Scheduled: 19:30 Local Start Time ??:?? / End Time ??:??
Tour premiere of "The Ties That Bind", last played on the final night of The River Tour (September 14, 1981). Patti Scialfa's birthday, so also a tour debut (and only tour performance) for "Give The Girl A Kiss", only previously played at the Asbury Park rehearsal, as well as a full "Red Headed Woman". "Hungry Heart" is played as a duet with guest Bobby Bandiera, while Ali Weinberg guests on keys. "Tenth Avenue Freeze-Out" includes "It's All Right", "Move On Up", "Fire", "Red Headed Woman", and "Rumble Doll", plus Steve playing a snippet of "The Godfather Love Theme" for his solo. "Light Of Day" includes "I've Been Everywhere".
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