers)…”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |