Middle of "Tenth Avenue Freeze Out"
´´(sings ‘Take Me to the River’) that’s right….that’s where I want to go….´cause I got a story to tell….when I was a young man I walked like a little child….you know how when you´re a child, you´re in the forest and evening falls….how you´re frightened to pass through the woods even though your home is waiting on the other side….but when we grow up, we´re supposed to put away our childish fears but sometimes that doesn´t happen….and I found myself, as a young man, standing before the dark grove of trees, frightened to pass on to the other side….even though I knew that on the other side was the river of life….the river of love ….the river of sexual healing….and cold beer at a reasonable price….but I was walking alone …. and I thought that I could get there by myself but I was wrong and now tonight I want to go to that river of life and I want you to go with me….and I want to go with you….now, as I stood there that evening in front of those trees, the only thing that, that led me on was I began to hear a sweet sound coming from just a little ways up ahead (Roy plays) it was Professor Roy Bittan on the piano….playing in the middle of the woods….and so I walked on …..and then I heard another sound, a man, actor, musician, rock and roll politician, star of ´The Sopranos´-(?) TV-show, Little Steven Van Zandt (Steve plays a bit of ´Theme from ´The Godfather´´)….playing in the middle of the woods….and then I walked on (?) I heard something real low, come on, Garry (Garry plays a bit of ´Fire´) Mr.Garry Tallent on the bass guitar… and then I walked on further through the woods….and I heard drums (?) come on, man (Max plays) Mighty Max Weinberg, star of Late Night Television, playing in the woods…..and then I walked on….and I felt a sweetness fill the air, come on, Nils (Nils plays) the great Nils Lofgren on the guitar….and then I walked on further and I heard something whispering through the trees, come on, Dan (Dan plays) Phantom Dan Federici on the organ ….and then I walked on….and I noticed high above the bluebird of love flying in between the branches….and he came and nestled on my shoulder and whispered a secret in my ear …. ´Brunettes are fine, blondes are fun and when it comes to getting a dirty job done, it takes a (crowd :‘Red Headed Woman’) yeah, man, I got to have a (crowd :‘Red Headed Woman’) I said I´m searching for a (crowd :‘Red Headed Woman’) oh, now I´ve got to find my (crowd : ‘Red Headed Woman’) yeah, man, I´m looking for a (crowd :‘Red Headed Woman’) (?) baby (crowd :‘Red Headed Woman’) I said I´m looking for a (crowd : ‘Red Headed Woman’) oh, won´t you sing it, sugar (crowd :‘Red Headed Woman’)(Patti sings a bit of ´Rumble Doll´)….Miss Patti Scialfa on guitar and vocals….now I can almost see my way clear through the trees and along the riverbanks I could see people gathered there….let me see ´em, man….waiting all along the riverbanks….but there was still something essential that was missing….still something we couldn´t get through without…..something very big, very important …. do I have to say his name ?….say who ?….say who ?….say who ?….say who ? ….say who ?….say who ?….say who ?….say who ?….say who ?….say who ?….say who ? … say who ?….”
Intro to "The Ghost of Tom Joad"
´´Bob, this is for you out there…..”
Intro to "Streets of Philadelphia"
´´We got some friends with us tonight, down at the lobby you´ll see folks from the National AIDS Brigade, they´re here in your town helping combat the epidemic that´s AIDS, they need your help and your assistance, when you go out there tonight and see ´em, see if you can give ´em a hand, this is for the folks from the National AIDS Brigade….”
Middle of "Light of Day"
´´(?) your hometown now….give me a B…O…S…T…O…N….what´s that ? (crowd : ´Boston´) what´s that ? (crowd : ´Boston´) what´s that ? (crowd : ´Boston´) what´s that ? (crowd : ´Boston´)(sings a bit of ´Diddy Wah Diddy´)….(goes through the miles and the towns he´s been) and everywhere I´ve gone I´ve seen people lost in confusion….I´ve seen people lost in the wilderness….I´ve seen people lost in bitterness….and I´ve come here tonight not on a casual visit, we´re here on a search-and-rescue mission….we´re coming to get you…if you´ve been downsized, analyzed, stigmatised, psychedelicized, Koczinskyed, Stravinskyed, (?) Lewinskyed, pushed, Bushed, bored, Gored, we´re coming to get you….I´m here to resuscitate, to reinvigorate, to rededicate, reconfiscate, to reindoctrinate, to regenerate, to resexualate to reliberate you with the power, with the promise, with the mystery, with the majesty, with the ministry of rock and roll !….now I can´t, unlike my competitors, I can´t, unlike my competitors, I won´t promise you life everlasting …. but I can promise you life right now !….and all you´ve got to do is raise your hand and say ´I´….”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |