Scheduled: 20:00 Local Start Time 20:15 / End Time 23:20
"Born In The U.S.A." is solo acoustic (in the soundcheck and show). Only tour performances of "Take 'Em As They Come" and "Point Blank" are played, plus a bonus "Glory Days" to close the show. "Mary's Place" includes "The Monkey Time", "Twistin' The Night Away", "Let's Get It On", and "Baby I've Been Missing You". First ever performances in Denmark of "The Rising", "Lonesome Day", "Take 'Em As They Come", "My Love Will Not Let You Down", "Empty Sky", "You're Missing", "Waitin' On A Sunny Day", "Worlds Apart", "Mary's Place", "Into The Fire", "Seven Nights To Rock", and "My City Of Ruins".
incl. Rehearsals.
- 2023-07-13 Parken Stadium, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2023-07-11 Parken Stadium, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2016-06-22 Telia Parken, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2013-05-14 Parken Stadium, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2008-06-29 Parken Stadium, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2006-10-28 Parken Stadium, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 2003-06-14 Parken Stadium, Copenhagen, Denmark
- 1999-06-26 Parken Stadium, Copenhagen, Denmark
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Audience tape.
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Middle of “Mary´s Place”
´´Are you ready for a house party ? (cheers) are you ready for a house party ? (cheers) oh, there´s a place I wanna go now….somewhere down Copenhagen way, everybody´s twisting, I´ve got the moves, baby….twisting the night away, hey Big Man, am I twisting ?….because I see some people who are not twisting….I don´t like to be twisting like a fool by myself…. I think we´ve got to check this out, C….because if you wanna have a house party….three conditions have to be met, baby….one….the music has got to be (Clarence : ´Raucous´) …. two, no twisting by yourself….and three…. you´ve got to get your (Clarence : ´Ass´) out of your seat….the Danish ass must rise…..come on up for the ass-rising….come on now….I´m watching you….because ladies and gentlemen…..I wanna introduce to you….the greatest little houseband in all the land….on the piano, we´ve got the (?) pathological piano pounding Professor Roy Bittan….on the violin and vocals, out of New York City, Sister Soozie Tyrell ….on the guitar and vocals, keeper of all that is sacred down on E Street, Brother Steve Van Zandt….on the bass guitar, the man that brings the thunder from down under, the Tennesee Terror that put the bass in your face, Mr.Garry W.Tallent ….now, we´ve got the man that brings the power hour after hour night after night after night, the Minister of the big beat, Secretary of syncopation and star of ´Late Night (crowd : ´Television´) Mighty Max Weinberg….on the guitar, Secretary of heart and spirit, Brother Nils Lofgren…..on the organ, Minister of mystery, keeper of all the secrets on E Street, Phantom Dan Federici….to the far side of the stage, First Lady of love, on guitar and vocals, and my sweetie baby honey child …..Miss Patti Scialfa…..let´s get it on…..we´re all sensitive people…..alright, baby….ladies and gentlemen, last but not least…..Minister of soul, Secretary of the brotherhood….Emperor of the known universe….ladies and gentlemen, you wish you could be like him but you cannot because under the sun there´s only one Clarence Big Man Clemons…..that´s right….. that´s the heart-stopping, pants-dropping, house-rocking, earth-shaking, booty-quaking, Viagra-taking, lovemaking, legendary E Street Band….”
Intro to “Point Blank”
´´There´s a lot of folks that, uh….pretty faithfully follow us around from town to town (chuckles)…sorry we can´t do all your requests but this is one for my friend tonight….”
Middle of “Ramrod”
´´Come on, Steve (Steve : ´Yeah, baby´) I believe it´s quitting time, Brother…(Steve : ´Say it ain´t so, baby´) I think it is, Kid….I believe it is quitting time….Steve, I´m going to Disney, I´m going to Tivoli (Steve : ´No you´re not´)….quitting time, baby….well, Steve, if it ain´t quitting time, man, all I wanna know is what time is it ?….(Steve : ´Just as I suspected, it´s Boss-time´)….
(….) Mr.and Mrs.Copenhagen, what time is it ? (crowd : ´Boss-time´)….”
Intro to “My City of Ruins”
´´Thank you….thank you….I wanna thank everybody for coming out to the show tonight, thank you very much….and Copenhagen and Denmark for the loyalty and support of our music over the years, thank you, we appreciate it very much….I´ll do this for Klaus….”
Middle of “Glory Days”
´´We gotta keep rocking, Steve….we can´t quit now, man (Steve : ´We´re just getting started, baby´) there´s hours to go before we sleep (Steve : ´Alright´) are you with me, Kid ? (?) is the band with me ?….are the people with me ? (cheers)….”
Compiled by : Johanna Pirttijärvi. |
Dorte | The Man is BRILLIANT!!!! The band was awesome and the crowd did a good job of doing what was asked of them. Last nights concert was the 4th. time I have seen Bruce Springsteen live, and he just gets better!!!. I had seats instead of standing but the seats were great, We saw the band arrive and were the first of 46ooo people to greet them, and Bruce rewarded us for that the whole night. We Were the last to see them when they got into their cars, and Bruce gave us one last wave as the van pulled out !! Were he gets the energy to do this night after night after night I don‘t know, but am just truly grateful that he finds it. I thought that he couldn`t top Stockholm 4 years ago but I was wrong. Last night he didn`t put one foot wrong. He looked like he had a great time and he gave us an extra encore- he played Glory Days as the last song. If I had to give one negative comment it will be that I were a bit distracted by the people who continually went to and from their seats to buy beer og go to the bathroom because they drank so much beer. Most of us came to see and hear Bruce and not to drink beer !!!! I hope that Copenhagen will once again or maybe even more times have the pleasure of seeing Bruce live, because there is no band or artist alive that can outdo him. He is the best and he comes across as someone who enjoys what he does and not just do it for the money. He understands that he is much more than just an artist for us. He is in my opinion the only artist who can deliver every time. I want to humbly thank you for a great concert and also thank you for giving all you got. |
Tommy Beck Jensen | Simply fantastic. The best I’ve ever seen (Unfortunately I missed the BITUSA shows and jumped on the train in '87, and haven't missed a tour since then, except the GOTJ). The weather was with us this time, perfect temperature, not too many dehydrated people. Started late, 20:15, apparently in a good mood, and stopped at 23:20 with an extra encore after "Dancing…", namely Glory Days. I was almost crying at that point. Highlights: Too many to mention, but Point Blank gave me the thrills. I have never heard it live before. During You're Missing he looked very emotional, as did Big Man. Low points: The sound in the first 30 minutes sucked. And people couldn't shut the f… up during the slow songs like You're Missing, Point Blank a.o. Thank you MTV! I don't think I will see Bruce like this again, as his band is getting older, and I think it will be physically impossible to keep this pace in 3-4 years. By the way, I had made a request to hear Jersey Girl for my girlfriend, promising Bruce to propose to her right there during the song. Well, he didn't play it, but I proposed to her anyway at 4:00 Sunday morning on a train station in Jutland, and guess what: She said yes. |
Roland Christiansen | Once again, I'm completely impressed by Bruce and the band. What a show they delivered this fantastic Saturday night in Copenhagen's "Parken". The second best concert I've experienced with Bruch. Only beat by The Tunnel of Love concert in Copenhagen back in 1988. Especially, I enjoyed "Point Blank". This fantastic piece of music from "The River" album is not heard so often. What a night yesterday i Copenhagen. Wish I could turn back time!!! " |
Christina | Just wanted to join in with a few comments from my second out of 3 shows on this tour. Last night was very special to me. Most of all because I was standing close to the stage and still had lots of space to move and dance around on. Since I'm a small person its not very often that I can follow everything on the stage without looking on the big screens on the sides but this time I didn't have to. From where I/we were standing I could see the hole show up close. and I have to say that it was fantastic. The energy that comes from there is amazing. Bruce is so filled with energy the hole night and its contagious. My favorite (surprise) at this concert was TAKE EM AS THEY COME. I have listened to that song so much from the moment I got TRACKS. But I have to say I'm still missing BACK IN YOUR ARMS or DOWNBOUND TRAIN but maybe he will play that in Gothenburg next Saturday???!!! I hope so. I'm not sure abt my favorite at this concert. I always scream at the top off my voice to Badlands….. but then again all the songs from THE RISING are pretty damn good as well. Glory days at the end was perfect. Denmark I guess must have been an awesome audience. Other than that I have to admit I was also surprised how many people at the concert last night that was so hammered that they did things to people that you just couldn't believe. I have always "felt" Bruce fans wasn't like that at all but apparently I was wrong. I honestly think that they shouldn't have sold beer inside the stadium. But lucky me from where I was standing everybody was concentrating on the stage I just heard stories from other fans from around the stadium. I almost cant wait until the next concert next weekend. But still if we are such a good audience why cant we get 2 nights in a row or at least 2 nights in CPH on the tour?? But again my night was just great and today too. The memories just don't go away so easily. |
Carsten Sörensen | When words grow small and dull… but you have to speak them anyway… On June 14th, I had a visit from an old friend of mine, or so it seemed to me, and I think maybe 45999 others. That's part of the magic of a Bruce show, he is talking to you all the way. It was my 4th show, and Bruce just keeps getting better. Though this time around was a little different for me, I actually got to see Bruce close up, after standing waiting at his hotel until my feet hurt like hell, but the will was strung, and then it was all worth the while, for that brief moment in time… I swear he looked at me… only 2 m away…I didn't get to say anything, kinda dumbfounded, but in my head and heart I shook his hand and thanked him man to man. Later on the show was almost to great for words. I brought along my beautiful niece and my best friend for their first ride on Bruce's rollercoaster of hope, dreams and just plain everything worth while. We danced and sang the night away… and so did all… and suddenly he announced one of my absolute favorites, "Point Blank" from the River-album…and that's when I knew for sure… nothing could be better than this…. Here is my thanks to you Bruce… thanks for all the thrills down my spine…thanks for talking to my heart… for putting that smile on my face, bringing that tear to my eye… like you sang "It's alright to have a good time"… let them do their talk… and walk their walk… there is only one Boss… thanks Boss… though hoping for that autograph next time around. To all you, who weren't the lucky ones, at the right place, that magic night in June…be very very sad.. Nobody does it better…Bruce is still rock 'n rolls "capo de tutti capi". That's it… |
Peter Andersen | The Boss came and did the job and did so well. I was a tad skeptical on how "the Rising" songs would work in a big arena, but my fears were not justified. The E street band played like they invented Rock N Roll and gave power and strength to the new songs. I thought some of the silent moments of the concert were the best, Point Blank and Into the fire showed how utter brilliant Springsteen really can be with the vocals. And the last hour of non stop party (including a perfect version of "land of hope and dreams") just left you spinning brilliant! |
Hella | The most fantastic concert I have ever seen and heard. The band is awesome. Bruce is the best performer alive. Thanks for sharing these moments with your fans around the world. We love your energy and commitment. I cried, sang, shouted, danced the night away and went through all emotions. Thank you Bruce and the E Street band. |
Thue Svaneberg | Great show! A lot better than the "Who'll stop the rain-show" (no one did!) in 1999. Good mix of old classics and The Rising-material. Waitin' On a Sunny Day is a superb live song. Who is not cheerful after this? Empty Sky and You're Missing makes Goose-bumps all over! But when Bruce chooses to play Point Blank (tour premiere) by request picking that from a lot of other requests you can't stop shivering. 1st encore started with Darlington County with Bruce clapping his Fender as the text goes "Seen Wayne handcuffed to the FENDER (!) of a state trooper's Ford". During Ramrod, a true rock shaker, the band leaves stage, but leaving Roy Bittan behind doing a 2-minute piano solo. GREAT. Someone (his wife?) feels sorry for The Professor and goes to stage and puts Clarence's BIG hat on his bold head. I never heard Seven Nights to Rock live before but what an experience. Pure Rock 'n Roll with Bruce's brother in law guest performing on guitar. Great song and a nice gesture. As we approach the end listening to Land of Hope and Dreams expecting Dancing in the Dark to finish the show Bruce surprises the crow and plays a fantastic version of Glory Days. Seeing Bruce for the 6th time and this time with all my best friends this conclusion of a fantastic 3 hours and 7 minutes show will pass on to history!" |
Jan Olav | First of all, let's make one thing clear: My very first Bruce show, and was it as great as expected…. No, it was a 1000 times better! I had the time of my life in that stadium last Saturday Night! To be honest I don't know any words to describe the feeling I got once inside the stadium, seeing the scene, the instruments and stuff… WOW !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Me and my buddy arrived at Parken around 17:05 that afternoon, weather was looking good, and people everywhere around the stadium was getting in mood! We had GA tics and it took us a while to find the right gates, but after a little walk we found it, and lined up. The gates opened at 18.00 and we felt the rush starting - to get in ASAP, and get the best possible places! After checking in we headed for the bathroom one last time (to make sure we wouldn't have to leave during the concert). Next: a beer and some popcorn!. Due to the fact that we actually arrived pretty late we came very close to the stage I think, and almost in the middle, between Patti & Stevie. we had a great overview, and everything looked perfect for the concert! We noticed some technicians moving up and down on the stage testing the instruments in the nearby hours before the concert. Someone checking on the piano, the organ and some guy testing the drums. There was one (or two) who tried out Steve & Bruce's guitars, I didn't notice anyone testing any of Nils' guitars, but maybe it was just me who missed it! I also noticed how the Big mans sax was the last instrument to be brought onstage! The show was set to kick off at 20:00, and around 19:55 the light-technicians came onstage and climbed up the ladders to the bridge were they would manage the lights from, and we knew something was about to happened, and soon. Those two hours with waiting inside of the stadium went pretty fast I'd say! And then…. around 20.10 it happened! Bruce 'The Boss' Springsteen took the stage! With a black 12 string acoustic guitar! From the latest setlist I was pretty sure he would kick off the show with the acoustic version of BitUSA, so this wasn't really a surprise to me. He started playing immediately after coming onstage! I've always preferred the full band version but it was an amazing show-opener the way he played it! The sound of his guitar roamed through the stadium. Next was The Rising\Lonesome Day (as usual). Everyone of the band members took the stage at once when Bruce was done doing BitUSA, Max started the countdown and they went into The Rising! SO much better than any bootleg! Again the sound was blasting from the loud-speakers through the entire stadium, only difference: now it was the entire E STREET BAND! They looked like they was in great shape! Bruce's solo was far from how it is on the album, but it was still pretty cool. Nils really did a nice job with his slide playing I think! From the big screen it almost looked like he was trying to strangle his guitar there! Lonesome Day wasn't a letdown at all either! Great song, rocks big time, and works perfect as a follow up to The Rising! During the allright parts I'm pretty sure every single one of the 46 000 fans had both their hands above their heads! I love the bridge part to, the way it builds up, with Bruce & Stevie first, then Clarence, and Nils. He took it to 'the next level' with his short solo. Next was the first surprise of the night. I didn't really know what to expect now, maybe Ties, No Surrender or Jackson Cage! But it couldn't be Jackson Cage as Bruce got his *new* Fender and not the 12-string, I assumed either Ties or No Surrender (as that one reappeared in Hamburg). But NO! We were in for a real treat: tour premiere of 'Take 'Em As They Come'. Last played in MSG 2000, and it was pretty rare even on that tour I think (correct me if I'm wrong)….. they didn't start it with the short instrumental like back on the previous tour, but Bruce launched right into the lyrics after changing his guitar after Lonesome Day, great version! At one point the band stopped playing, Bruce then started it again with his guitar while the rest of the band was clapping to build up the mood, as most of the crowd didn't know this one! And then…. they barely ended Take 'Em before we heard the well-known opening tones of Prove It All Night! This one always sound like a highlight on the bootlegs, but it's such a bigger highlight when you're there! Bruce really seemed to stretch out the guitar solo at the end, and it went on for almost 2 minutes I guess! What a song! Now I was hoping we'd get another rocker before the acoustic numbers, and I was pleased to see Bruce getting an electric guitar from Kevin! 'My Love Will Not Let You Down'! Looks like this one is turning into a regular for the stadium tour, that's good! Just like Prove It I think this one is so much better live than on the album! The guitar-jamming at the end with Nils - Bruce & Stevie in a row was fantastic! Very powerful! Empty Sky: After 3 hard rockers AFTER The Rising\Lonesome Day I was pretty sure they would now go into the acoustic spot, and they did! Empty Sky is so beautiful, and I'm surprised how well it worked in a big outdoor stadium! The same goes for You're Missing too! Maybe even more sad! Now I know why Bruce keep performing these two every single night! I still think Nothing Man and (especially) Paradise deserve to be played more, but not instead of Empty Sky & You're Missing! And now the highlight for my very good friend: Waitin' On A Sunny Day! When You're Missing was finished and the band changed their instruments I asked him if he was ready to sing ?! 'I'm pretty sure we'll get Sunny Day' now I said. I know that one, he said with a big smile on his face! And we did have to sing! Soozie does some nice violin 'riffs' on this one, and the entire song really gets the crowd going! I was impressed by Bruce who turned upside down on his mic, that was strong! He has to be in very good shape! Very cool too! Like in Barcelona last year Stevie got to sing the first chorus, and Bruce called him over like this: Sing it Stevie you sexy thing! Very funny, and it made Stevie burst into laughing, which gave him huge problems with the singing! Great! Now I was holding my breath and wondering about what he would play next! I noticed a harmonica in his left hand when he got up to the mic, and man it was fantastic! Everything about the song: I love it! the harmonica, the singalong at the end, the solos… Tremendous! Miser I ain't a boy… no I'm a man… and I believe in a Promised Land! Next up was Worlds Apart! I was hoping for one more oldie first, but I wasn't disappointed either! It seemed a little shorter now than from the latest bootlegs I've heard! But it was still very good! Nils does a hell of a job on this song! His banjo playing really adds an eastern touch to the song! Especially now that the playback of the Africans group is almost completely removed! Nils also took the first short electric solo! And I was glad he was allowed to join Bruce & Stevie for a solo at the end again. He is one hell of a guitar player, and I noticed how he played three different guitars during this song! I also noticed Danny playing the accordion on this one, to great effect! Short bridge and BADLANDS was next! The ultimate Bruce song number 3 to me, only beaten by BTR & Thunder Road! A definitive highlight of the show! Unlike the MTV broadcast from last years concert in Barcelona Stevie now took the solo! And I'm glad he did! I think he puts more into his solos than Bruce (at least this one), and he did make it sound better! A smart-move from Bruce to give more of the solos to the two other guitarists! Badlands wasn't actually a surprise, but I was really looking forward to hear it. And to be honest, it was a whole lot better than I would have ever dreamed of! "Can I get a witness…. ?" What's up with that? And "Are You Ready To meet me…. ?" That makes more sense though… Out In The Street!!! Great follow up to Badlands! Bruce is truly enjoying to perform this song, which is great to see live I think! So much better when you're there compared to any bootleg, and Live In NYC - both the DVD & CD! I would definitely not have been without this song! They played it very well, and it had a great effect to the crowd! The highlight of the song was when the band members (Stevie, Patti, Nils & Clarence) all got to sing a line! Great song anyway, but I would rather see She's the One there on Thursday, rather than OITS twice, but I won't complain about that one either! Are You Ready ??? !!! House-party, at Mary's Place! Great! He sang the extra verse at the beginning with 'there's a place, right across two whenever you're ready…' and so on! I was afraid it was going to be long, but it wasn't! The band intros was great! Next up was the 2nd big surprise of the night! I saw Bruce getting his telecaster and Nils the acoustic one, I know that's the