2002-09-24 Kemper Arena, Kansas City, MO

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Scheduled: 19:30 Local Start Time 20:10 / End Time 22:50

Info & Setlist | Venue

Five tour premieres, including "Night", "Something In The Night", "She's The One" and an incredible solo piano "Incident On 57th Street". "Mary's Place" includes "Turn On Your Love Light" and "Baby I've Been Missing You". Set also includes a super-long, tour one-off version of "Kansas City", which was wonderful and seemed unrehearsed. One fan remembers: "It was so spontaneous that he went to Clarence Clemons for a solo, and Clarence struggled to get something going. Then Bruce had to tell the sound guy to turn up Clarence so we could hear him. Bruce was cracking up as Clarence struggled to get through a solo with his baritone sax. On the next solo break, Bruce called for Steven Van Zandt, and it took two or three notes before the sound guy got Steve above the mix. This version of "Kansas City" included the band walking off the stage singing the "bye bye" refrain while Roy Bittan was left at the piano. Roy just stayed there by himself for a good five minutes. I wondered if Roy was going to end the song and walk off. Finally, Bruce and band snuck up stage right behind Roy and they resumed. Jon Landau had a guitar when the band came back on stage, and he joined Bruce at the microphone for a verse. Landau didn't sing. I've seen Bruce do "Kansas City" before at the Kemper. In 1984, Max Weinberg told me after the show that they hadn't rehearsed the song. But they had talked about doing it."

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