guitars they're playing on Downbound Train, and it was played in Hamburg so I thought maybe 2 nights in a row. I would of course not mind that at all, but we got Point Blank! And the best version I've ever heard! better than any bootleg I've heard! The 'spiritual' sax intro from the reunion tour was gone, and I didn't really miss it! Bruce had to sing the first line before I recognized it! Great performance! He really pout a lot into his singing and did barely touch his guitar! Stevie on the other hand did a very nice job on the guitar, he looked so focused! He barely took his eyes of his guitar during the entire song! Roy's piano was excellent to, along with Danny's organ. The four of them together (Bruce, Stevie, Danny & Roy) made this song I think. An outstanding performance! If PB gets played again on the tour I doubt it will be any better than this… "oh-oh-oh-oh-ohhhhhhhhh……." or something like that, be glad you can't hear me! Patti does it so great! the intro to Into The Fire which was next after PB! Great version! I know this is far from the best piece of the Rising album, but I think it is a little better live than on the album! And the way he keep repeating the lyrics: May your strength give us strength and so on makes it powerful! A very emotional song, that looks pretty important to Bruce to perform! I've finally started to like it :) And now, sorry for those of you who can stand this long review if you read all the way to this point, I will have to apologies if I get personal! Anyway… After ITF I was expecting Tenth as I knew that was played the last couple of nights, but NO! Bruce got his *new* Fender from Kevin and I got what I wanted most of all: Thunder Road! I can't believe what I heard! So beautiful! I was praying I would hear it at my first show but I didn't dare to hope for it! but Thunder Road it was, in all it's glory! I have to admit I felt a tear in my eye as I enjoyed every second of this masterpiece! Lying out there like a killer in the sun, hey I know it's late we can make it if we run. Oh Thunder Road, sit tight take hold, Thunder Road! Priceless!!! End of main-set. Bruce & The E Streeters leaves the stage pretty fast! One minute later they're back up there! I didn't really know what to expect, but Bobby jean would seem very likely! But the guitar intro from Bruce made no doubt: Darlington County!!! This is an encore song now I think! A lot of fun, and another opportunity for the crowd to singalong. My friend found it funny how it was now Nils now sharing the mic with Bruce for a short verse! Great solos at the end by Clarence & Soozie! Darlington County was barely finished before they launched in to Bobby Jean! I love this song, and was very pleased to hear it! Worked great after Darlington County! Nils does some nice guitar work on this one! Great solo at the end by the Big Man! Are you ready to roadhouse? !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ramrod! So much goofing around, so funny! At some bootlegs I happend to find this one a bit long, but when you're there it's almost to short! All compliments to the professor (Roy Bittan) who was left alone at the stage and stayed there for a couple of minutes and played a long rocking piano solo! And then someone came onstage and put a cowboy hat on his head before Bruce and the band got back up behind him! I think it was his wife who came out with the cowboy hat! Highlight: Bruce: Stevie…. what I wanna know is….. what time is it ???……………………………… (all the silence in the world)……………………………………………………. Stevie: As I expected……………. IT'S BOSS TIME !!!!!!!!!! No more comments needed I think! One two three four…………. and the ultimate Bruce song. BORN TO RUN !!!!! Quick question: is the comments on this one really needed ?! I guess not, but as this was my first Bruce show it was really special to see and hear it with all the lights on! It was actually pretty dark by now! 'Cause Tramps Like Us….. Baby We Were Born To Run !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Without any break after BTR he went straight into Seven Nights To Rock! Which was pretty good! A real encore song as well! A good way to end the first encore, without any doubt! I've heard the mp3 from the first time they performed it in Paris, and luckily it was a lot better by now! Both Stevie & Nils got to play some great solos on it! I also noticed an unknown man next to Patti onstage (?) Who was this?! He played the same electric guitar that Patti does on Ramrod, and he was singing with her in her mic at the chorus! At the end I got the answer from Bruce himself, he pointed at him and said: my brother in law! And that was the end of the first encore! My friend was by now a little disappointed and said: already done ?! This must have been among his shortest shows if it's true what you're telling me, that they usually play for almost 3 hours! Hell no if this is the end I said, and we were both glad I was right! Now Bruce sat down behind the piano and started off a very moving version of My City Of Ruins! And it was very moving! They way they play it live is a lot better than the album version. Great solos in the middle from Danny, Clarence and Soozie! The 'Come On Rise Up' part at the end worked very powerful, especially considering how he started it solo at the piano! A very nice song! Once MCoR was done Max started the well-known rhythm, and there it was, Bruce came up to the mic and said it himself as he started to play his guitar, "This is Land Of Hope And Dreams"! And when you think of it: it does sound that way! Very good song, with a nice arrangement, and some genius lyrics from Bruce! No matter how much I enjoy this song I couldn't help but having random feelings about it! I loved it, and enjoyed it very much, on the other hand I felt a little sad knowing that it was about to come to an end. GREAT song, superb 'almost show-closer'! After LOHAD the band now gathered in front of the stage and held up their hands and thanked everybody! Now Bruce started to make a point of pretending to be so worn out he couldn't get his guitar of the ground, and needed the crowds help! And he got it, of course! And Dancing In The Dark was a great song to finish after LOHAD! I've never been a big fan of this song, until last year, in Tacoma in August, when he started to play it in the new arrangement, like a real rocker! It works so good! A lot better than the pop-style version on the album! Did went pretty fast and again the band was back at the front holding up their hands and thanking us, while we was thanking them at the same time! The mood was still unbelievable. I turned to my buddy and said: 'Now it's the end I'm afraid'. He just looked back at me with a 'Yeah, right!'-expression on his face and said: Hell no! I'm glad I was wrong and he was right! Bruce again took his Telecaster and started of Glory Days! Great party-song which rocks big time! I love this song, and I'm glad Bruce can find room for both Ramrod & GD in the encores! GD was (unfortunately) the last song, but on the other hand it worked great as the final number of the concert! Luckily it was a LONG Glory Days with a lot of goofing around! And with Stevie playing the mandolin after the 2nd chorus! Again Stevie was referred to as 'You Sexy Thing'! Now, for those who say Glory Days sounds a little rusty and worn out: You've got a problem, if he plays it and you don't want to hear it, it's your problem! Leave for the bathroom (or something). Find yourself a tree or whatever ;-) Glory Days rocks !!! And that was it. I never think I've been witness to three hours that went of so fast! To fast I'd say! Can't wait 'till Thursday! My second show at Valle Hovin, Oslo, Norway! Anyway… I think Bruce, and the band too, was in a great mood on this beautiful night in Copenhagen and they rocked the house (or stadium) for three solid hours! Before we left the stadium we payed a little attention to the big screens where they played an acoustic version of Countin' On A Miracle with Bruce solo on the acoustic guitar! Pretty sweet! And with that I think the most important is said! A HUGE Thank You for those of you who has the courage to read the entire review. For those of you who does not: I understand you!!! It's just that after a experience like that you have to relive it you know, that's what I just did. I'm sorry it turned out to be SO long. Now I'm going to quote a line that Bruce and Stevie sang to each other (on the BITUSA tour I think) that is pretty special to me: (to Bruce). Thanks for the joy that you've given me !!! |
Jens | What a Great Night. It was my 2 concert with Bruce. - First time was in Sweden 18 years ago. It was fantastic then, but this time even better. I was placed up on the roof far from the stage, but the atmosphere was great. Bruce entered the stage solo, and gave "Born in the USA" acoustic"" - and then "The Rising" and 4-5 other rocking songs. "Prove it all Night" really got us up from the seat. "Empty Sky " - What a thrill listening to 40000 people singing like a silent echo - "Waiting on a Sunny Day", turned the show into a party and "Badlands" was the song where the whole stadium was like a waving see. After nearly 3 hours the show was over after "Dancing in the Dark" - but then came "Glory Days" Thank You for a Great Night. |
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